
What kind of plant is Baranza cycad? What is the main place of origin? How do you plant it? What if the leaves don't bifurcate?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Broad-leaf cycad is a plant of the genus Cycas, which gets its name because of its broad leaves. Its Latin name is named after the French botanist BenedictBalansa, who discovered it, so the Chinese name is also transliterated as Baranza cycad. So what is the main place of origin? How do you plant it? What if the leaves don't bifurcate?

Broad-leaf cycad is a plant of the genus Cycas, which gets its name because of its broad leaves. Its Latin name is named after the French botanist Benedict Balansa, who discovered it, so the Chinese name is also transliterated as Baranza cycad. So what is the main place of origin? How do you plant it? What if the leaves don't bifurcate? The details are as follows:

Distribution origin

Distributed in southern Guangxi (Fangcheng County), southern Yunnan and Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and other places, broad-leaf cycad developed into a potted plant in its native place, but rarely appeared in other areas.

How to plant

Growing environment

In valley tropical rain forest or limestone mountain seasonal rain forest, sandy land of limestone-derived soil in forest at an altitude of 100-800 m, red soil of seasonal rain forest.

Reproduction and cultivation

Broad-leaf cycads are sunny, warm, drought-resistant and semi-overcast, so they should be placed in a ventilated balcony. In the appropriate amount of sandy loam growth is the most suitable, cycads are not cold-resistant, the Yangtze River basin, winter can choose leeward to the sun of the balcony overwintering, if the temperature drops below 0 ℃, need to cover a layer of straw or straw rope to cover the stem up, to the next spring warm release, if the leaves are hit by cold wind or frozen, the leaves appear yellow and white, not easy to ease for a while. Cycads grow slowly, live for more than 200 years, and produce a new round of leaves from the top of the stem every year. Potted iron trees often bloom irregularly, and it is not easy to see them, so there is the saying that "thousands of years of iron trees bloom", saying that they bloom less. If cultivated properly, old trees of 15-20 years old can also blossom once a few years. When the growth environment is good in the south, they can blossom every year, and the flowering period can be as long as 1 month. Generally, male flowers bloom between June and August, and female flowers bloom from October to November. Dioecious and inconsistent in florescence, it is not easy to receive seeds in the north.

The potted broad-leaf cycad can go out of the house in April-May and change the new soil every 2-3 years. The pot culture soil is the fertile and loose sandy loam. When turning the pot, the broken tiles and coarse-grained stone are used as the drainage layer, and 2-3 horseshoe slices are applied, and the cake fertilizer is used as the base fertilizer. During the peak growth period in summer, thin rotten cake fertilizer and water can be applied once or twice a month, such as adding "black alum water" (ferrous sulfate) in topdressing, the leaf color can be thick green and bright. Stop fertilizing after autumn.

Potted cycad watering, for the new pots of iron trees, basin soil is not too wet, basin soil is not dry, keep properly dry, so as not to rot roots. The amount of water should be increased appropriately after the new leaves are stretched out, and there can be a little more in summer when the growth is exuberant. Once a day, the growth tends to slow down after entering autumn. We should also pay attention to control the amount of water, and avoid stagnant water in the basin in the rainy season. When the new leaves are on display, the withered and weak yellow leaves should be cut off to maintain the richness of the plant.

Time: 2019-04-09 Click: