
Forget-me-not family planting and maintenance

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Don't forget that I have light blue flowers, fresh and pleasant. It has a great ornamental effect, and many people will ask whether forget-me-not families can grow it. How to plant and maintain? In fact, it is highly adaptable, likes dry, cool climate, and is easy to grow. Do not forget me how to plant?

Don't forget that I have light blue flowers, fresh and pleasant. It has a great ornamental effect, and many people will ask whether forget-me-not families can grow it. How to plant and maintain? In fact, it is highly adaptable, likes dry, cool climate, and is easy to grow.

First, do not forget me how to plant?

I suddenly forget that I have two ways of sowing, propagation and tissue culture. The seeds are generally sown from September to January of the following year, and the seeds are light-resistant. After sowing, the seeds should be slightly covered with soil and maintain humidity. Under the suitable temperature of 15-20 ℃, it germinated after 10-15 days. The sowing temperature should not exceed 25 ℃, the sprouts should be ventilated, and the seedlings should be planted when they have more than 5 true leaves. The tissue culture seedlings cultivated by tissue culture technique were planted with 4 or 6 leaves.

II. Forget-me-not planting method and maintenance

1. Soil

I suddenly forget that I don't have high requirements for soil, but it is better to use sandy loam soil with loose and permeable air and deep soil layer. Adjust the acidity and alkalinity of the soil before planting to make it slightly alkaline. The amount of base fertilizer accounts for 70% of the total fertilizer use, and it should contain 1.75 kg of nitrogen, 2.0 kg of phosphorus, 2.1 kg of potassium and 0.14 kg of boron per 100 m 2 planting bed. The base fertilizer uses slow-acting compound fertilizer and mature organic fertilizer, which is evenly turned into the soil after application. Make the border flat, and the border is about 20cm high. The row spacing of the plant is 30 cm × 40 cm, and the double rows are staggered. If 3 rows are planted, 3 rows are staggered, which is beneficial to ventilation and light transmission. Seedling planting should not be too deep, the planting depth should be flat between the rhizome and the soil surface, and should be watered in time after planting.

two。 Fertilizer application

The total amount of fertilization during the forget-me-not growth period, of which 70% of nitrogen and potassium were used as base fertilizer, 30% of which were used as topdressing, and all phosphate fertilizer was used as base fertilizer, generally once a season. Topdressing potassium fertilizer and boron fertilizer at flowering stage are beneficial to improve the quality and yield of cut flowers. Do not forget me like dry and well-drained environment, avoid waterlogging. The amount of watering should be properly controlled during the whole growth period, otherwise it will lead to the decline of flowering quality and yield.

3. Temperature

Suddenly forget that I like cool environment, afraid of hot weather. In cultivated species, it is best to control the ambient temperature at 12-20 ℃. Forget-me-not plants have strong cold resistance. Under the natural temperature of winter in Kunming, some varieties can survive the winter in the open field, and most varieties will sprout and blossom next spring as long as their roots have fully grown before the beginning of winter, even if all the aboveground leaves are withered. However, forget-me-not flowering is very sensitive to low temperature. Only when the daytime temperature is above 20 ℃ and the night temperature is not lower than 10 ℃, the flower branches can grow and blossom.

4. Light

I suddenly forgot that I had to be exposed to enough sunlight to grow normally. If the environment is shaded, the bushes are luxuriant, but there are few scape. Therefore, the plants should be exposed to sunlight for more than 4 hours a day. If you can ensure all-day sunshine, you will grow better.

5. Pest control

Suddenly forget that my diseases are gray mold, powdery mildew, virus disease and so on. Botrytis cinerea can be controlled by 800 ~ 1000 chlorothalonil and methyl topiramate for 3 times. Powdery mildew can be controlled by spraying powdery mildew, and virus diseases can be controlled by timely removal of diseased plants and spraying insecticides to prevent insect-borne diseases. Shell insects are the most common pest of tortoise-backed bamboo. In small amounts, they can be cleaned with an old toothbrush and sprayed with 1000 times omethoate EC.

III. The main value of forget-me-not

Don't forget me has the function of clearing heat and detoxification, clearing the heart and eyesight, nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, suitable for lung wind acne, boils and boils, rough skin, blurred vision, constipation, short yellow urine and so on. It has the effects of nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing beauty, tonifying blood, promoting metabolism, delaying cell aging, improving immune ability, anti-virus, anti-cancer and anti-cancer. It is also used to treat freckles and acne, low immunity, virus infection, cardio-cerebrovascular insufficiency and other diseases. In addition, there are whitening skin, clearing the liver and eyesight, nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, and can promote body metabolism, delay cell aging, and improve immunity. Contains vitamin C, eliminates fat and avoids wrinkles and dark spots.

The implication of flower language:

Flower words: eternal love, strong friendship, immutable heart, everlasting memories.

Moral: "Please do not forget my sincere love" or on behalf of "Please miss me, faithful hope that everything is not too late, I will come back to give you happiness".

Time: 2019-04-12 Click: