
How much is the parsley seed per jin? What kind of varieties are of high yield? How do you plant it?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coriander is a common vegetable in daily life, and its special aroma can dispel the fishy smell of meat, so many people like to use it as seasoning, eating raw and so on.

Coriander is a common vegetable in daily life, and its special aroma can dispel the fishy smell of meat, so many people like to use it as seasoning, eating raw, etc., how much is the coriander seed per jin? What kind of varieties are of high yield? How do you plant it?

Coriander seed price

At present, the coriander seed on the market is about 12.5 yuan / jin. There may be slight differences in market prices in different places, so please consult the local farmers' market for details.

What kind of variety should I buy?

1. Beijing coriander

The local varieties in the suburbs of Beijing have a long history of cultivation. The tender plant is about 30 cm, and the degree of development is 35 cm. Leaves green, dark green or purple halo in case of low temperature. The petiole is slender and light green, with a yield of 1500-2500 kg per 667m2, which is earlier than cold tolerance and can be cultivated all the year round.

2. Purple parsley

Also known as purple stem parsley. The plant is short and grows on the ground. The height of the plant is 7 cm and the degree of development is 14 cm. Precocious and edible about 30 days after sowing. Cold resistance, strong drought resistance, few diseases and insect pests, generally per 667m2 yield of about 1000 kg.

3. Yuanyang autumn coriander

Local varieties in Yuanyang County, Hebei Province. The plant is tall, the tender plant is 42 cm high, the degree of development is more than 30 cm, the weight of single plant is 28 grams, the tender plant is tender, fragrant, good quality, disease resistance, heat resistance, drought resistance, like fertilizer. The average output is 1200 kg per 667m2.

4. White parsley

Also known as green stem coriander, it is an effective local variety in Shanghai. Strong fragrance, late maturity, cold tolerance, like fertilizer, few diseases and insect pests, but low yield, 600-700 kg per 667 square meters.

5. Shandong Daye

Local varieties in Shandong. Plant height 45 cm, large leaves, strong color, petiole purple, less fiber, strong fragrance, good quality, but poor heat resistance.

How do you plant it?

1. Variety selection

There are not many varieties of coriander, which can basically be used for greenhouse cultivation, such as purple coriander, white coriander and so on.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization

Select fertile plots with strong water and fertility conservation, turn the land deeply before sowing, and apply enough organic fertilizer as base fertilizer. Each mu uses 3000 kilograms of high-quality soil fertilizer or 2000 kilograms of human feces and urine as the base fertilizer, the fertilizer and soil is mixed and crushed and leveled, and the greenhouse is 4-6 meters wide to make two high beds.

3. Sowing seeds

Winter parsley is generally sown from early October to mid-November and harvested from late November to March of the following year. Before sowing, the coriander seeds should be crushed and rubbed open to separate the seeds so that the seedlings can emerge evenly. It can be sowed with dry seeds or sowed after budding, and the latter can emerge 7-10 days earlier and emerge neatly. Buckle the plastic film in the shed before sowing, carefully level the border surface, fully irrigate, sprinkle a layer of thin soil after the water permeates, and then spread evenly, the covering soil is about 1 cm thick.

4. Post-sowing management of parsley

Keep the soil moist and unhardened after sowing coriander seeds to ensure that the seedlings emerge neatly. When the seedling height is 2 cm, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer can be applied with water; when the seedling height is 3-4 cm, weeding and thinning seedlings should be ploughed, and watering at seedling stage should not be too much; when the seedling height is about 10 cm, it should be watered frequently to keep the soil surface moist, and combined with watering and topdressing for 1-2 times, use more available nitrogen fertilizer. Parsley has strong cold tolerance. The temperature management of winter parsley in greenhouse is to strengthen ventilation in the early stage, keep the greenhouse temperature no more than 25 ℃ in the daytime, and keep the greenhouse temperature 15-20 ℃ in the day and no less than 5 ℃ at night to facilitate growth, and multiple mulching can be used to promote growth.

5. Disease and pest control

The main disease of parsley is leaf blight, which can be controlled by spraying Dysen zinc or methyl topiramate at the initial stage of the disease, once every 7 days, alternately for 2 or 3 times. Pests are mainly aphids, which should be controlled by spraying in time.

6. Harvest

Winter parsley in the greenhouse can be harvested about 45 days after sowing and when the seedling height is 15cm to 20cm. Fertilizer and water are applied once for each harvest to promote growth. A total of 3 times of harvest, the yield per mu can reach about 1000 kg.

Time: 2019-04-10 Click: