
Why does Anthurium andraeanum lose its leaves? How to maintain it?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Anthurium andraeanum, also known as Fire Crane Flower, has a grand plan, the moral of good luck. Its flowering period is from February to July, and if it is well maintained, it can bloom continuously for a year. But there are many people who raise Anthurium andraeanum and will encounter the situation of losing leaves.

Anthurium andraeanum, also known as Fire Crane Flower, has a grand plan, the moral of good luck. Its flowering period is from February to July, and if it is well maintained, it can bloom continuously for a year. But many people raise Anthurium andraeanum will encounter the situation of losing leaves, so what is the reason why Anthurium andraeanum lost its leaves? How to maintain it?

Why does Anthurium andraeanum lose its leaves?

1. Improper watering

If you irrigate too much water or too frequently, so that the soil is in a state of moist stagnant water for a long time, the root is easy to rot, and once the rotten root's ability to absorb nutrients is affected, then its leaves will lack nutrients, resulting in leaves yellowing and falling. If this happens, the water should be excluded in time, and the later watering should be appropriate, not too much.

two。 Improper fertilization

If you do not apply fertilizer for a long time, the plant will lack nutrition, the leaves will wither, and the branches will become very thin. At this time, we should change the new soil in time and apply fertilizer to the soil. If you fertilize too much is not good, its leaves will become thicker, gradually yellow and fall, found that this situation should stop fertilizing, replace the soil, and then wash the roots with clean water and replant them in the new soil.

3. Soil discomfort

Friends who breed in the north generally have higher saline-alkali content in soil and water in many places, and most of the soil in the north is slightly alkaline, and there is a lack of soluble iron in the soil, and iron deficiency will cause leaves to fall, so it is best to prepare acidic soil and add some iron to it.

4. Temperature discomfort

The weather in the north is obvious to all, and it is difficult to feed even indoor farming in the north, because the indoor temperature in the north is very low in winter, and its leaves will die and fall. If the house is very hot in summer, the rate of water evaporation is also very fast, so it is necessary to replenish water in time.

5. Improper lighting

Anthurium andraeanum is a cool plant by nature. if you put it in an inappropriate place for a long time, suffer from the sun or do not give it any light all the time, it will be very weak, and the leaves will not grow as usual and will fall off.

6. Disease and insect erosion

If germs invade, such as leaf spot disease, mosaic virus will grow some spots, if pests erode it, such as shell insects, red spiders, aphids and other insects, the leaves will fade, shrink or even fall off directly. at this time to buy the corresponding medicine to spray.

Second, how to maintain Anthurium andraeanum?

1. Control temperature

Many indoor potted plants often fail after a winter, mainly because of the temperature. Anthurium andraeanum is very cold-resistant, if the winter home is not often turned on air-conditioning, or there is heating, then the winter really needs special attention. Generally speaking, freezing injury may occur at any time when the temperature is lower than 10 ℃, especially in early spring, because many flowers die in winter, but in the hot and cold early spring.

2. Suitable lighting

All things grow by the sun, but sometimes too much light is not a good thing. For Anthurium andraeanum, it is necessary to pay attention to the light can not be too strong, Anthurium andraeanum is a shade plant, should be placed in the bright place indoors, with a certain scattered light is the best, can not be illuminated by strong light, otherwise the leaves are easy to change color, burn, seriously affect the ornamental.

3. Keep it moist

Anthurium likes moist, basin soil surface dry can be watered, about 2-3 days watering, Anthurium also has certain requirements for air humidity, usually should also pay attention to spray water around the leaves. This ensures that the flowers are bright and full. If the temperature is too low and the growth of Anthurium andraeanum is relatively slow, it is necessary to control watering to avoid rotting roots.

4. Thin fertilizer is applied frequently

Anthurium andraeanum is fond of fertilizer, fertilizing every two weeks, which can be carried out at the same time as watering, and applying phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering. The best time to fertilize is in the morning or evening. In winter, fertilizer is fertilized once a month. In addition, Anthurium andraeanum should also apply some water and fertilizer, drop one or two drops when watering, once every 3-5 days, and once every half a month in winter. Do not use foliar fertilizer on Anthurium andraeanum, because it has a layer of wax on its surface, which will hinder absorption.

5. Retain air root

Some of the roots of Anthurium andraeanum will be exposed to the soil surface, and many flower lovers are afraid of being bad for the flowers, so they quickly bury them back. Do not do this, these exposed roots are called air roots, in order to better absorb nutrients and respiration, burying is equivalent to hindering his breathing, but also lead to poor flowering.

Time: 2019-04-07 Click: