
Where does the milky flower of Liana grow? What is the effect and function of it? How to plant it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sheep milk flower, is a perennial twining vine, Corolla blue-green or yellowish, capsule conical. So, where does the Liana grow? What is the effect and function of it? How to plant it? Where does the milky flower of Liana grow? Sheep's milk likes a cool climate and encounters high temperatures during the growing period.

Sheep milk flower, is a perennial twining vine, Corolla blue-green or yellowish, capsule conical. So, where does the Liana grow? What is the effect and function of it? How to plant it?

1. Where does the Liana grow?

Sheep's milk likes a cool climate and encounters high temperature during the growing period, so the aboveground parts are easy to wilt and be infected with diseases. Sheep's milk seedlings like shade, and adults like plenty of sunshine. It produces the provinces and regions of Northeast, North China, East China and Central and South China. It is also distributed in the far East of the Soviet Union, Korea and Japan. Born in shady and humid areas under mountain shrubs or in broad-leaved forests.

Second, what effect and function does it have?

1. Sheep Milk Flower in the treatment of gynecological diseases

The medicine of Sheep Milk Flower is very mild and non-toxic. It has the function of invigorating vital energy and invigorating milk. At the same time, it can also dissolve toxins, as well as expectorant effect. some women often have common symptoms such as abnormal secretion, menstrual discomfort, abdominal pain and menstrual disorders. We can prepare lean pork and sheep's milk flowers and stew them together. The effect is very good.

2. Other functions

For some people who are weak, it is easy to get tired. Sheep milk flower is a good medicine. Take 60g goat milk root and 250g pork lean meat and cook them in water. It is not only delicious meat soup, but also the best way to treat fatigue. Sheep milk flower is a specialty of Changbai Mountain, famous for both medicine and food, with the title of the king of mountain vegetables, can be used to stir-fry all kinds of dishes, not only good taste but also high nutritional value.

3. Industrial use

Sheep milk flower is a raw material for many food production and processing, which can be squeezed into juice, medicinal diet and health food, or even pesticides.

Third, how to plant sheep milk flowers?

Sheep milk is a straight-root plant with well-developed roots, so it is necessary to choose the soil with fertile soil, deep soil layer, loose texture and good drainage conditions. In the participation area, the shady slope is the best, with small slope, thick soil layer, sufficient nutrients, high humus content, suitable light and moderate soil water content, which is beneficial to seedling emergence and root growth. 667m2 applied organic fertilizer 3000kg or special fertilizer 50kg. Combine turning the ground and raking the ground to mix the fertilizer well. Border cultivation can also be done in ridges.

The seedlings are raised in mid-October, slowly planed with picks from under the bed, the planed seedlings are graded or tied into small handfuls, and then transplanted before freezing. If the conditions are not ripe, the seedlings can be planted after thawing on the second day. The seedlings can be preserved by cellar method. Transplanting plots are also required to make beds, specifications are the same as seedling beds, trenches are opened on the bed surface, 15-20cm deep, seedlings are placed obliquely according to 7cm interval, the bud head of the seedling is up, and then covered with soil, it is appropriate to exceed the bud head 5cm. The distance between grooves is 20-30 cm ~ 2. 667 m ~ 2 seedlings are about 25kg.

Time: 2019-03-20 Click: