
Saffron for tonifying blood and nourishing beauty has five functions and functions! Can you cure gynecological diseases? Can I drink it in water every day?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is said that saffron is one of the best choices for women to replenish blood and nourish blood, many people drink it in bubble water, because the output of saffron is less, so the price is generally more expensive, about 50-80 yuan per gram. What is the effect and function of saffron? Can you cure gynecological diseases? Can I drink it in water every day? Brief introduction of saffron

It is said that saffron is one of the best choices for women to replenish blood and nourish blood, many people drink it in bubble water, because the output of saffron is less, so the price is generally more expensive, about 50-80 yuan per gram. What is the effect and function of saffron? Can you cure gynecological diseases? Can I drink it in water every day?

A brief introduction to saffron

Saffron, also known as saffron, is a perennial flower of the saffron genus of Iridaceae and a common spice. Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Many Chinese people think that crocuses are red flowers produced by Xizang, but they are actually plants from Turkey and Iran, spread from Xizang, and then introduced into the mainland by Xizang, so they have the nickname "saffron".

What is the effect and function of saffron?

Saffron taste sweet, sex flat, return to the heart, liver meridian, the most commonly used way to eat is to drink water, according to experts, saffron water drink has five major effects.

1. Taking saffron can beautify and nourish your face: it is recorded in some ancient medical books that saffron has the effect of dispelling depression, regulating blood and appetizing. Often taking it can promote the metabolism of the human body and make the skin shiny and red.

2. Taking saffron can treat irregular menstruation in women: medical books record that saffron tastes sweet, slightly pungent and flat; returning to the heart and liver; entering the blood to disperse, mainly for irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and other symptoms, so taking saffron can effectively regulate menstruation.

3. Taking saffron can regulate endocrine and enhance physique: saffron soaking water can promote the blood circulation of the body, so saffron can effectively regulate endocrine and improve human immunity.

4. Taking saffron can prevent and cure cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: medical research has found that taking an appropriate amount of saffron can prevent and cure cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the elderly and protect the heart.

5. Saffron can nourish blood and activate blood: saffron has been used by women in India since ancient times as a beauty and beauty care, and in some blood-tonifying herbs, the blood-nourishing and blood-activating function of saffron is more significant.

Although saffron is effective, it also has taboos and side effects: overdose can cause endocrine disorders; pregnant women should not take it; long-term use stimulates nerves; do not take too much if there is no qi and blood stasis.

Third, can saffron treat gynecological diseases?

Saffron has a certain auxiliary effect on gynecological diseases, women with irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, endocrine disorders, dysmenorrhea, and people with blood stasis, can use saffron diet. Note: if you want to be completely cured, you still need to follow the doctor's advice to use it in combination.

1. To treat amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and postpartum low back pain: saffron, Chinese wolfberry, salvia miltiorrhiza 15 g, motherwort 30 g, Cyperus roxburghii 12 g, water decoction.

2. Irregular menstruation: saffron 3G, Chinese wolfberry 2g, black bean 150g, brown sugar 90g, fried in water.

Can saffron drink in water every day? How many at a time?

Saffron is not suitable to drink in water every day. Excessive consumption of saffron will affect women's endocrine disorders and produce a series of side effects; secondly, saffron contains some factors that stimulate nerves, which will cause nerve excitement if taken for a long time. Dizziness, insomnia.

Therefore, it is recommended to follow the doctor's advice to take saffron (generally used in 3g/ times). If you drink daily soaking water, take about 5g a month (3-8 tablets at a time can drink for a day), eat for three days, stop for one day, and stop during the menstrual period.

The correct steps of soaking saffron in water

1. Put 3-8 saffron into a clean glass

2. Soak saffron in boiling water

3. Drink after standing for a few minutes. Don't drink it all at once. Leave one-third of the water to add new water.

Time: 2019-04-07 Click: