
When is cauliflower, one of the rare vegetables, usually sown? When is the best time to plant and harvest? (with planting method)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cauliflower, the scientific name of cauliflower, also known as broccoli, cauliflower, cauliflower, belongs to the cruciferous plant kale, fed with giant buds, one of the precious vegetables. So when is cauliflower usually sown? When is the best time to plant and harvest?

Cauliflower, the scientific name of cauliflower, also known as "broccoli", "cauliflower", "cauliflower", belongs to the cruciferous plant kale, fed with giant buds, one of the precious vegetables. So when is cauliflower usually sown? When is the best time to plant and harvest? The details are as follows:

Planting time:

Spring cauliflower should be planted in greenhouse or sunny bed in late December and planted in protected field in the first and middle of March. Open field cultivation should be planted from late March to early April, not too early or too late, and autumn cauliflower should be sown strictly. Generally, it should be sown from late June to early July, planted from late July to early August, and harvested from the end of September to the end of October.

The temperature is low in spring, the seedling grows slowly, the seedling age is generally 45-60 days, with 4-5 true leaves can be planted. If the seedlings are planted in the open field in the shed, the temperature and humidity in the shed should be adjusted according to the appropriate period of planting in the open field, so as to ensure that the seedlings can be transplanted on time.

The sowing time is slightly different between the north and the south, and the autumn sowing time is between June and July.

The planting of cauliflower should be cultivated in sandy loam with deep soil layer, fertile soil and good drainage. After ploughing the soil, 1000 kg of organic fertilizer, 50 kg of compound fertilizer, 25 kg of superphosphate or calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, 10 kg of urea and 1 kg of boric acid were applied. Make a bed by 1.5 meters of land preparation, deep ditch and high border, spray herbicide Herbicide or butachlor to prevent grass damage after soil preparation. 7-10 days before planting, the seedlings can be ventilated and cooled at noon in sunny days, so that the seedlings can gradually adapt to the outdoor low temperature environment and improve the survival rate of transplanting. The time of seedling training every day should be gradually extended. Generally, the distance between plants is 35 cm-40 cm, and 2500-3000 plants per mu are planted according to different varieties. For those cultivated in greenhouse and other facilities, the density should be a little thinner, planting 2000-2500 plants per mu. After planting, root water should be poured in time to promote living trees.

In the field management of cauliflower planting methods, in the later growth stage, after the temperature rises in April, facility cultivation should do a good job of ventilation and cooling in time, and the flower heads should be harvested in time after maturity. Fertilizer and water management should pay attention to the application of sufficient base fertilizer, promote early slow seedling, slightly control fertilizer and water after slow seedling, and improve stress resistance. After the weather turns warm in late February, it is necessary to apply fertilizer in time, mainly to promote it to the end, especially in the period of flower bulb expansion, we should pay attention to fertilizer and water, combined with mid-ploughing and weeding, generally use compound fertilizer 1 kg plus urea 8 kg per mu to promote flower bulb expansion. In order to control the hollowness of flower and stem, foliar topdressing was carried out by spraying 1000 times of 16% liquid boron fertilizer for 2-3 times 15-20 days before budding. The temperature in the early stage of broccoli growth is low, and generally there is no need for irrigation. in order to avoid a sharp drop in soil temperature caused by watering, watering should be carried out at noon and the amount of water should not be too much. After the temperature picks up, it is necessary to maintain a certain amount of soil moisture, especially during the heading period, so as not to inhibit the formation of the bouquet and lead to a decline in yield. Open-field cultivation after heavy rain should be timely drainage, do not accumulate water, and timely spray fungicides to prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases.

Planting method:

First, choose a good variety.

It is suitable to use mid-and late-maturing varieties in spring and early and mid-maturing varieties in autumn.

Second, sowing and planting at the right time.

Third, cultivate strong seedlings of the right age. Using nutrition bowl to raise seedlings, autumn cauliflower germination stage and seedling stage are in high temperature and rainy season, so shading measures should be taken. Generally, autumn cauliflower seedling age should be planted at 25 min 30 days, when 5 mi 6 leaves, spring cauliflower seedling age should be controlled at 70 mi 80 days, 5 mi 7 leaves should be planted.

Fourth, ensure the supply of water and fertilizer. After cauliflower planting, combined with watering slow seedling water, 10 kg urea per mu can be applied, and then start squatting seedlings, end squatting seedlings when the bulb diameter is about 3 cm, apply 25 kg urea per mu with watering, and then irrigate every 4 times every 5 days, pay attention to keep the border surface wet.

Pay attention to the prevention and control of insect pests. Spray with 2.5% enemy kill 5000 times and 20% quick kill 2000 times to control aphids and cabbage insects, and be careful not to use highly toxic pesticides.

Sixth, cover the flowers in time and harvest at the right time. When the floret is formed, the method of folding leaves inward can be taken to cover the bouquet in time and meticulously, the bouquet is fully grown, white, dense, the surface is straight, and the edge has not yet spread out, it is the harvest period.

Time: 2019-03-20 Click: