
How to fertilize grapes

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to fertilize grapes

In the process of planting grapes, fertilizing the grapes is a very important step in planting management. Scientific fertilization is not only conducive to the growth of grape seedlings, but also improve the yield and quality of grapes. So how do we fertilize the grapes? What do you need to pay attention to when fertilizing? Let's follow the editor to learn the techniques of fertilizing grapes.

1. The law of fertilization

Before fertilizing the grape, we should first understand the fertilizer law of grape growth, and then fertilize reasonably according to its fertilizer demand, so as to ensure the normal growth of the grape. Grape is a kind of fertilizer-loving plant, which has a great demand for fertilizer, especially during the period of full fruit. The second is that it has a large demand for potash fertilizer, and the demand for micro-fertilizer is also greater than that of other fruit trees. Finally, the demand for fertilizer of grape in different growth periods will also change accordingly, so it needs to be fertilized reasonably according to its growth stage, and fertilizer can not be abused casually.

2. Base fertilizer

The amount of base fertilizer is relatively large, which is related to the growth of grapes for a year and plays an important role in the growth of grapes. Among them, the amount of base fertilizer reached about 70% of the total fertilizer application in a year, or even higher. The annual base fertilizer of grape is generally carried out after autumn fruit harvest. Fertilization during this period can not only promote the recovery of tree potential, enhance the ability of winter resistance, but also promote the sprouting and flower bud differentiation of grape in the coming year. Base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, combined with the use of appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer, of which the total amount of fertilizer is almost 850 kilograms. Base fertilizer is mainly carried out by ditching and fertilization, so as to avoid harming the roots of grapevines.

3. Topdressing

The late topdressing of grape is mainly divided into five stages: budding fertilizer, pre-flowering fertilizer, strong fruit fertilizer, coloring fertilizer and post-harvest topdressing. The type and amount of fertilizer required for different stages are different. Generally in February topdressing sprouting fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, the amount per mu is about 20 kg, and the appropriate use of 10 kg of phosphate fertilizer for ditch or hole application. Pre-flowering fertilizer is carried out at the end of April, mainly nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer per mu is controlled at 15 kg, phosphorus fertilizer is about 10 kg, and should be carried out in conjunction with watering. During the period of strong fruit, there is a large amount of fertilizer, which is mainly nitrogen fertilizer and potash fertilizer, the amount of potash fertilizer is 40 kg, nitrogen fertilizer is about 30 kg. In order to make the grape color more uniform and improve the quality of the grape, then we also need to apply potash and magnesium fertilizer properly. Finally, after the grape harvest, in order to ease the tree situation, we can properly use about 15 kilograms of ternary compound fertilizer. Of course, it can also be combined with the base fertilizer for the coming year.

4. Matters needing attention in fertilization

There are a few points we need to pay special attention to when fertilizing grapes. First of all, the basic fertilizer should not be applied too shallow, otherwise it will cause dead seedlings; the second is to apply proper fertilization to prevent leaves from yellowing, but not to apply fertilizer blindly and supplement iron; and it is not that the more fertilizer, the better, it is necessary to apply fertilizer reasonably. finally, fertilization should not be too close to the trunk, and attention should be paid to watering after fertilization.

The above is the introduction of the fertilization technology of grapes that the editor is going to share with you today, hoping to help those who have just started to grow grapes and those who do not know how to fertilize grapes reasonably.