
Solanaceae plant girl fruit is what season of fruit? How much is the market price per jin? When will it be ready? How do you plant it?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Girl Fruit, also known as Mushroom Niang, Mao Acid Pulp and Golden Girl, is a common Solanaceae plant in southwest, northeast, North China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. it is deeply loved by people because it is rich in vitamins and a variety of amino acids and trace elements.

The girl fruit, also known as Mushroom Niang, Mao acid pulp and Golden Girl, is a common Solanaceae plant in the southwest, northeast, North China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. it is deeply loved by people because it is rich in vitamins and a variety of amino acids and trace elements. How much is the market price per jin? When will it be ready? How do you plant it?

What season of fruit?

The girl's fruit period is September. Born on the roadside, open land, stream side, hillside. Distributed in Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places. The appearance of the girl fruit is a bit like a lantern, under the cover of a thin skin outside, you can see the flesh inside, the color is yellow, it is a kind of fruit with good taste.

Market price:

The price is more expensive among the fruits, ranging from ten yuan to dozens of yuan, some places sell for 30 yuan per jin, and some are even more expensive than imported fruits.

Planting time:

1. Early-maturing cultivation in spring: seedlings were raised in solar greenhouse or wind-blocked border from January to February, and planted in the open field after late frost in the middle of April. The harvest began from late May to June.

2. Spring open field cultivation: raise seedlings from March to April, raise seedlings in large, medium and small plastic sheds in March, and raise seedlings in open field in April. It was planted in May and harvested from late June to July.

3. Open field cultivation in autumn: raising seedlings from late June to July. It was planted in the open field in early August and harvested from late September to October. In recent years, because the economic benefit of acid pulp is not very high, there are few growers with protective facilities.

Planting techniques:

1. Raising seedlings: the best selection season is spring, and the time for raising seedlings is January to February. A low bed for raising seedlings can be built in a shelter. Before building the bed, plastic glass can be used to cover the soil to increase the temperature. Before sowing, soaking the selected seeds in warm water is more conducive to germination, and the soaking time is about 10 minutes. When sowing, you can first fertilize, turn over, and then water the seedling bed, and then sow the seeds after water infiltration. After sowing, the seedlings can be covered with soil about 0.5 cm thick, and the seedlings can emerge in about 10 days. after emergence, the seedlings should be treated with inter-seedlings and supplementary seedlings, the seedlings of overdense and weak trees should be pulled out, the row spacing should be about 10 cm, and fertilization can be applied once in the seedling stage. watering is about once every 7 days.

2. Planting. Each hectare of rotten organic fertilizer per hectare is applied, turned deeply, raked flat, and made into a flat bed. Planting should be carried out after the late frost. The suitable time for planting is when the first flower blossoms at the 6-7 leaf stage of the seedling. When planting, the seedlings should be raised carefully, less damage to the root system, in order to slow down the seedlings. The planting density is about per hectare, and the row spacing is 250.28cm × 6570cm.

3. Fertilization: after planting, fertilization can be carried out, either miscellaneous fertilizer or urea can be selected. the first fertilization after planting should be in the fruiting stage, which can promote fruit development, while in the harvest period, fertilizers can be applied for the second time and a small amount of compound fertilizer can be selected.

4. Watering: when planting, sufficient watering is needed, and each time after ploughing can be watered, and the watering times can also be determined according to climate change, so as to keep the soil loose in the long period of girl fruit growth, which can effectively improve the soil temperature and wettability. During this period, the weeds around the seedlings should be removed in time to avoid nutrient absorption.

5. Ploughing and weeding. In the early stage of planting, the soil was ploughed once after each watering, so as to loosen the soil, increase the soil temperature and promote the development of root system. In the first flower and first fruit, combined with topdressing, middle tillage to cultivate the soil, so that the cultivation row into a ridge, prevent plant lodging, and conducive to irrigation and drainage. Weeding in time in the middle and later stage of growth.

6. plant adjustment: after the plant adjustment is mostly the first fruit, more branches can be pruned, while there are more branches in the mature stage, and the grounding is strong, so it should be scaffolded and supported by bamboo pole. After the first fruit picking, the quality of the second year should be guaranteed, and the branch should be picked in time. The top of the seedling can be picked before germination, which will most stop the growth, but it is beneficial to concentrate the absorption of nutrients and ensure high yield.

How do you eat it?

Girl jam

Raw materials: 1000 grams of girl fruit, 150g white sugar, right amount of lemon juice.


1. Peel the girl's fruit and wash it clean, set aside 1 to use more than one toothpick to pierce the girl's fruit, so that there will be a little fruit in the cooked jam, and the girl's fruit is more likely to precipitate water after it catches the eye.

2. Beat the remaining 4 thumb 5 girls' nuts into a blender to make a girl's jelly.

3. Put the complete girl fruit, girl jelly and white sugar into a small soup pot, which can be used in addition to the iron pot.

4. Squeeze in the lemon juice, bring to the boil over medium heat, and cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes.

Fried diced pork with colorful colors

Raw materials: girl fruit, water chestnuts, carrots, cucumbers and fried peanut kernels 50 grams each, tenderloin 100 grams, seasoning amount.


1. Cut the girl's fruit in half, dice water chestnuts, carrots, cucumber and tenderloin.

2. First cook the girl's fruit, water chestnuts, carrots and cucumber in boiling water.

3. The diced meat is oiled and poured into the filter to remove oil.

4. Bring in all the ingredients and stir-fry quickly. Pour in a thin thicken and sprinkle when cooked.

Time: 2019-04-08 Click: