
How do lemon seeds grow small potted plants? Pot planting methods and matters needing attention

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Lemon, also known as lemon, foreign lemon, motherfruit, is a commonly used fruit, it is a shrub plant, rich in nutritional value, but also beauty, very popular. So how do lemon seeds grow small potted plants? The following are the cultivation methods and precautions of potted lemons. How to grow small potted plants with lemon seeds

Lemon, also known as lemon, foreign lemon, motherfruit, is a commonly used fruit, it is a shrub plant, rich in nutritional value, but also beauty, very popular. So how do lemon seeds grow small potted plants? The following are the cultivation methods and precautions of potted lemons.

First, how to plant lemon seeds in small pots

1. Selection of species

To select fully ripe lemon to take out the seed, because the immature fruit its seed germination rate is low, even if it can germinate, it is not easy to survive. After taking it out, select the seeds with large and full particles.

two。 Sprout

Wash the selected seed in clean water and carefully rub off the film with your hands. Be careful not to hurt its budding point, that is, the slightly pointed part of the seed. After treatment, soak it in clean water and place it in a warm place away from the light. It will sprout in about a week. Pay attention to changing the water every day during this period.

3. Upper basin

After soaking for about a week, it can be moved to the basin soil, and the seeds can be buried directly. After transplanting, a small amount of water should be watered or sprayed every day, and the soil should be kept moist, and the soil with good permeability, loose and fertile soil should be selected.

4. Intermediate seedling

After planting, the seedlings will grow in about a week or so, and after it has grown for a period of time, the thinner and thicker seedlings should be removed, so that the remaining seedlings can grow better.

Second, the culture method of potted lemon

1. Pruning and changing pots and soil in spring

The growth of potted lemon is robust, in order to ensure better growth, it is necessary to prune. The best time for pruning is in spring. At this time, it should be combined with spring pruning, cutting off withered branches and leaves, diseases and insect pests, growing branches and other parts, so that the plant can hang fruit and grow. Potted lemon flowers, pot soil change time should be carried out between March and April of the Spring Festival, to increase the nutrients needed for growth, as well as the increase of plant growth.

two。 adequate manuring

Before the lemon plant blossoms and after hanging fruit, topdressing, applying multi-element flower fertilizer every other month, and spraying flower nutrient solution every half a month can be done.

3. Control of diseases and insect pests

Hot summer and cool autumn are the seasons of frequent occurrence of diseases and insect pests, so reasonable prevention and control should be carried out under such circumstances. To prevent and control diseases and insect pests, you should spray anther every half a month.

Matters needing attention

1. Be careful not to cut the main branches and leaves when pruning. When changing the basin, you should choose a basin suitable for the growth of lemon plant size, not too big or too small, and when changing soil, apply bottom fertilizer to the bottom of the basin now.

two。 Fertilizing fertilizer is multi-element flower fertilizer, do not apply other fertilizers, so as not to damage the roots and affect growth. Fertilization should be appropriate, according to the growth trend, large plants can apply more fertilizer, while small plants should apply less fertilizer.

3. Attention should be paid when spraying, the best spraying time is around 9: 00 in the morning, or around 4: 00 in the afternoon, do not spray in the hot sun at noon, otherwise it is easy to cause drug damage.

Time: 2019-04-05 Click: