
How to raise the rich tree of kapok family? Breeding methods and matters needing attention, what to do with yellowing leaves, watering

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rich tree means festive, rich, in recent years by the majority of flower friends love, put it in the home, office or shop, then how to raise the rich tree? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? What if the leaves turn yellow? The culture method of the rich tree, the choice of the pot soil, the flowerpot: most flower friends know

Rich tree means festive, rich, in recent years by the majority of flower friends love, put it in the home, office or shop, then how to raise the rich tree? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? What if the leaves turn yellow?

The culture method of rich tree

1. The choice of soil for making a fortune.

Flowerpot: most flower friends know that growing flowers depends on the size of the flowerpot, the breathability of the flowerpot, the depth of the flowerpot, and choose according to the habits of the flowers. Because the root system of the rich tree is underdeveloped, we can not choose the kind of basin with poor air permeability, too deep and easy to accumulate water, and it is easy to cause rotting roots because of watering problems. You can also use the method of large pots and small pots to raise wealth trees, which can not only solve the problem of beauty, but also solve the problem of stagnant water.

Soil: rich trees generally use loose vegetable garden soil or peat soil, rotten leaf soil, coarse sand, plus a small amount of compound fertilizer or chicken manure as base fertilizer and culture soil.

2. Water and fertilizer management of rich trees.

Watering: watering is an important link in the process of maintenance and management of rich trees. If the amount of water is small, the branches and leaves will grow slowly; if the amount of water is too large, it may lead to the death of rotten roots; if the amount of water is moderate, the branches and leaves will be hypertrophic. Watering should adhere to the principle that it is better to be wet than dry, followed by the principle of "more and less", that is, more watering in summer and less in winter; more watering for large and medium-sized plants with vigorous growth, and less watering for small plants newly planted in pots.

Fertilization: rich trees are fertilizer-loving flowers and trees, and the demand for fertilizer is greater than that of common flowers and trees. When changing the basin every year, we should apply sufficient base fertilizer, the proportion of fertilizer and soil is about 1:3, or even more. The growth period of the rich tree is from May to September, fertilizing once every 15 days, and using mature liquid fertilizer or mixed flower fertilizer can promote deep roots and luxuriant leaves.

3. The light and temperature of the rich tree

Light: the rich tree likes high temperature, humidity and sunlight, and can not be shaded for a long time. Family maintenance should be placed in a sunny place indoors. When placed, the leaves must be facing the sun. Otherwise, because the leaves tend to light, the whole branches and leaves will be distorted. Also can not be long-term shade suddenly moved to the sun, the leaves are easy to burn.

Temperature: the best temperature for the growth of wealth trees is between 20 and 30 degrees, so they are afraid of the cold in winter. When the temperature drops to 10 degrees, they should enter the house. If the temperature is lower than 8 degrees, cold injury will occur, light fallen leaves and heavy death. In winter, we should pay attention to measures to prevent cold and keep warm.

In addition, every 3 to 5 days, spray water to the leaves with a spray can to increase leaf moisture and air humidity, which is not only conducive to photosynthesis, but also make branches and leaves more beautiful.

4. The propagation method of rich tree.

There are two main propagation methods of rich trees, which can be sown or cut. Sowing and propagation can be carried out when the temperature is kept above 20 degrees, and cuttings can be removed from May to June for propagation.

Matters needing attention in the culture of rich trees

1. Change the basin of the rich tree

According to the need, the basin can be changed in spring, and the branches and leaves can be trimmed once to promote the renewal of branches and leaves.

2. Common diseases and insect pests of rich trees

The common diseases of rich trees are root rot and leaf blight, and the larvae of sugarcane moth will be harmed in the process of growth. In addition, it should be noted that the rich tree will also appear leaf yellowing, leaf shedding phenomenon, timely observation, early prevention.

3. Pruning of wealth trees

If the rich tree is planted outdoors, it does not need to be pruned and allowed to grow, but if it is not pruned in time, it is easy to grow too fast and affect the ornamental. Timely pruning can control its growth rate and change its shape to make the plant more ornamental.

The causes of the yellowing leaves of the rich tree and its solutions

Reason 1: improper watering

Rich trees like warm and humid climates. too much or too little watering will cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Too much watering, the soil in the basin is often kept too wet, the roots of the rich tree can not breathe smoothly, the roots rot, and then gradually spread to the branches, and finally the leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off, and in serious cases the whole plant dies.

Too little watering, wet above the basin soil and dry below, will not only affect the absorption of nutrients, but also cause the leaves to be dull, and gradually wither and fall off from the bottom to the top. The rich tree makes a silent protest against your laziness.

Solution: timely ventilation, basin turning or water replenishment

When watering too much, put it by the window to make it ventilated and loosen the soil. If the basin soil cannot be dried in a short time and is silt-like, you can pad a layer of absorbent cotton cloth on the bottom of the flowerpot and replace it with a new one when wet through, or blow it with a fan breeze. If the soil does not dry out by all means, then change it.

When watering too little, the soil surface cracks, in the case of not all yellowing, gradually replenish water. First wet the soil surface, water a little for an hour, and gradually water through. Avoid one-time watering, lest the root absorb water and expand, affecting the growth.

Reason 2: improper lighting

Rich trees like sunlight, but they are not resistant to direct sunlight, and hot sun exposure or long-term shade can also cause withered and yellow leaves.

Put the wealth tree in the corner of the indoor wall, pay too much attention to the ornamental effect, so that the wealth tree has been in a shady environment for a long time, which will lead to the growth of new branches and leaves, dull old leaves and a large number of shedding. Summer is hot, you can only blow air-conditioning in the house, how can the rich tree withstand the impact of the scorching sun. If you forget to move it to a shady place at noon, you can only accept the yellowing of the leaves.

Solution: move to the semi-shade.

For the case of sudden exposure to sunlight, which leads to the yellowing of the leaves of the rich tree, there is little chance of saving. The leaves are yellowed due to excessive exposure, and the water volatilization of the leaves is serious, which is difficult to recover in a short time, so it is recommended to move to a semi-shady place. Properly watered, the yellowed leaves will slowly fall off, waiting for new buds to grow.

Reason 3: too much fertilizer

If you are in a hurry, you must be afraid that the rich tree will become malnourished due to lack of fertilizer. But not even excessive fertilization. The nutrients absorbed by the rich tree are quantitative. If the fertilizer is applied too much, the plant absorbs enough nutrients, and the remaining fertilizer will burn the roots of the rich tree, thus leading to the yellowing of the leaves.

Solution: root trimming and soil replacement

Excessive fertilization causes the roots of the rich tree to rot, remove the plant from the pot, clean up the rotten part, replace it with new soil, and replant it. Or through watering, dilute the nutrients in the soil, reduce fertility.

Reason 4: temperature discomfort

Some people hate summer and winter because one temperature is too high and the other is too low. In fact, the same is true of plants. The suitable temperature for rich trees to grow is 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃. Too high or too low will affect their growth.

If the temperature in the growing environment of the rich tree is too high, the transpiration is too strong, and the water and nutrients in the roots are insufficient, the leaves will gradually dry up and turn yellow. But if the temperature is too low, for example, the winter temperature is lower than 16 ℃, the leaves are easy to yellowing and falling off, and the leaves below 10 ℃ are easy to die.

Solution: cooling and increasing temperature

In summer, because the temperature is too high to cause the rich tree yellow leaves, move the plant to a shady place in time, sprinkle water to cool down, if the yellowing is not serious, it will slowly resume growth. In winter, raise the maintenance temperature appropriately to avoid plant frostbite.

Reason 5: diseases and insect pests

The rich tree is attacked by fungi and bacteria, which leads to leaf spot disease, local necrosis of the leaves, yellow patches or spots, and in serious cases, the whole piece is withered and fallen.

There are not only germs coveting the rich tree, but also many pests such as red spiders and shell insects, which will also cause the withered and yellow leaves of the rich tree, so observe carefully.

Solution: spraying medicament

Strengthen ventilation and spray chemicals in time. According to different diseases and insect pests, choose the corresponding fungicides, spray once every 5-7 days, spray 3-4 times basically meet. (recommended medicament: carbendazim, chlorothalonil, Huasen)

Reason 6: the branches and leaves are too dense

The growth ability of the rich tree is relatively strong, so the branches and leaves grow vigorously, if you do not have the habit of regular pruning, then the branches and leaves hidden at the bottom will turn yellow and droop because of lack of light and lack of ventilation.

Solution: pruning in time

The wealth trees in many flower friends' homes have grown into straw hats and are not pruned. As a kind of foliage plant, it is important to have luxuriant branches and leaves. But it is your fault that there are too many leaves that hinder the growth of the plant.

The rich tree grows faster, for the potted plants with luxuriant branches and leaves, you can prune part of the branches, do not have to give up, they will soon grow new buds, and the plants will grow more luxuriantly.

Reason 7: soil is alkaline.

Soil is an indispensable factor for the growth of wealth trees. in most parts of the north, the soil contains more saline and alkali, but the wealth tree likes acidity, and it is a big deal if the soil is not satisfied with water and soil. the result of malnutrition is that the leaves are withered and yellow.

Solution: acidified soil

Rich trees are suitable for growing in acidic soil, and yellowing rich trees can be remedied by changing the acidity and basicity of the soil in time. Do not need to take off the basin, do not need to change the soil, just apply a certain amount of ferrous sulfate to the soil and sprinkle it directly in the flowerpot, which can not only increase the soil fertility, but also acidify the soil, killing two birds with one stone.

Be careful not to use vinegar in the process of acidifying the soil. It is true that vinegar can quickly make the soil sour, but because the change is radical, it will damage the organic matter in the soil and reduce the soil fertility.


Time: 2019-04-10 Click: