
How much is cinnamon per jin? How to plant it? How do you eat it? What are the effects and effects?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cinnamon, also known as cinnamon, cinnamon, Yushu, cinnamon, cinnamon, ping an tree, Chinese cinnamon, is the dry bark of cinnamon, a plant of Lauraceae. Originated in China, it is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Yunnan and other provinces. So, how much is cinnamon per jin? How to plant

Cinnamon, also known as cinnamon, cinnamon, Yushu, cinnamon, cinnamon, ping an tree, Chinese cinnamon, is the dry bark of cinnamon, a plant of Lauraceae. Originated in China, it is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Yunnan and other provinces. So, how much is cinnamon per jin? How to plant it? How do you eat it? What are the effects and effects? It is understood that the price of cinnamon is about 12 yuan per jin, and the price will be different in different regions.

How to grow cinnamon?

1. Land consolidation

Select a place

Prefer warm, humid, sunny climate, it is suitable for good drainage, fertile sandy loam, gray calcium soil or red sandy loam with acid reaction (pH4.5-5.5).

Land preparation

After ploughing and crushing the soil, it was made into a border with a width of 1m and a height of 15-20cm. Drainage ditches should be opened all around.

two。 Breeding technology

Generally, the method of seed breeding and transplanting is used to collect seeds along with the seed after maturity, or to store them with wet sand, but not more than 20 days. If the seed expires, it will lose its germinating power. Using the strip sowing method, the row spacing is about 15cm, the furrow depth is 3-4cm, and one seed is sown every 3-4cm. After sowing, the seeds are covered with soil, watering and covered with hay. Seedling height 10cm time seedlings, 1 seedling per 6cm. Three years later, when the seedling height was about 1m, it was planted in overcast and rainy days from February to March, and the distance between row and plant was about 2 × 3m.

3. Field management

20-40 days after sowing can sprout, at this time should remove weeds, build a shade shed, prevent hot sun exposure, often pay attention to watering, keep the soil moist, prevent drought. When the seedling height is 16-20cm, remove the shade shed and pay attention to irrigation and fertilization. After afforestation, it is necessary to weed, pine and fertilize 3 times a year.

4. Pest control

Insect pests include the larvae of longicorn beetles, which can be cut off and burned, hunted and killed, or fumigated with sulfur steam. Cinnamon seedling stage is mainly to prevent disease, each spraying foliar fertilizer can be mixed with insecticides and fungicides. If brown spot, anthracnose, powdery mildew and so on appear after transplantation, it can be sprayed and killed by Pink 600x or Deqing 3000 times. If there are heart borers, leaf rollers, cassia silkworms, etc., they can be killed by 2000 times or 1500 times by malathion. If longicorn beetles get into tree trunks or branches, you can use cotton wool to soak 80% of the ddvp solution into the wormhole and seal it with mud.

5. Harvesting and storage

When the tree is more than 10 years old and the phloem has accumulated into an oil layer, it can be mined and peeled in spring and autumn, and the quality of harvesting and peeling from August to September in autumn is the best. Ring peeling according to the length of the commodity specification (41cm), peel off the cinnamon, and then cut into strips according to the specification width slightly wider (8-12cm). Strip production is too peeled that is to draw a line on the tree according to the slightly larger length and width of the commodity specification, peel it off from the tree one by one, and process it by stewing oil in the ground pit or braising with a lot of baskets. The spring cinnamon peeled from April to May is of poor quality, and the autumn cinnamon peeled in September is of good quality. The bark is called cinnamon after drying, and the processed products are Guitong, cinnamon, cinnamon and cinnamon.

Matters needing attention

After peeling off cinnamon, the wound can be directly coated with healing anti-corrosion film to peel the wound, which can quickly form a layer of tough soft film close to wood, protect the growth of wound healing tissue, prevent rot infection, prevent soil and Rain Water pollution, prevent freezing, prevent wound dry crack. At the same time, tree protection generals are used to brush trees all the year round to prevent tree skin diseases and insect pests.

How do you eat cinnamon?

1. Mutton cinnamon soup:

Put 6 grams of cinnamon in about 1 jin of stewed meat, after stewing, no matter eat meat or drink soup, can play a warm stomach, warm waist and knees, treat abdominal cold, flatulence.

two。 Cinnamon powder:

Cinnamon 3 grams, fine powder, twice a day, warm water to take, can treat flatulence, stomachache; cinnamon powder added to the cooking, can help control blood sugar and cholesterol.

3. Cinnamon brown sugar tea:

Cinnamon 3 to 6 grams, brown sugar 12 grams, water frying to dregs, 2 times warm service. Can treat women's postpartum abdominal pain: before menstruation, use 3 grams of cinnamon, 9 grams of Hawthorn meat, 30 grams of brown sugar, the right amount of water boiling for three to five minutes, take it twice. It can treat abdominal distension and pain when menstruation comes.

4. Cinnamon paste:

Cinnamon 6 grams, cloves 6 grams, a total of fine powder, put into the plaster, paste children's belly button, can treat infantile diarrhea.

5. Cinnamon aconite egg soup:

Cinnamon 3 grams, aconite 9 grams, 1 egg, water fried cinnamon, aconite, to the dregs, into the eggs, cooked eggs and juice, 2 times a day. Can treat excessive leucorrhea.

What are the effects and effects of cinnamon?

Tonifying Yuanyang, warming spleen and stomach, except accumulation of cold, promoting blood circulation. Cure life door fire failure, limb cold pulse micro, death yang deficiency, abdominal pain diarrhea, cold hernia, cold pain in waist and knees, amenorrhea, gangrene, flow, and deficiency yang floating over, heat up and cold down.

Time: 2019-03-19 Click: