
What is the name of a yellow flower of Chinese herbal medicine? Its four major effects and functions can treat these diseases!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The yellow flower of Chinese herbal medicine is a plant of the genus Compositae, which is called a yellow flower because of its straight stem and yellow flowers in autumn. it is different from the famous invasive species Canada. What is the name of a yellow flower of Chinese herbal medicine? What are the effects and effects? A brief introduction of Solidago sativa

The yellow flower of Chinese herbal medicine is a plant of the genus Compositae. Because of its straight stem and yellow flowers in autumn, it is called "a yellow flower". It is different from the famous invasive species Canada. What is the name of a yellow flower of Chinese herbal medicine? What are the effects and effects?

A brief introduction to a yellow flower

What is the name of a yellow flower?

The yellow flower of traditional Chinese medicine is also called wild chrysanthemum, half branch incense on the hillside, hops, mountain yellow, hundred roots, a hundred roots, a thousand roots, a gun, an arrow, a pillar of rising to the sky, yellow grass, six leaves and seven stars sword, Asarum, Asarum, yellow flower incense, iron golden crutch, snakehead king, see blood flying, leaf Bupleurum, fishing rod Bupleurum, Golden Bupleurum, yellow flower grass, gold edge chrysanthemum and willow branch yellow and so on.

2. Growth environment and distribution of Solidago canadensis.

Huanghua likes to grow in a cool and humid climate and is hardy. It generally grows on hillslopes, broad-leaved forest margins, under forests, roadsides and grass at an altitude of 565m. It is suitable for planting in rich, loose and well-drained sandy soil rich in humus, mainly distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and southern Shaanxi.

3. Morphological characteristics of Solidago canadensis

Solidago lanceolata is a perennial herb, about 35 meters tall, occasionally up to 1 meter high, with long oval leaves and heads of flowers, usually arranged in umbels or racemes above the branches.

Second, the efficacy and function of Solidago Solidago

A yellow flower whole herb is used as medicine, the nature is pungent, bitter, lukewarm, and belongs to the lung and liver meridian. The main effects are: dampening wind, clearing heat, detoxification and swelling.

1. Efficacy one: damp wind, clear heat, detoxify and clear swelling

A yellow flower has a bitter and cool taste and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. it is suitable for symptoms such as wind-hot cold, tonsillitis, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract infection, sore throat, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diphtheria, acute and chronic nephritis, infantile accumulation and oral erosion.

2. Efficacy 2: treat snakebite

A yellow flower can also treat snake bites and injuries caused by falls.

3. Efficacy 3: treat goose palm wind, gray fingernails and tinea pedis

4. Efficacy 4: sterilization, anti-inflammation, diuresis

According to the study, it is found that the genus Solidago contains polyyne, saponins, phenols and volatile oils, which have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, insecticidal, diuretic and other effects, and have high medicinal value. Because a yellow flower contains soapy sugar, accidental consumption of livestock can cause toxic symptoms such as paralysis and dyskinesia.

[usage and dosage]

For colds, sore throat, tonsillitis: a yellow flower 9-30g, taken after water frying.

Treatment of pertussis: a yellow flower, lung meridian grass, rabbit wind 15g each, ground dragon 6g, taken after water frying.

Cure the head wind: a yellow flower 9 grams, take after water frying.

For heatstroke, vomiting and diarrhea: 15 grams of yellow flower, 3 pieces of camphor leaves, taken after water frying.

Cure the injury caused by falling: 15-20g of a root of yellow flower, fried in water.

To treat snakebite: 50g of yellow flower is fried in water and 50g of honey is taken together, or a piece of yellow flower is pounded and fried and washed.

Treat goose palm wind, gray fingernail, tinea pedis: use 50-100g yellow flower every day, and wash the affected area after decocting thick juice, half an hour at a time, once or twice a day, seven days as a course of treatment.

Treatment of jaundice: a yellow flower 75g, water clove 25g. Take it after frying.

Third, a yellow flower edible taboo

1. After taking a piece of yellow flower orally, there will be spicy and other discomfort in the pharynx, but most of them can disappear within 30-60 minutes.

2. Pregnant women should not take it.

How much is a yellow flower spray?

A flower has a lot of efficacy, so it is often used as a compound medicine, the common one on the market is compound yellow flower spray, the price is about 20 yuan a bottle, 15ml, bitter slightly sweet taste, with a cool feeling.

The main ingredients of a yellow flower spray: a yellow flower, honeysuckle, Guanzhong, forsythia, peppermint, Schizonepeta tenuifolia, Erna incense. Excipients are stevioside and potassium sorbate.

The efficacy and function of Huanghua spray: clearing heat and detoxification, dispelling wind and dispelling heat, clearing throat. Mainly suitable for upper respiratory tract infection, acute and chronic pharyngitis, mouth and tongue sores, gum swelling and pain, halitosis.

The efficacy and function of a yellow flower is introduced here, its medicinal value is still very high, for colds, heat-clearing and detoxification, pharyngitis and so on, it has a very good therapeutic effect, but after all, it is a traditional Chinese medicine, so I still remind you to consult the doctor and then prescribe the right medicine.

Time: 2019-04-07 Click: