
When will the seeds of coniferous trees be sown? How much is the price per jin? How do you breed? What is the planting method?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Luohan pine is also known as Luohanshan, evergreen Luohanshan, Taxodium, Pinus elliottii, Pinus elliottii, Xianbai, Luohanbai, Jiangnanbai, Luohansong evergreen coniferous trees. So when will its seeds be sown? How much is the price per jin? How do you breed? What are the planting methods? I learned from the family background of the seedlings in Suqian

Luohan pine is also known as Luohanshan, evergreen Luohanshan, Taxodium, Pinus elliottii, Pinus elliottii, Xianbai, Luohanbai, Jiangnanbai, Luohansong evergreen coniferous trees. So when will its seeds be sown? How much is the price per jin? How do you breed? What are the planting methods? From the family background of the seedlings in Suqian, we know that one jin of high-quality, full-grained seeds of Luohan pine can be bought at about 350 yuan on the market. However, the price of seeds imported from India will be higher than that of ordinary seeds.

When will the seeds of Luohansong be sown?

Seeds of Pinus elliottii can be sowed in spring or autumn. The best sowing time in spring is 2muri-May, and the best sowing time in autumn is 8Mel-October. The seeds of Pinus elliottii must be fresh in order to have germination rate, and it is almost impossible for dried seeds to germinate. The amount of sowing per mu is 50 / m / mu and 60 / mu.

How do seeds of Pinus elliottii propagate?

Multi-purpose sowing and cutting Propagation of Pinus elliottii

1. Planting and propagation

After the seeds are ripe in August, they can be planted as they are picked, or they can be dried in the shade. The seeds will be sown in March next spring, and the fresh seeds will weigh 312 grams. Before sowing, sow the bed with loose soil, cover the soil with 2 cm thick, set up a shed for shade after sowing, unearth the shade buds in late April, and plant them separately after a year of cultivation.

2. Cuttage propagation

More than spring and autumn, if you use automatic spray full-light seedlings, you can carry out tender wood cuttings in June, the survival rate is more than 80%, cuttings with heel, about 15 cm long base to remove leaves, using the general cutting method, timely shade and watering. Spray water once a day, and the soil water content is not less than 70%. Spring planting can take root at the end of June, and autumn planting can take root at the end of October. Covered with straw or plastic arch shed in winter to keep warm, it can be planted in spring next year. Potted growers mix the same amount of sand with humus.

What are the seed planting methods of Luohansong?

1. Preparation of seeds of Luohansong

The seeds of Pinus elliottii are collected and stored for sowing and stored in a dry and ventilated place. it is best to seal them and put them in the refrigerator, so that the preserved seeds will neither germinate in advance nor lose their moisture.

2. seed sowing of Pinus elliottii

Before sowing, it is necessary to soak the seeds in warm and cold boiling water for about 4 days to fully absorb water, which is helpful to improve the germination rate. The row spacing of sowing plants is 10x20 cm, the best depth is to cover the seeds, and then cover the grass to moisturize. Spray water once a day after sowing, remove the grass cover about 8 days later, avoid exposure and do a good job of shading.

3. Seedling raising techniques of Pinus elliottii

Seeds can germinate about 40 days after sowing. Pay attention to the interval between seedlings. If it is too dense, the seedlings can be transplanted with soil to the vacancy, and it is necessary to avoid watering the new seedlings to ensure the survival rate of the seedlings. Wait until the seedlings grow about 6 leaves, can be properly sprinkled with some biogas diluted water, it is best not to use chemical fertilizer. The seedlings grow slowly, so they can not be transplanted until 1 year later, the plant spacing and row spacing are both 20 cm, or they can be transferred to a nutrition bag, 1 plant per bag. One year later, it was retransplanted again. After 3 years of seedling cultivation, the height of the seedling can reach 1-1.3 meters, the crown width can reach 1 square meter, and the crown is tower-shaped, which can be used as a garden or continue to grow large seedlings.

Time: 2019-03-20 Click: