
Changchun city flower Magnolia seed price is about how much per jin? How to sprout? How do you plant it? What are the methods?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Magnolia is also known as Magnolia, Lycoris, Magnolia, the city flower of Changchun, the flowering period is as long as 30-50 days, mainly in winter and spring, New Year's Day also blossoms around the Spring Festival. So how much is its seed price per jin? How to sprout? How do you plant it? What are the methods?

Magnolia is also known as Magnolia, Lycoris, Magnolia, the city flower of Changchun, the flowering period is as long as 30-50 days, mainly in winter and spring, New Year's Day also blossoms around the Spring Festival. So how much is its seed price per jin? How to sprout? How do you plant it? What are the methods? According to Manager Wang of Suqian Seedling Base, the seed price of Cymbidium is about 180 yuan / jin. The sowing amount per mu is about 6 murmurs and 7 jin.

How to accelerate the germination of Cymbidium seeds?

The ripeness of the orchid seed is about 260 days from pollination, and the fruit changes from green to ochre red or bright red. Gently squeezing with the hand has a sense of compactness and making a sound, which is a sign of the full maturity of the fruit. The seed should be sown quickly. If the seed cannot be sowed immediately due to objective reasons, the seed should be wrapped in clean gauze and placed in a ventilated and cool place. The temperature had better not be higher than 15 ℃. This will last for a month. If the storage time is too long, the seed quality will be affected and the emergence rate will be reduced.

Stratification is recommended, that is, prepare a lot of sand, stir the seeds with the sand, pour some water, and keep the sand wet. Wait until spring, take out the seeds and sow them, and then they can germinate.

How to plant the seeds of Cymbidium? What are the methods?

1. Sowing technology. Because the seed contains a lot of water, it should be sowed quickly after harvest, otherwise the emergence rate is low, or even lose vigor. The container is made of tile basin or wooden box with good drainage and permeability, which is disinfected with potassium permanganate solution and set aside. The simple and feasible methods of sowing Cymbidium are river sand sowing and sawn wood sowing. River sand sowing is to wash the fine-grained river sand with clean water and boil it for disinfection, then scrape it flat in a container with a distance of about 2 centimeters. Put the seeds on the sand surface, the bud eyes down, covered with a thin layer of sand. Sow seeds with sawdust. Is to use a medium thickness of sawdust, stir-fry or steam disinfection, put into the passenger vessel, the thickness of 7 cm to 10 cm. The bud eyes are downward, the spacing is the same as before, and the seeds are covered with sawdust. Pour water thoroughly and cover the mouth of the container with film or glass.

2. Moisturizing and heat preservation. After the seeds of Cymbidium are sown, it is necessary to have suitable humidity and temperature conditions. The water permeability of the river sand is strong, and the water retention is poor. It is found that the humidity of the basin surface is not enough, so it is necessary to immediately water or spray water to keep the water content at about 40%. Sawdust has strong water permeability and water absorption, so it should be watered or sprayed once a day to make sawdust in a wet state. The suitable temperature for seed germination of Cymbidium is between 20 ℃ and 25 ℃. However, the temperature of river sand is low and the temperature of sawn wood is high, so the temperature can be adjusted according to sowing medium and season. If the temperature and humidity are well controlled, cotyledons can be produced by sowing in river sand for 30-40 days, and sawdust sowing and emergence earlier.

3. Planting separately. When the seedling grows a leaf, the seedling can be removed from the sowing container and planted separately. Generally use 10 cm diameter flowerpots, with loose, well-drained fine culture, 3 plants per pot. Before planting, pick three nests that are slightly larger and deeper than the seedlings. After raising the seedlings, take the plant in one hand and insert the roots into the nest, fill it with fine soil in the other hand, and finally pour water thoroughly and keep it in a shady place for a few days. Gradually increase the scanning time in the future. Apply liquid fertilizer with a concentration of 1: 20 every half month or so. With the continuous growth of the plant, the concentration of fertilization should be increased accordingly. When the seedlings grow to 3 or 4 leaves, they are planted. Still use 10 cm diameter pot, only one plant per plate, according to the seedling water and fertilizer management method for management.

Time: 2019-03-20 Click: