
How much does gentian branch gentian seed price a catty? How to grow? What are the effects and functions?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gentiana macrophylla, alias: Gentiana macrophylla, Gentiana macrophylla, Gentiana macrophylla. Produced in Mongolia, Russia, the mainland of China of Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Hebei, Shaanxi, **, Northeast, Shanxi and other places. Has extremely high medicinal value. So, how much is the price of Gentiana seed? How to grow? What are the effects and functions? it is understood

Gentiana macrophylla, alias: gentian, Gentiana macrophylla, Gentiana straminea. Produced in Mongolia, Russia, Chinese mainland Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Hebei, Shaanxi, *, Northeast, Shanxi and other places. It has high medicinal value. So, how much is the price of Gentiana seeds per jin? How to plant it? What are the effects and effects? It is understood that the seed price of Gentiana macrophylla is 150 yuan / kg, which varies greatly in different regions.

How to plant Gentiana straminea?

1. Site selection: after the seedlings of Gentiana macrophylla come out, remove the mulch, remove weeds, and control the growth of diseases and insect pests for 1 year. The former stubble is suitable for Gramineae crops, with deep soil layer, good drainage and easy tillage, applying high quality farm manure 15002000 kg / mu and calcium superphosphate 50kg / mu for planting after fine soil preparation.

two。 Transplanting: Gentiana macrophylla is planted in ditches from the early to the middle of October. The plant spacing is 15-20 m and the row spacing is 20-25 cm. The seedlings are protected from 0.09 to 1400 plants / mu, each row is covered with soil and compacted, and then continue to be planted in spring after the soil is thawed, the seedlings must not show buds, and the survival rate of seedlings is not high. Therefore, according to the local natural conditions, the sooner the soil is thawed, the better.

3. Management: Gentiana should be watered frequently after sowing to before emergence to keep the topsoil layer moist. Stack 90% trichlorfon or dimethoate 15 times liquid mixed with wheat bran around the border 4 to trap and kill mole cricket. When the seedlings grow to 2 pairs of true leaves, remove about half of the mulch, and then remove all the straw or pine needles when 4 true leaves. In dry and hot weather, the mulch can be removed later to help preserve soil moisture. Weeds should be weeded in time to keep the fields free of weeds. When the temperature is high and the dry soil layer appears below 20 cm, drip irrigation is best used.

4. Disease prevention: the main disease of Gentiana macrophylla is leaf spot, when the leaf appears brown round or oval spot. Disinfect seeds before sowing, find and control diseased plants in time, and do a good job in field hygiene. 65% mancozeb 400 × 500 times solution was sprayed every 7 days in the first and middle of June, and 300 times liquid mancozeb was sprayed every 7 days from mid-June to October.

5. Harvest: Gentiana macrophylla was harvested 3-5 years after sowing, picked when the aboveground part withered in autumn, washed with clean water after harvest, hung to half-dry, cut off the Reed head, and then dried to the whole dry. Stir-fry Gentiana straminea is to place Gentiana tablets in a frying pan, heat them over a gentle fire, stir-fry until there are slightly scorched spots on the surface of the tablets, and take them out to dry.

What are the effects and effects of Gentiana?

1. Remove rheumatism, clear dampness-heat, stop arthralgia. It is used for contracture of muscles and veins, soreness of joints, hot flashes of sunburn and fever in children.

two。 Gentiana is one of the main drugs for the treatment of rheumatic arthralgia, tuberculosis, hot flashes, jaundice and so on.

Time: 2019-03-19 Click: