
What is the annual herb snow vegetable (Xuelihong)? When will it be ready? How do you plant it?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Snow vegetable is a common vegetable in China in April. A dish fried with meat is a traditional famous dish of the Han nationality, so many people grow it. What is it? When will it be ready? How do you plant it? Snow vegetables, also known as potherb, mustard, cooking, vegetables, etc., Brassica

Snow vegetable is a common vegetable in China in April. A dish fried with meat is a traditional famous dish of the Han nationality, so many people grow it. What is it? When will it be ready? How do you plant it?

Snow vegetables, also known as snow, mustard, cooking, vegetables, and so on, Brassica, angiosperm phylum, is a kind of mustard. It is the tender stem and leaf of cruciferous mustard, which tastes cool and belongs to the lung, spleen and stomach meridians. It has the effect of diuresis and relieving diarrhea, dispelling wind and dispersing blood, reducing swelling and relieving pain. It is a common folk herbal medicine for the treatment of adverse urination, dysentery, hemoptysis, swollen gums, hoarse throat, swelling and pain of hemorrhoids, itching of lacquer sores, injury caused by falls, joint pain and so on.

It can be applied externally or eaten internally.

Planting time:

Spring cultivation is sown from late February to late April, summer cultivation from early July to late August, and autumn cultivation from early September to early October. The sowing rate is 0.751kg / mu in spring, 1.5kg / mu in summer and 1kg / mu in autumn. Before sowing, mix the seeds with dry and fine soil 2-3 times, mainly sowing, and strive to be uniform. After sowing, gently tread the border surface with your feet, so that the seeds are in close contact with the soil and watered thoroughly. Plastic film mulching is used for sowing in spring and autumn and sunshade net is used for sowing in summer to facilitate neat emergence of seedlings. Remove the plastic film or sunshade net after emergence to keep the border surface moist and promote growth.

Planting techniques:

First, variety selection: Jiaxing chicken crown dish.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

1, soaking seeds to accelerate germination: generally, the time of soaking seeds should not exceed half an hour; the temperature for accelerating germination should be about 20 ℃. During the period of accelerating germination, the seeds should be often turned over and washed with clean water. The seeds of snow vegetables are small, and they usually begin to show white (that is, broken skin and germinate) in one day or two nights, and can be sown when 20% of the seeds are germinated.

2. Seedbed selection: the seedbed should be close to the field, the soil is fertile, the drainage is good, and the cruciferous crops have not been planted for many years, and it should be used as the clayey loam in the paddy field. If you choose dry land as a seedbed, it should be irrigated in deep water for 3-5 days before sowing, and then put water into dry ploughing, or film mulching and high temperature sterilization of topsoil after deep water flooding irrigation, so as to reduce bacterial infection.

3. Finishing nursery bed: the seedbed should be of high standard and flat. After ploughing, ditching and fine hoeing should be done so that the deep ditches are high, the soil on the border surface is fine, and the broken mud in the ditches should be cleaned up.

4. Apply sufficient basic fertilizer: 30 kg of superphosphate per mu of seedling bed is applied before soil preparation. After the completion of soil preparation, 1000 kg of rotten human faeces were used to irrigate the border surface, and 1000 times of Nongdile solution was used for soil treatment, in order to prevent underground pests from harming vegetable seedlings.

Time: 2019-04-09 Click: