
Vietnam national flower lotus seed price about how much per jin? When will it plant and blossom? How do you plant it? Potted plant how

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lotus, also known as lotus, water hibiscus, lotus root, hibiscus, Ganoderma lucidum, water bloom, Zezhi, Chinese lotus, there are many kinds, divided into ornamental and edible two categories, widely planted. So how much is the lotus seed price per jin? When will it plant and blossom? How do you plant it? How to maintain potted plants

Lotus, also known as lotus, water hibiscus, lotus root, hibiscus, Ganoderma lucidum, water bloom, Zezhi, Chinese lotus, there are many kinds, divided into ornamental and edible two categories, widely planted. So how much is the lotus seed price per jin? When will it plant and blossom? How do you plant it? How to maintain the potted plants? It is learned from Mr. Wu of Jiujiang seed Company that the price of lotus seeds is about 20,30 yuan per jin, but the prices vary greatly due to the quality, variety, origin and market of the seeds. The sowing rate per mu is 5 to 7 jin.

When will the lotus plant and blossom?


The best season for outdoor planting and sowing season is after the Spring Equinox. According to the weather conditions in different provinces, the time is different. It is best to sow seeds when the temperature is about 15 degrees. If the temperature and moisture are appropriate, the seeds will germinate normally in a week.


1. The flowering period of lotus is generally from June to September, opening and closing every morning. The lotus is solitary at the top of the pedicel, with many petals, embedded in the Huatuo cave, with red, pink, white, purple and other colors, or with colored patterns and edges. Nuts oval, seeds ovate. The ripening period is from September to October.

2. The flowering process of lotus can be divided into three stages: initial flowering, full flowering and final flowering, which is deeply affected by temperature. Due to the difference of region and temperature, the flowering at low latitude and low altitude is earlier or longer than that at high latitude and high altitude.

3. The better time to watch the lotus is from 6: 00 to 8: 00 in the morning, when the lotus is the most vibrant. In general, in order to ensure the need for reproduction and successful pollination, the lotus will open for two days. It blossoms on the first morning, and when it is close to noon, the petals will all fold up and still turn into buds. The stamens that had been folded in the next morning would continue to bloom, and the petals of these flowers would fall off near noon, leaving the pollinated lotus canopy on the branches to continue to mature slowly.

How to plant lotus seeds?

Nursery site selection

Lotus is widely distributed all over the world at an altitude of 100 to 3100 meters above sea level in China, including the deep mountains and ponds of Qinling and Shennongjia. In some remote places of our country, there are even primitive and ancient wild lotus (lotus), but at present most of them are artificially planted. The lotus likes calm and slow-flowing waters, swamps, ponds and other places with water, and what kind of water is suitable for growing lotus is determined by the breed. Some varieties are deep-water type and some are shallow-water type, but generally no more than 1.8 meters deep. Most of them can only grow at a depth of less than 1.2 meters. Lotus does not have much requirement for water quality, and it also has the function of improving water stains.

Land preparation

1. Deep ploughing: the lotus is not usually sown directly into the water, but is planted on the shore after raising seedlings, or in the lotus pond during the dry season. There are also those planted directly to the shore, but the budding rate is low, and the best way is to plant seedlings after artificial breeding.

2. Make a border: do not make a border.

Sowing seeds

The shell of lotus seed is hard, and the budding rate is low under natural conditions, so it needs to be knocked open manually or sprout naturally. Breaking the shell manually takes time and effort, but the effect is the best. The method is to break the shell with scissors or hammer. The second is the blister method, in which the seeds are soaked in water for 1 day and then taken out to dry for one day, soaked in water at night, and dried here during the day. After 5 consecutive days, they are soaked in water and moisturized in the morning and evening in a cool and ventilated place. Keep for 5 days, most of the seeds will crack, the germ will begin to develop, and at this time it will be planted in the paddy field.

Seedling stage management

The management of lotus seedlings is simple, regularly put cow dung, pig manure and so on into the water to keep the water in a fertile state, but pay attention to the right amount, not too much. Aquatic products such as fish and shrimp can also be cultured in the water, but sufficient feed must be put in, otherwise the fish and shrimp will gnaw on lotus stems, leaves, roots, and so on.

How to maintain lotus potted plants?

The main results are as follows: 1. Potted lotus is usually replanted and propagated by lotus root. The newly born and robust underground stem before the Qingming Festival is selected for planting. Generally, 3 segments of lotus root are taken as a kind of lotus root, and the terminal bud, waist bud and tail bud must be kept intact. Planting containers usually use lotus vats with a diameter of 35-50 cm and a depth of 65-80 cm. To stare at the soil with fertile pond mud, if it is dry before use, it should be mashed first, remove gravel and impurities, and paste it into a paste at the bottom of the cylinder, 25 cm thick.

2. At the same time, add base fertilizer (such as bean cake, bone meal, chicken feathers, chicken and duck droppings and chopped tender grass, etc.), and cover it with a thin layer of soil. Then plant the lotus root in the pot with its head low and tail high on the edge of the pot, and the bud head of each node should be upward. Generally, one kind of lotus root is planted in each pot, and two lotus roots of the same size can be planted in a pot fire or when planting lotus root for an hour. Different varieties should not be mixed, because the growth is different, it will cause the failure of ornamental effect. The thickness of the soil at the head of the lotus root is about 6 cm, and the soil at the tail is slightly exposed. That's what we always say. Because the lotus root hair habit first extended upward for a few centimeters, it began to grow in the shallow layer of basin seven.

3. After planting the lotus root, place it in a sunny place such as a balcony to expose it to the sun. Take shelter in case of heavy rain, or cover with plastic film. When the soil is dry and cracked, you can put clear water, the water depth can exceed the soil surface about 5 cm, so that the cylinder mud dry into a block, can be planted lotus root. In this way, after the second exposure to the sun, when the water is sucked dry until the mud is soft and not sticky, water can be formally added and the water depth can be maintained at 6 cm. After the middle sentence of May, when you see the leaflets out of the water, you should fertilize once (under the soil on both sides of the lotus root joints, such as dead fish and rotten shrimp), and add water to a depth of 10-15 cm. After the standing leaves are extracted, topdressing 1 or 2 times to facilitate the growth of leaves and buds. As the temperature rises, when two or three leaves grow, the floating leaves usually cover the basin tightly. At this time, the old floating leaves should be pressed into the mud to keep the basin properly breathable and see the light.

4. If the leaf color is light and thin, 0.1% urea and 0.05% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or about 10 pieces of cake fertilizer the size of a finger can be applied to the water and stuffed in the basin mud. If the leaves are thick and slightly blue, it means that the fertilizer is moderate. If the leaves are uneven, it means that the amount of fertilizer is too large, and you will no longer be topdressing in August.

5. Potted lotus can also be propagated by sowing. The lotus seed matures from July to August and can be sown with pulp harvesting, usually when the climate turns warm in April of the rice year. The lotus shell is hard. Wear out the thick head of the lotus seed with micropores before sowing, but do not damage the lotus flesh. Then soak in 25-30 °C water, the water depth is 8 cm / Ij right, change the water once a day, 7-10 days can germinate. After two or three leaves are stretched out, they can be planted in pots.

Time: 2019-04-09 Click: