
Apocalypse 02 of melon garden promotes baked sweet potato to the ultimate skill and provides customers with totalsolution

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Apocalypse 02 of melon garden promotes baked sweet potato to the ultimate skill and provides customers with totalsolution

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Previously on food, the quality and output are unstable, which is the hard wound of almost all agricultural products, and sweet potatoes are no exception. However, 24 hours a day, all the year round, melon orchards can supply "whole family rammed sweet potatoes" all the time, with an annual sales of 23 million. What is more rare is that the taste of each sweet potato is consistent. What kind of enlightenment does the experience of melon orchards bring to Taiwan's agriculture?.

How to bake a sweet potato?

Under the premise of continuous supply throughout the year, delivery deployment is the key. How can sweet potatoes be continuously supplied during the non-parturient period? Melon orchards have developed "ice-baked sweet potatoes" in the past, which come in handy. Huang Hsin-feng's answer: fresh sweet potatoes are used during the production season and pre-frozen. When the production season is over, you can use them. But how can frozen reheated sweet potatoes taste exactly the same as freshly baked sweet potatoes? He explained that the sweet potatoes had to be pre-baked and quickly frozen, but they could not be fully cooked, because they had to be reheated at the end of the store. The reason seems simple, but there are many eyebrows, step by step is technology.

Colorful sweet potato varieties (provided by melon orchard)

Agribusiness is the integration platform, providing total solution.

The founding concept of "unified production, storage and marketing" in melon orchards enables us to master all the details, from seedlings, planting, management, harvesting, selection, storage to processing. "I can fine-tune the whole process." Qiu Yuxiang gives full play to the advantages of agricultural enterprises, provides customers with total solution (overall solution), and turns agriculture into a service industry according to the individual needs of various customers.

"in the past, people's impression of agricultural enterprises was that commercial organizations gave priority to interests and squeezed farmers, but I said that agricultural enterprises had a say entirely because there were farmers behind them!" Qiu Yuxiang stressed that agricultural enterprises should play the role of an "integration platform," responsible for integrating capital, manpower, technology, and other aspects, linking production and marketing, and laying down good rules of the game so that everyone can act in accordance with the rules.

To break into the international market, the role of agricultural enterprises is more critical, and only with an integrated platform can we unite with great strength. Chiu Yu-hsiang believes that relying solely on traders may lead to unequal information with producers, and poor quality will depress purchase prices, making it difficult to really build bridges. "if producers have the ability, they still have to go to this area on their own." after all, the formation of farmers' cooperatives is still regional and their strength is limited. If they want to venture abroad, agricultural enterprises still have more room for negotiation.

Instead of training talents to expand agricultural bases southward to the country, Chiu Yu-hsiang points out that it is all the more necessary to develop more excellent agricultural enterprises on the ground to attract talents from all over the world to Taiwan. He expects, "Taiwan is the strongest agricultural place in Asia. If you want to study agriculture, you must come to Taiwan. You should find ways to create an industrial environment, let others work for us, and then take them out to fight."

The industry is not jealous of each other, both competing and cooperating, and unite with the outside world.

Another point in Taiwan's sweet potato industry is particularly commendable, that is, there is a good "competition" relationship between various production and marketing groups, which is both "competition" and "cooperation" rather than blindly hostile. "if you see a sweet potato in a foreign market, will you see whose sweet potato it is? No, you will only see which country it is from. How to make people see at a glance that Taiwan is a place with a strong sweet potato? this is a display of national strength! "

Chiu Yu-hsiang said that for example, some time ago, when the agricultural experimental institute launched a new variety, "Jinxiang," melon orchards cooperated with Qingquan sweet potato (a 7-11 super-merchant sweet potato supplier) to promote it, hoping to enter the international market. "if you try to make fresh when you are fresh, I will do it when I am strong. Everyone will try their best to stir-fry this product and let people know and say: Oh! There is a delicious sweet potato in Taiwan! If I want this sweet potato, I think of Taiwan! "

Qiu Yuxiang pointed to the importance of inter-industry cooperation. "if we don't do it together, we will be divided." After the trader has finished asking, you will come and ask me, and then use your price to cut my price to the end, thinking that you have got the order, but in fact, the price is the lowest and you have not made any money. "

It is not "production and marketing", but "sales". Production is needed only after sales.

Melon orchards, which started from agricultural banks rather than farmers, have achieved remarkable results with sales-oriented thinking. Qiu Yuxiang broke the blind spot of current agricultural policy: the focus is on planting rather than sales. "when everything everyone produces can be sold, are you still worried that he won't grow it? Seed is his strong point! "

For example, in recent years, the Government has encouraged the cultivation of miscellaneous grains and has been expanding the area, but it has caused unsalable black beans and low-quality beans to disturb the market. "this is just pushing the pit!" He thinks that the government should first figure out who needs black beans, and then help mediate the farmers. "what standards do you want, you open, my government will be the village, encourage farmers to meet your standards, and then you have to guarantee the purchase."

"therefore, it is not 'production and marketing', but 'sales'. Only when there is a demand for sales can there be demand for production." If only production is encouraged but no access is planned, Chiu Yu-hsiang says bluntly, "this is tantamount to covering your ears and stealing the bell." He said with emphasis, "the Council of Agriculture should not just focus on farmers. The biggest problem for farmers is sales!"

Give full play to geographical advantages and use powerful processing technology to let the international see Taiwan

Sweet potatoes represent the image of Taiwan, and the domestic sweet potato industry is also trying to make Taiwan sweet potatoes shine on the world stage. Who are the competitors? "all the Asian countries you think of are competitors," says Chiu Yu-hsiang. Japan is at the top of the pyramid, while Indonesia and Vietnam are cheap and high-output. Taiwan, which is in the middle, has to make our own characteristics.

Chiu Yu-hsiang points out the advantages of Taiwan's sweet potatoes: they are not as expensive as Japan, but their quality can also be close to that of Japan, and more importantly, they have good processing technology and can flexibly cooperate with any kind of channel.

"what gives me this confidence is a small country, Belgium." Qiu Yuxiang said that Belgium is sandwiched between three big agricultural countries, France, Germany and the Netherlands. It does not produce potatoes, but it has the largest French fries factory in the world. "although it is not a producer of raw materials, it is the best supplier of processing technology." Potatoes from surrounding countries are sent to Belgium, which is in the center, for processing.

Taiwan is highly integrated and efficient, which is unmatched by other countries.

"isn't Taiwan? Who is the center of Asia? Taiwan. " Qiu Yuxiang domineering, "how can we make use of our geographical advantages to develop the Asian economy?" Why is it bigger than Chinese mainland, more sophisticated than Japan, and cheaper than Southeast Asia? " In his eyes, Taiwan is characterized by high integration and maximum efficiency, just like superstore clerks, each like Superman, and suitable as an experimental base, which is unmatched by the surrounding countries.

The great upgrading of the whole sweet potato industry from sand to gold has certainly contributed to the trend of health preservation, but melon orchards have come steadily and steadily step by step, working with farmers to establish a good faith relationship, cooperating with the whole family and consumers, and working together with the industry to hit the international market. At present, the construction of the new Guanyuan Miao plant is under way, with an estimated annual output of 8000 tons of processed products and an increase of 500 million in output value. "having a foothold in Taiwan and looking at the world" is no longer an empty slogan, but a way of standing up and striving to grow green leaves to the sun like a sweet potato.

"I dare not challenge, who dares to challenge?" Qingquan sweet potato Huang Rongqing pushes Taiwan sweet potato to the global market

Four hundred years of tamping sweet potato ~ Cai Chenghao talks about the ancient times: the history of sweet potato that must be known when eating sweet potato

A hundred years of inheritance and breeding has created a miracle of sweet potato in Taiwan! The research funding of sweet potato is cut year after year, and the researcher grits his teeth and inherits it.

Honorable retirement of Tainong 57 sweet potato ~ Tainong 74 Jinxiang │ is delicious, more resistant to storage, and the yield is 30% more.

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