
How much is dried cauliflower 2018-2019 per jin? Is fresh day lily poisonous? What are the prospects for the planting market?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cauliflower, also known as Golden Needle, Lemon Hemerocallis, is a kind of traditional vegetable that people like to eat. It has high nutritional value and is regarded as a treasure on the table. It is cultivated all over the north and south of our country, and it is harvested every spring and autumn. it has the edible effect of clearing heat and diuresis, detoxification and detumescence.

Cauliflower, also known as Golden Needle, Lemon Hemerocallis, is a traditional vegetable that people like to eat, with high nutritional value, and is regarded as "treasures on the table". It is cultivated all over the north and south of our country, and it is harvested every spring and autumn, which has the edible effect of clearing heat and diuresis, detoxification and detumescence, so how much is it per jin of dried cauliflower 2018-2019? Is fresh day lily poisonous? What are the market prospects?

How much is dried cauliflower?

The price of dried cauliflower is about 20 yuan per kilogram. Dried cauliflower is not a kind of food that is difficult to pick, so the price is also relatively close to the people. generally speaking, the price of dried cauliflower is about 20 yuan per kilogram, and the dried cauliflower is still very expensive. A jin of dried cauliflower can be eaten for a few meals.

Is fresh day lily poisonous?

Fresh cauliflower contains a substance called "colchicine". Although it is non-toxic, it is oxidized to "colchicine" in the body after absorption by the gastrointestinal tract, which is highly toxic. So when eating fresh food, don't eat too much every time. As the toxic ingredients of fresh cauliflower can be weakened or disappear at a high temperature of 60 degrees, when eating, you should first scald the fresh cauliflower with boiling water, then soak it in clear water for more than 2 hours, fish it out and wash it with water before stir-frying, so that colchicine can be destroyed. eating fresh cauliflower is safe. When eating dry products, consumers had better soak in clean water or warm water for many times before eating, so that the residual harmful substances, such as sulfur dioxide, can be removed.

Nutritional value of cauliflower

1. Brain-strengthening effect: cauliflower has good brain-strengthening and anti-aging effect because it is rich in lecithin, which is a component of many cells in the body, especially brain cells. it plays an important role in enhancing and improving brain function. at the same time, it can remove deposits in the arteries, and has a special effect on inattention, memory loss, cerebral artery obstruction and other symptoms, so it is called "brain-strengthening vegetable".

2. Cosmetic skin: often eating cauliflower can also moisturize the skin, enhance the toughness and elasticity of the skin, make the skin tender and full, lubricate and soft, reduce wrinkles and fade spots. Moreover, cauliflower has antibacterial immune function, has a mild effect of anti-inflammation and detoxification, and plays a certain role in preventing infection.

3. Lowering blood pressure: cauliflower can significantly reduce the content of serum cholesterol, which is beneficial to the rehabilitation of patients with hypertension, and can be used as a health vegetable for patients with hypertension.

4. Anti-cancer effect: cauliflower also contains active ingredients that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and rich crude fiber can promote fecal excretion, so it can be used as a food for the prevention and treatment of intestinal cancer.

Selection and purchase of cauliflower

Look at the appearance

The color is bright yellow (light yellow or golden yellow) with brownish color, long and stout, uniform thickness, fresh texture without impurity is preferred; the color is dark yellow and slightly reddish, the strip shape is short and thin, and the quality is not very uniform; the color yellow and brown strip is short and thin, the length is different, the quality with sediment is the best, and the inferior cauliflower is even black, mildew and deteriorate.

In addition, the color of dry goods smoked by sulfur is different from the usual color, the color of smoked cauliflower is light yellow or white, and the distribution of yellow and white is uneven, while the color of unsmoked cauliflower is golden or brown.

Smell it.

If you smell the smell of cauliflower, the one with crisp fragrance is of high quality; the inferior cauliflower has mildew, sulfur or tobacco smell, the musty smell is the metamorphic product, the one with sulfur smell is the smoked product, and the more sulfur dioxide exceeds the standard, the heavier the sulfur smell is, and the one with smoke smell is serious.

Grab a hand.

Hold a handful of cauliflower into a ball, feel dry, soft and elastic, after loosening, cauliflower can quickly stretch out, indicating that the vegetable is dry, low moisture content and good quality. Inferior cauliflower feel hard and easy to break, poor elasticity, large water content, cauliflower is not easy to disperse after loosening, indicating that there is more water content, easy to grow mildew; if there is a sticky feel when loosening, it is proved that it has gone bad.

Cauliflower in Hengxi Village, Yangxin County became "hot" and enriched all the villagers.

No one in Hengxi Village, Wangying Town, Yangxin County could have imagined that the so-called cauliflower, as the saying goes, suddenly entered the line of sight, full of flowers and bones all over the mountains, bursting their heads to the ground.

The village lies in the depths of the mountain.

In the past, the people here guarded a few acres of thin fields and had no money left in their pockets all the year round. If you want to be rich, you can describe it in one sentence-"wait until cauliflower gets cold."

Wang Yiyuan is weeding cauliflower along a furrow on the hillside at the head of the village on June 23. "I am more than 60 years old this year, and my wife and I are not in good health. Although my children are old, they have a heavy burden, and I don't want to cause them any trouble. Come and go, I dragged down the village and became a poor household. " He said sheepishly.

There are 35 poor households working in the fields like him, with 100 yuan a day, which is basically enough to subsidize the family. This year, the village planted more than 340 mu of cauliflower, one mu of land to remove fertilizer money and labor, there is still a profit of more than 2000 yuan.

Wan Weicong, a village branch secretary, said that the income of more than 2000 yuan is double that of traditional agriculture. Although the profit is not higher than that of planting traditional Chinese medicine, the victory is stable, and the market price does not change much. He plans to expand the planting scale of cauliflower to 2000 mu, and the income of cauliflower alone will reach 4 million yuan.

"income is demutualized, of which 41% are from poor households, 10% from collectives, 49% from 6 major shareholders. The collective income will be used for reinvestment, and when this cause develops and grows, the village collective can give it to the villagers completely without a penny. "

Time: 2019-03-25 Click: