
What's the difference between rosemary and thyme? How do you keep rosemary?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rosemary alias the dew of the ocean. Evergreen shrub having erect gray-green narrowly pointed leaves that emit pine scent and have been regarded as memory-enhancing herbs since ancient times. Light blue flowers bloom in spring and summer. Rosemary, native to the Mediterranean coast, is an evergreen shrub with small blue flowers in summer.

Rosemary alias the dew of the ocean. Evergreen shrub having erect gray-green narrowly pointed leaves that emit pine scent and have been regarded as memory-enhancing herbs since ancient times. Light blue flowers bloom in spring and summer. Rosemary, native to the Mediterranean coast, is an evergreen shrub with small blue flowers that look like water droplets in summer, so rosmarinus means "dew in the sea" in Latin. Rosemary also symbolizes loyalty, so it is common for brides to use lost incense as an accessory in European weddings to tell the world that she is unswerving in love.

Thyme, a spice commonly used in European cooking, is spicy and used to add to stews, eggs, or soups. It should be added as soon as possible to fully release the aroma. In Europe, thyme is traditionally regarded as a symbol of courage, so it was often given to knights in the Middle Ages. Known in China as ground pepper, ground pepper, mountain pepper, mountain pepper, thyme and so on, produced in the northwest region. Especially in the mountainous areas of southern Ningxia, the local people concentrate on picking, drying and storing them during the Dragon Boat Festival, or stir-fry them until dry. When the heat comes in June, making tea to quench your thirst is called the top grade. In the complete Collection of Household essential things in the Yuan Dynasty, it is noted that thyme is added to the hump and hump hoof seasoning. Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica recorded: "the taste is slightly pungent, and the natives cook mutton, which is delicious." Native to southern Europe, thyme is widely cultivated as a gourmet spice.

In terms of efficacy, rosemary can eliminate flatulence, enhance memory, wake up and relieve headaches. Making tea with rosemary has a refreshing effect. Rosemary can also strengthen liver function, reduce blood sugar, contribute to the treatment of arteriosclerosis and restore vitality of paralyzed limbs. In addition, it also has a strong convergence effect, recuperate greasy and unclean skin, and promote blood circulation, which is also one of the reasons why many women who lose weight like rosemary essential oil.

Thyme has been a favorite of Europeans since ancient times. Fresh thyme, the smell is elegant and fragrant, after cooking, it is not too charming to describe its fragrance. As a result, thyme is also known as "the holy product of flirting on the dinner table" by Europeans. Thyme is a kind of herb growing in low altitude, mostly in the temperate zones of northern Africa, Europe and Asia. The north of the Yellow River in China, especially the northwest region is the main planting area. As a food, thyme can not only flavor and increase flavor, but also improve digestive system, promote blood circulation, enhance immunity and relieve neuropathic pain from the perspective of dietotherapy. It also helps to activate brain cells and improve memory and attention. Experiments have shown that eating thyme can also fight depression and soothe the soul.

In use, thyme is usually cooked with fresh or dry branches and leaves, but it should also be noted that the total amount of this kind of spice plants should not exceed 20 grams per day, so as not to be too irritating to the human body.

Generally speaking, thyme is different from what we think of as parsley and other flavored ingredients, it must be put in at the beginning of cooking, so that its aroma can be fully emitted to achieve the best results. Thyme as a cooking ingredient, fresh is better, dried thyme flavor will be about 40% less than fresh.

Rosemary planting

Rosemary this kind of grass likes the mild climate, the south can be planted outdoors all the year round, and in the north it is necessary to move indoors in winter or take other heat preservation measures. Its growth rate is not fast, not as fast as mint and basil. Rosemary requires at least 8 hours of direct sunshine a day, with moderate watering (less watering), and mature plants can be watered thoroughly every 4 to 7 days.

Rosemary likes alkaline soil, if the soil is acidic, it can be opened with quicklime, and the lime slurry can directly water the flowers. Rosemary can bear it. It can be mixed in the soil for several days and then used to change pots. If there is no quicklime, the desiccant of Wangxianbei and other foods is lime, dosage reference: one pack to 1 gallon basin.

Rosemary grows fast in spring and autumn, slow in cold and summer, and needs sufficient light, but pay attention to shade in summer, rosemary is more resistant to drought, dry and thoroughly watered, less water in winter, pay attention to anti-freezing, usually two days a day in summer.

If you plant in the garden, please choose a well-drained soil. Waterlogged soil will cause rosemary root rot. The more alkaline the soil, the better the rosemary. If the soil is too acidic, bury some lime in the soil.

As for rosemary fertilization, don't worry about it. Vanilla plants don't need fertilizer. However, make sure the soil contains some lime.

Time: 2019-04-12 Click: