
Causes and control methods of rotten zucchini

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Causes and control methods of rotten zucchini

Zucchini is not only a common vegetable in our life, but also a lot of favorite vegetables. rotten melon often occurs in the process of zucchini planting, which seriously affects the yield and quality of zucchini and reduces the income of farmers. So how to prevent and cure zucchini rotten melon? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Grey mold

Botrytis cinerea will harm flowers, fruits, stems, leaves and other parts, the pathogen first invaded from the withered female flowers, the initial petals showed water immersion or waterlogging, and then gradually became soft and rotten and accompanied by grayish brown mildew layer. Lead to petal rot, fall off, and then the pathogen will develop to the young fruit, the disease site will gradually become soft rot, and there are a large number of gray mold layer. When the disease occurs on the stem, there will be gray disease spots, which will lead to stem fracture after a circle around the stem.

Prevention and treatment: Botrytis cinerea can be prevented with isobarbazide when dipping flowers, and can be sprayed with isobaric urea or ethylene sclerotiorin when the disease occurs, or fumigated with nuclear cleaning agent.

2. Sclerotinia disease

The disease mainly harms the fruit and stem vines. When the fruit is infected, the fruit first shows water-immersed rot, and then the disease grows white hyphae, and the hyphae spread black sclerotia. When the stem vine was infected, it showed water immersion at first, the disease part turned brown, and then gradually grew white and black sclerotia, and the disease part withered and died for the upper stem and leaf.

Prevention and control methods: the disease should be cleaned in the field when planting, disinfect the soil, reduce the pathogenic bacteria, and the control method is similar to Botrytis cinerea.

3. Fruit rot

As the name implies, fruit rot will harm the disease of the fruit. The pathogen usually infects from the pedicel and injury, showing a water stain at the initial stage, then gradually browning and soft rot, and then white or pink mildew in the later stage, and finally the whole melon will rot. The pathogen of this disease overwinters in the soil, the fruit and soil contact is very easy to catch the disease, in high humidity, improper management of water and fertilizer, resulting in cracking melon is very easy to infect.

Prevention and control methods: to prevent and cure fruit rot, we should first adopt the cultivation technique of high ridge plastic film mulching, increase the application of organic fertilizer, enhance plant immunity, reduce wounds, and remove the diseased melons in time. The initial stage of the disease can be sprayed with copper sulfate, germicidal alum, copper and other medicament control, or with carbendazim root irrigation control.

4. Soft rot

Soft rot occurs as a brown water stain, then softens quickly, and the disease will rot inside the disease. the disease spreads very rapidly, and the melon will give off a foul smell after decay, but there is no mildew, which is the biggest difference from other diseases. It is a bacterial disease, which is spread by Rain Water, watering and insects. It is easy to occur in the environment of poor permeability and high humidity in the field.

Prevention and treatment methods: copper preparation can be used to prevent and cure the disease, such as oleic acid copper EC, copper succinate fertilizer, Chunlei Wang copper wettable powder, sprayed every 7-10 days, continuous 2-3 times, the effect is better.

The above is the introduction of the causes and control methods of rotten zucchini. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.