
Field management technology of Radix Paeoniae Alba

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Field management technology of Radix Paeoniae Alba

Radix Paeoniae Alba, a perennial herb of Paeonia lactiflora, is one of the traditional Chinese herbs in common use in China. It has a great market demand every year and is cultivated everywhere. So how to manage planting Paeonia lactiflora? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction with the editor.

1. Ploughing and weeding

Radix Paeoniae Alba should be ploughed twice a year, once in autumn and once in winter. After the soil was thawed in the spring of the following year, it was necessary to pick the soil to facilitate seedling emergence. Because of the high planting density and small after the seedlings are unearthed, it is easy to breed weeds in the field and compete with the seedlings for water and fertilizer, which is disadvantageous to the growth of the seedlings, so weeds should be removed frequently. In the future, the weeding should be carried out before the emergence of seedling branches every year, and the depth should be paid attention to in order to avoid damage to the root system of the seedlings.

2. Pei Tu Liang Gen

In late October, branches and leaves should be pruned 7-8 cm from the ground, and about 15 cm should be cultivated to facilitate root system overwintering, protect peony buds and facilitate sprouting after thawing. In May of the following year, the soil of the root should be removed, the root system should be exposed, it should be dried for a week or so, and then the soil should be cultivated to protect the root. In this way, high temperature can be used to kill germs and pests in the soil, laying the foundation for improving yield and quality, but it should not take too long to shine roots.

3. Topdressing

The growing period of Radix Paeoniae Alba has more demand for fertilizer, topdressing should be carried out in stages to meet its nutrient demand, generally planting in the second year, topdressing 3 times a year. The first time was carried out in March-April, 250kg per mu of thin manure, 500kg per mu of manure in late April, and 1500-2000 kg per mu of barnyard manure in October-November. In the third year, farm manure is the main fertilizer, with appropriate amount of chemical fertilizer, each fertilization should be applied in both sides of the plant.

4. Drainage and irrigation

During the growth of Radix Paeoniae Alba, it likes drought and is afraid of waterlogging. Therefore, there is generally no need for irrigation, only appropriate irrigation during a long period of drought. In the rainy season, attention should be paid to the timely removal of stagnant water on the surface to avoid rotting roots.

The above is the introduction of Paeonia lactiflora field management technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.