
How to grow wild vegetable chrysanthemum brain? How do you make it delicious and simple? What are the effects and effects?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chrysanthemum brain is the most common dish on the folk table, especially chrysanthemum brain duck egg soup is a good product for summer heat prevention. Chrysanthemum is rich in nutrition and is a kind of wild vegetable with great development prospect. So, how to plant chrysanthemum brain? How do you make it delicious and simple? What are the effects and effects? How to plant chrysanthemum brain

Chrysanthemum brain is the most common dish on the folk table, especially chrysanthemum brain duck egg soup is a good product for summer heat prevention. Chrysanthemum is rich in nutrition and is a kind of wild vegetable with great development prospect. So, how to plant chrysanthemum brain? How do you make it delicious and simple? What are the effects and effects?

How to plant chrysanthemum brain?

Chrysanthemum brain is easy to cultivate. Sporadic planting can be propagated by individual plants, and piece planting can be planted by direct seeding or seedling transplanting, or it can be cultivated for many years. After 4 years of perennial cultivation, the plant was senescent and needed to be renewed.

1. Land selection and preparation: it is better to choose fertile sandy loam. Before sowing or transplanting, apply sufficient basal fertilizer and prepare the soil finely to make a border with a width of 1.2ml / 1.5m and a height of about 20--30cm.

2. Propagation methods: chrysanthemum brain can be propagated by seed, ramet and cuttage. It is better to propagate by cutting. The method is as follows: in May-June, the tender shoots about 5--6cm are selected, the stems are cut off, and the shoots are cut into the seedling bed. The depth is 1 beat 3 of the length of tender shoots. After planting, the soil is kept moist and shaded by shading net, and survive in about half a month. The planting density is 30cm--30cm.

3. Field management: first of all, we should apply sufficient basic fertilizer and diligently apply "brain fertilizer". Application of rotten organic fertilizer 2500kg per 667m2. When planting, the rarefied human and animal manure was applied once in combination with watering root water, about 1500kg per 667m2, in order to survive. Every harvest combined with watering and topdressing, about 2000kg of mature human and animal feces was applied every 667m2. If perennial cultivation is carried out, after the aboveground stems and leaves are completely dried up, the stems are cut off before frost, the winter fertilizer is applied again, and the soil 5cm is cultivated about, which is beneficial to safe overwintering and early spring germination. Secondly, to do a good job of weeding, we should also pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, chrysanthemum brain rarely occur diseases and insect pests, perennial chrysanthemum brain should mainly control aphids, the method is to spray foliar water regularly.

4. Harvesting and seed retention: protected cultivation can be harvested as early as March, and open-field cultivation usually begins from April to May. The peak harvest period is from May to August, and it is harvested every half a month until the bud blossoms in October. The more times of harvest, the more vigorous the branches, and picking frequently can avoid the harm of aphids. The harvest standard is that the stem tip is tender, broken by hand, and listed in small bundles. Continuous planting can harvest 150--200kg every 667m2, with an annual output of 4500--5000kg. In the early stage of harvest, it is picked by hand or cut with scissors, and when the plant grows in the later stage, it can be cut with a sickle. When picking, pay attention to the stubble height in order to maintain a sufficient number of buds, which is beneficial to maintain the high yield in the later stage. The stubble 3--5cm in spring and 6--10cm in autumn and winter can be picked 5 times in spring and summer and 4 times in autumn and winter.

Leave the chrysanthemum brain plant for use, do not harvest after summer, let it grow naturally, and properly apply phosphate and potash fertilizer to facilitate flowering and seed setting. After the seeds mature in December, the flower heads are cut off, dried, and the seeds are rubbed out. Generally, the seeds are produced 5--6kg every 667m2. The old stubble after seed harvest is left in the field, and the tender shoots can be harvested and listed in March of the following year.

How to make chrysanthemum brain delicious and simple?

Chrysanthemum brain egg soup

1. Chrysanthemum choose to remove impurities, leave the tip, rinse with running water first clean; two eggs, add scattered into egg liquid set aside.

two。 Put water into the pot and bring to a boil.

3. Slowly pour in the egg and stir it with spoons or chopsticks. Try not to allow the egg to agglomerate.

4. Boil the water and put in the washed chrysanthemum brain.

5. After the water is boiled, season with salt and sesame oil.

What are the effects and functions of chrysanthemum brain?

1. Relieve dizziness

For cold, wind and heat, fever and dizziness; liver meridian has heat; eyes red and tearful, or liver and kidney yin deficiency, dizziness; liver yang hyperactivity, dizziness and headache; sores and sores and pain. It is also used in coronary heart disease and hypertension in modern times.

two。 Sedative sterilization

It has sedative and antipyretic effect. It can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus B, Shigella dysenteriae, Typhoid, Paratyphoid, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and influenza virus. It can significantly dilate the coronary artery and increase the blood flow. Can enhance the resistance of capillaries. Chrysanthemum glycoside has antihypertensive effect.

Time: 2019-03-20 Click: