
Is the annual herb buckwheat sweet? When will it be ready? When will it be harvested? (planting techniques in different regions are attached

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In May 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture and Village issued technical guidance for the production of buckwheat in 2018, and put forward planting guidance for the eastern producing areas of Inner Mongolia, central Inner Mongolia, northwest Shanxi and Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia producing areas.

In May 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture and Village issued technical guidance for the production of buckwheat in 2018, and put forward planting guidance for the eastern producing areas of Inner Mongolia, central Inner Mongolia and northwest Shanxi, and Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia producing areas. Is buckwheat sweet? When will it be ready? When will it be harvested?

Buckwheat is an important food crop, cash crop and health food resource in China. It has the characteristics of short growth period, drought tolerance and barren tolerance, and can obtain high yield in a relatively short growth period. The main producing areas include Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and other places. In recent years, with the development of buckwheat rice and buckwheat flour processing industry, the demand for buckwheat is increasing. In order to promote the development of buckwheat production and promote the adjustment of agricultural structure, the small grain and bean expert guidance group of the agricultural village department and the national agro-technical extension service center put forward technical guidance for buckwheat production in 2018.

I. eastern producing areas of Inner Mongolia

This area, which includes Chifeng City and Tongliao City in Inner Mongolia, is a white buckwheat producing area in China.

(1) crop rotation. The rotation mode of potato-millet / millet-buckwheat, pea / lentil / grass pea-flax-buckwheat rotation was carried out at an interval of more than 3 years to avoid continuous cropping.

(2) apply sufficient base fertilizer. Buckwheat is mostly planted in dry land and mountainous areas, and one-time basic application technique is generally adopted in fertilization, that is, combined with autumn turning or spring turning, the fertilizer needed during the whole growth period is applied to the soil at once, and there is no topdressing during the growing period. It is mainly organic fertilizer, applying 500ml 750kg per mu.

(3) choose improved varieties. According to the ecological conditions and production level of various places, high-quality varieties should be selected scientifically to avoid cross-regional introduction without experimental demonstration. The high-yielding varieties with drought resistance, cold resistance, barren resistance and growth period of 80 Mel for 90 days were selected.

(4) sowing seeds at an appropriate time. The seeds were sown in mid-late June and harvested at the end of September. The seeds were dried and selected 3 days before sowing. The sowing depth is 4ml / 5cm, pay attention to the same thickness of the covering soil. The general sowing rate of buckwheat is 2mur3kg per mu, and 60,000-80,000 seedlings are preserved per mu.

(5) strengthen the management of land. The first intertillage was carried out when the seedling height was about 10 cm, and the second intertillage was carried out in the bud stage. Foliar spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate at flowering stage can promote seed setting, and bee release or artificial pollination can also be used to improve seed setting rate.

(6) timely harvest. Harvest in front of Frosts Descent. 70% of the grains of buckwheat show the inherent color of this variety, which is mature. The grain water content is below 14% and stored safely.

II. Central Inner Mongolia and Northwest Shanxi

The area includes northwest Shanxi and Wulanchabu City, Hohhot City and Baotou City in Inner Mongolia.

(1) choose improved varieties. According to the ecological conditions and production level of various places, high-quality varieties should be selected scientifically to avoid cross-regional introduction without experimental demonstration.

(2) sowing seeds at an appropriate time. Sow seeds as early as possible after the end of the night frost. Buckwheat in this area was sown from mid-late May to early June and harvested in early September. The sowing depth is 4ml / 5cm. The sowing amount per mu is 2ml / mu and 3kg / mu, which will be suppressed in time after sowing. There are 50,000-60,000 basic seedlings per mu.

(3) Formula fertilization. 750 kg of organic fertilizer, 7 kg of diammonium phosphate or 7 kg of urea were applied as seed fertilizer per mu.

(4) Prevention and control of diseases and pests. Reasonable crop rotation and seed coating before sowing. Buckwheat hook moth can be controlled by net trapping, light trapping or chemical control.

(5) timely harvest. When 70% of the grain of the whole plant shows the color of mature grain, it can be harvested.

III. Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia producing area

The area includes Yulin City, Yan'an City, Qingyang City, Pingliang City, Dingxi City, Baiyin City, Wuzhong City, Guyuan City, Zhongwei City, Ningxia, which is the main cultivation area of pink buckwheat.

(1) choose improved varieties. According to the ecological conditions and production level of various places, high-quality varieties should be selected scientifically to avoid cross-regional introduction without experimental demonstration. Buckwheat in this area was sown from early June to early July and harvested in mid-late September, mainly popularizing high-quality pink flower varieties for rice and flour production.

(2) prepare for the broadcast. Select beans, cereals, potatoes stubble, ploughing in time before winter, rake after ploughing to preserve soil moisture. Combined with ploughing, 500m / mu farm manure 500m / m 750 kg, diammonium phosphate 10m / m 15kg, urea 7m / m 10kg / mu.

(3) sowing seeds at the right time. The sowing date is the first and middle of June. Dry the seeds before sowing, select the seeds and remove impurities and blighted grains. Using strip sowing, row spacing 30 cm, sowing depth 4 mi 6 cm, suppression after sowing to preserve soil moisture, 50, 000-60, 000 basic seedlings per mu.

(4) Pest control. Select suitable insecticides and poison baits and apply them to the surface before raking to trap and kill mole crickets and other underground pests.

(5) Mechanical harvesting. It is mature when 70% of the grains of buckwheat show the inherent color of this variety. Take two stages of harvest, first use a sun-cutting machine for harvest, and after drying in the field for 7 days, choose automatic pick-up thresher or fixed thresher for threshing.

Time: 2019-04-09 Click: