
When does Changsheng plant five-colored plum usually blossom? How much is the seed per jin? Can I keep it at home? How to plant and raise

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Five-colored plum, also known as Shandadan, Ruyi grass, colorful flowers, Wuledan, five-color hydrangea, discoloration grass, bright red hydrangea, originated in South America, West India, is now widely cultivated in countries all over the world. So when do five-colored plums usually blossom? How much is the seed per jin? Can I keep it at home? How to plant and maintain

Five-colored plum, also known as Shandadan, Ruyi grass, colorful flowers, Wuledan, five-color hydrangea, discoloration grass, bright red hydrangea, originated in South America, West India, is now widely cultivated in countries all over the world. So when do five-colored plums usually blossom? How much is the seed per jin? Can I keep it at home? How to plant and maintain? I learned from the Shuyang seed Company that the seed price of five-colored plum is about 50 murmur80 yuan per jin, and the sowing amount per mu is 5 MULI and 6 jin.

When do five-colored plums usually blossom?

The general florescence of five-colored plum is about mid-April and late April to mid-February of the next year, but it can be seen to bloom almost all year round due to the influence of climate and temperature. There are often multicolor changes in a clump of inflorescences, so the alias is also called five-colored plum and colorful flowers; at the same time, the branches and leaves contain a special irritating smell, so Ma Yingdan also has aliases such as smelly grass and smelly Jinfeng. It was introduced by the Dutch in Taiwan about 1645. Because of its strong fecundity, it is now a common alien species in the wild on Taiwan's flat land.

Can five-colored plum be kept at home?

Five-colored plum like light, like warm and humid climate. It has strong adaptability, drought and barren resistance, but not cold resistance, and grows better in loose, fertile sandy loam soil with good drainage. Sex likes a warm, moist, sunny place. Drought-resistant, slightly shady, not cold-resistant. It is basically cultivated in the open field in the south and can be used as a potted ornament in the north. The sensitive smell of mosquitoes and flies is volatilized from the branches, leaves and flowers of five-colored plum, which has a strong effect of expelling mosquitoes and flies, and the smell does no harm to the human body. Flowers and leaves are poisonous, and eating by mistake will cause diarrhea and fever. However, as long as we understand their living habits and take certain measures, it will not be harmful to health, but will only be beneficial to the human body.

How to plant and maintain five-colored plum?


What kind of environment is five-colored plum suitable for?

The quality of the soil directly determines the growth of five-color plum seedlings, if the soil quality is very good, the growth environment is very good, then management and maintenance will be much more convenient. Five-colored plum is not strict on soil quality, which can be sand, yellow soil and clay, but the emergence of soil with high sand content is common. Five-colored plum is afraid of flooding, it needs higher terrain to be easy to drain, and the amount of water becomes more and more in summer, so the water can be discharged in time, otherwise it is easy to die in a large area. The terrain is mainly conducive to the discharge of stagnant water, the soil is ordinary, the light is enough.

II. Land preparation

1. Cultivated land: the five-colored plum responds very quickly to nutrients, and the soil nutrients are sufficient, so that the flowers are bright and the plants are stout. However, the soil quality of some greening sites is basically a terrain with ordinary nutrients, so if you want to blossom brightly, you must sprinkle a sufficient amount of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer before planting, spread it with 660-3000-8,000 kilograms of cow shit and chicken manure, plough the cultivated land once after applying fertilizer, and rake the land once. Only in this way, the soil quality and fertilizer are evenly mixed together, so that there are no big soil eggs and it is convenient for planting to improve the germination rate.

2. Bedding: in order to facilitate irrigation, weed removal, fertilizer spreading and other necessary conservation and management during the one-year growth period of five-color plum seedlings, Changjing Garden recommends that you make the land into a fixed standard 1.6-meter-wide bed, 10-20 meters long, depending on the details.

Third, how to grow five-colored plum

The seed size of five-colored plum is average, and the germination rate is very strong. It is recommended to plant a shallower one with a depth of no more than 4 cm. Generally, the seed planting method is adopted, and under the condition of static wind, the seeds of five-color plum are mixed into the wet sand and sprinkled evenly on the soil. after planting, the seeds can be covered by hand or machine, and then watered once after covering fine soil. about 7 ~ 12 days can increase the germination rate.

Fourth, how to raise five-colored plum

The workload of long-term management and maintenance of five-color plum is relatively less, it has no insect pests and has a strong growth trend. Most of the key matters are gathered during the period of flowering. Before flowering, 660 years are topdressing 50 kg of chemical fertilizer. The purpose of applying fertilizer before flowering is to make the flowers bloom for a long time, more blossoms and more colorful flowers. It is not allowed to apply fertilizer in the full flowering period, and a lot of water is needed when the five-colored plum blossoms. At this time, combined with meteorological conditions, the watering times and time should be decided.


First, spring

Potted five-color plum should turn the pot before leaving the house in spring, apply sufficient base fertilizer, and prune the branches appropriately. If it is a small seedling, it should be topped to promote lateral branches. For the formed plants, attention should be paid to the thinning of weak and diseased branches and proper truncation in order to maintain a good tree shape and promote more new shoots.

For adults with no seeds left after flowering and fruiting, the residual flowers should be picked in spring to facilitate the extraction of inflorescences from the lower leaf axils. Cut off the withered branches, trim and reshape the new branches to keep the new branches beautiful, and it is easier to shape when the new branches sprout in spring.

II. Summer

Five-colored plum is native to tropical America, and a small amount of wild plum is found in the south of China. Like warm, humid and sunny environment, not cold-resistant. Bonsai can be maintained outside in the sun during the growing season from spring to autumn, even in midsummer, but it requires good ventilation. If the light is insufficient, the plants will grow too long, the stems and branches will be thin and long, and the flowering will be rare, which will seriously affect the ornamental plants.

Keep the basin soil moist during the growing period to avoid excessive dryness, and pay attention to spraying water to the leaves to increase air humidity; apply thin fertilizer dominated by phosphorus and potassium every 15 days or so to provide sufficient nutrients and make the plant blossom more.

Third, autumn

Five-color plum autumn is the most flowering time, to maintain sufficient sunlight, flowers can be rich and varied, bright and bright, leaves can also carry out full photosynthesis, set off bright flowers.

Flowering should pay attention to keep the basin soil moist to avoid dryness. If there is a dry situation, the flowers are easy to wilt, and the new buds are not easy to bloom, affecting the viewing of flowers.

IV. Winter

If the room temperature above 15 ℃ is maintained in the sunny part of the room in winter, the plant can grow and blossom normally, and it should be watered, fertilized and pruned properly. If you can not maintain such a high temperature, control watering, stop fertilization, so that the plant dormancy, more than 8 ℃ can safely survive the winter.

Time: 2019-04-10 Click: