
Seedling raising technique of Angelica sinensis

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Seedling raising technique of Angelica sinensis

Angelica sinensis is a perennial herb with high medicinal value and great market demand, so it attracts a lot of farmers to plant, but if you want to achieve high yield, it is very important to do a good job of raising seedlings. So how should Angelica grow seedlings? Let's learn about the relevant knowledge.

1. Land selection and fertilization

Angelica sinensis seedlings are suitable for raising seedlings on the cool and humid hillside, with short sunshine time, weak light, and good shading environment, which is suitable for the growth of seedlings. If it is a wasteland, first open up the wasteland, clear the shrubs and weeds, dry them into a small pile and burn them into fumigation, turn 20-25 cm deep, rake fine and level off, and then make the bed. Before sowing, base fertilizer should be applied. 3000 kg of farm manure and 30-40 kg of diammonium phosphate should be applied per mu, which should be evenly scattered on the surface and mixed into the ploughed soil.

2. Seed selection and sowing

Three-year-old seeds with normal maturity, good preservation, no diseases and insect pests, no mildew and high germination rate should be selected, and the seeds should be mixed with carbendazim and root rot powder one day before sowing. On the other hand, the late-maturing seeds grow vigorously after sowing, have high sugar content and are easy to bolting, so it is not suitable to choose the old ones. Before sowing, the blighted seeds should be carefully selected to remove the blighted seeds, and the sowing time should be carried out from early May to early June. Generally, 5-6 kg of seeds per mu should be sowed on the border surface with a little suppression, and a layer of shallow soil should be added to make the seeds closely connected with the soil to facilitate germination. After sowing, it is covered with a layer of straw to block the light and moisturize and facilitate the emergence of seedlings.

3. Seedbed management

After absorbing water and expanding, Angelica seeds can germinate when the ground temperature is above 10 degrees, and the fastest germination is when the ground temperature is 20 degrees. Under suitable conditions, the seedlings can emerge in 7-10 days, and the seedlings can be completed after 20 days of sowing. When the seedling grows to 3 cm, three leaves can loosen the soil and weed once, and when the third leaf grows, it can weed once in the loose soil to promote its growth. The mulch of the seedling bed should be picked during the first time of loosening soil and weeding, and the cover should be removed during the second time of loosening soil and weeding, so as not to affect the growth of seedlings. It is necessary to reproduce diseases and insect pests at the seedling stage, and at the same time, it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizer at the right time to reduce the bolting rate.

4. Seedling raising and storage

When the seedlings start from September to October, we should pay attention to the roots of the seedlings, the survival rate of root damage and transplanting is low, in addition, the seedlings should be carefully screened, and the seedlings, disease and insect seedlings and mechanically damaged seedlings should be removed. After rising the seedlings, pull out the leaves on the seedlings, tie up the 100 seedlings into a handful, place them in a ventilated, cool and dry place, put the seedlings out and pile them into a cone, so that they lose part of their moisture and breathe. In November, choose a ventilated, watery and shady place, dig a large pit and pile it up with a layer of semi-dry raw soil. When it is 30 centimeters on the ground, it is not suitable to store seedlings and pile them into hills to avoid stagnant water.

The above is the introduction of Angelica seedlings, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.