
How to grow purple potato of Convolvulaceae? Where is the best place to grow? How many jin per mu?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Purple potato, also known as black potato, vetch potato and so on, is a popular planting project among growers in recent years, with the characteristics of less input and more output. How do you grow purple potatoes? Where is the best place to grow? How many jin per mu? How to grow purple potatoes? Where is the best place to grow? I. selection of improved varieties

Purple potato, also known as black potato, vetch potato and so on, is a popular planting project among growers in recent years, with the characteristics of less input and more output. How do you grow purple potatoes? Where is the best place to grow? How many jin per mu?

How to grow purple potatoes? Where is the best place to grow?

First, select improved varieties and select seed potatoes

The choice of seed potato should be determined according to the specific use. Generally, excellent varieties with strong stress resistance, drought tolerance and barren tolerance and less diseases and insect pests are selected. At present, the main varieties of purple potato are Purple Potato King, Xinzi, Lingzi, Qunzi No.1, Jingshu 6, Yuzi 263, Yanzi 176, Violet, Jihei and so on. Among them, fresh food varieties "Ningzishu 1" and "Ningzishu 4", processing varieties "Japanese Ayanazi (Nonglin 47)", dual-purpose varieties "Eshu 8" and "Shanchuan Purple". The selection of seed potato requires no diseases and insect pests, and the size of potato pieces is 100-250 grams. After selecting seeds and spraying 800-fold solution of new high-fat membrane after drying treatment, it can ward off diseases and insects, isolate virus infection, strengthen respiratory intensity and improve seed germination rate.

Second, covering plastic film for early breeding and cultivating strong seedlings

Seed selection and seedling cultivation is an important stage of purple potato cultivation. "two-stage seedling raising method" can be adopted to raise purple potato seedlings. The first stage is around the middle and last ten days of March, making a seedbed 1.2 meters wide and 20-30 centimeters high in the shed, digging 15-20 centimeters deep on the seedbed, covering the bottom of the bed with a layer of organic fertilizer, soil, miscellaneous fertilizer and cattle manure, and covering soil after pouring human and animal dung and urine. In general, it is better to insert potato seedlings horizontally and obliquely, and pay attention to the distinction between head and tail, not inverted. Spraying new high lipid membrane on plant surface can prevent bacterial infection, improve the ability of resistance to natural disasters, improve the intensity of photosynthesis, and protect the growth of grain seedlings. The planting density should be about 2-3 cm apart from each other.

Seed potato row after covering the soil, so that the top and bottom uneven, seed potato does not touch cow dung grass, cover the soil to not see the seed potato. Then cover the thin rice straw, pour the whole seedling bed with clear dung water, and then buckle the shed to increase temperature and keep moisture; the second stage is about the first and middle of April, when the seedling height is 5-7 cm, the seedling is divided and transplanting, the plant row spacing is 35 cm × 70 cm, and cover the small arch shed, continue to keep warm and raise seedlings. During the seedling raising period, pay attention to ventilation to prevent burning seedlings, topdressing to promote growth. In the process of raising seedlings, it should be cut and planted at the right time. When the sprouts grow to more than 20 cm, they begin to be cut and planted, and the roots of the seedlings should be treated with 800 times of the new high-fat film, which can effectively prevent water from transpiration, isolate diseases and insect pests, protect the root sheath of the root tip, shorten the slow seedling period, and quickly adapt to the new environment.

Third, prepare the land for ridges and apply sufficient base fertilizer

Purple potato is suitable for planting in the land with high topography and convenient drainage and irrigation, and the sandy soil with high organic matter and high organic matter is the best. Deep turning to make a ridge, ridge width 40-50 cm, ridge height 25-30 cm, distance 66-86 cm. In the process of soil preparation, apply sufficient base fertilizer. Generally, 15-20 piculs of rotten chicken manure, 20-25 kg of compound fertilizer and 15 kg of potassium sulfate are applied per mu, all chicken manure is sprinkled before ploughing, chemical fertilizer is applied in ditches when making ridges, and 3% phoxim granules 2-2.5 kg per mu are applied to prevent underground pests.

Fourth, timely early insertion, reasonable close planting

Nurture the seedlings, transplant them in time, and water them in time in case of drought. Generally, it is best to be planted from mid-May to early June, generally single-row planting, plant spacing of 30-35 cm. The suitable planting density of purple potato per mu is 3000-3500 plants. The best planting time is when the soil is not dry or wet in cloudy days or when the soil moisture is suitable after rain, it is suitable to be planted in the afternoon when the temperature is high in sunny days, and can not be planted in heavy rain to prevent firewood from forming.

Fifth, strengthen management and timely control seedlings

The cultivation of purple potato should be managed well in the field. According to the needs of crops, timely mid-ploughing and weeding should be carried out, combined with mid-ploughing and soil ridging, reasonable watering, timely lifting, loosening and breaking of root hairs, do not disrupt the direction during lifting, but still put it back to the original place, and spray Diguo Zhuangtieling after lifting Teng, so as to thicken the nutrient transport conduit of underground fruit, improve the vitality of ground fruit, smooth fruit surface, strong fruit shape and increase yield. At the same time, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Purple potato diseases and insect pests are less, but can not be careless, underground pests are land tiger, red ants, spraying targeted drugs plus new high-fat film, greatly improve the effective composition rate of pesticides. The main pests in the field are Chilo suppressalis, leaf rollers, timely culling with agricultural insurance and so on. Purple potato diseases mostly occur in the summer high temperature and rainy season, in the initial stage of the disease with Dasheng Mmur45, carbendazim and other agents to control. In the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, it is necessary to prevent and control early, prohibit high toxic and high residual pesticides, and improve the commodity quality of purple potato.

Fertilizer should be applied in time in the process of plant growth. If the basal fertilizer is sufficient, it can not be topdressing in the early growth stage. On the contrary, about 10 days after planting, combined with the first weeding and topdressing, the seedling fertilizer can be drenched with rare human, livestock urine or biogas water for one or two times. 40-50 days later, combined with ploughing, topdressing and applying tuber fertilizer. After growing for 60 days, after entering the expansion period of potato pieces, you can no longer be fertilized. When the plant grows to a certain extent, we should pay attention to seedling control and topping. When the potato vine grows to 80 cm, it is necessary to beat off the top bud of the main vine in time, promote the lateral vine, make the nutrients send down the tuber, and pull out the weeds at the same time. Generally in July to August, combined with weeding can lift vine 1-2 times, to prevent the formation of uncertain potatoes, to ensure yield. Note that you only need to lift the vine, do not turn the vine, and stop the vine after the middle of August.

VI. Timely harvest to ensure quality

Purple sweet potato harvested too early will significantly reduce the yield of root tuber, harvest too late, root tuber is often affected by low temperature and chilling injury, and the storability is greatly reduced. Therefore, it must be harvested in time. Generally in mid-late October, when the average temperature of the day dropped to 15 ℃, the stem and leaf growth and tuber expansion stopped, and the harvest could begin at the latest before the frost fell. Choose sunny and rainless weather to harvest purple potatoes, so as not to have more soil on the potato pieces and affect the appearance of the goods.

How many jin of purple potato per mu

Purple potato planting capacity per mu: 3000 jin-4000 jin.

Variety classification

1. Ji Zishu No. 1

This variety was bred by crop Institute of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and approved by Shandong Province in July 2012. The outstanding characteristics are "three high": first, high anthocyanin content, with an average content of 76.38 mg/100g fresh potato; second, high dry matter and starch content, 36% 40% dry matter content, 25% Mel 27% starch content; third, high yield potential, through plastic film mulching, formula fertilization, chemical control of the whole growing period, effective prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and other measures to achieve standardization and large-scale planting, can give full play to the yield potential of this variety.

More than 2000 mu of "Ji Zishu No. 1" was checked and accepted, and 1.04mu was randomly selected, with a total yield of 2740.6 kg per mu, with an average discount of 2635.21 kg per mu, creating a large area record for high yield of high anthocyanin purple sweet potato in China.

two。 Jishu 18

The variety was bred by crop Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, with an output of more than 3000 kg per square meter.

3. Guangshu 135

The variety was bred by Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, with a yield of 2000,2500 kg per 667 square meters.

4. Ningzi No. 4

The variety was bred by the Grain and Oil crop Research Institute of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, with a yield of about 1500 kg per square meter.

5. Jingshu 6

This variety is made from the cross between Brazilian sweet potato and Chinese sweet potato, with long stem, purple skin and meat, high sweetness and good quality. the yield of 667 square meters is 1500-2000 kg, and the drying rate is high. It is mainly used for deep processing and pigment extraction.

6. Purple potato king

Purple potato king is an excellent variety of fresh sweet potato with high yield, excellent quality, purple skin, purple flesh, rich selenium, sweet and waxy taste and delicate meat. It is especially suitable for making sweet potato paste, sweet potato paste, fried potato chips and so on. It is the first choice for making series of purple potato leisure health food.

7. Qunzi No.1

The development characteristics of Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences are as follows: 1. Short vines, many branches and high vegetable yield. 2. High yield. The yield of spring sweet potato is more than 3000 kg per mu and that of summer sweet potato is about 2000 kg.

8. Yu Zi 263

Cultivated by Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The output is about 2000kg. Delicate meat, less fiber, high sugar content, good taste, is a good variety to eat.

9. Xu Zishu No. 1

In 2003, it entered the production experiment of sweet potato varieties in Jiangsu Province. After more than 20 times of trial planting and identification in five years, "Xu Zishu 1" is a new variety with high yield and purple meat. The yield of fresh potato is more than 2000 kg per mu, which is 3 to 5 times higher than that of Japanese purple heart varieties such as "Yamagawa Zi" and Ayamurasiky. This variety has red skin and purple heart, cooked potato meat is purple and bright, and has a good taste. The suitable density per mu is about 3300 plants. It is more tolerant to late planting, and waterlogging has a great effect on the yield. It is suitable to be planted in the north of China and most of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

10. South purple potato 008

It is a new variety bred by Nanchong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Sichuan Province. it has purplish red top leaves, green mature leaves, medium size, long spindles, purple skin, purple flesh, smooth potato skin, beautiful potato shape and excellent cooked food quality. In spring, the yield of fresh potato is about 19500 kg/ ha, and the yield of rattan leaves is about 31,500 kg/ ha. The yield of fresh potato and rattan leaves is 9750 kg/ ha and 12750 kg/ ha respectively. The cultivation of this variety in autumn can not only increase the yield of fresh potato, but also provide fresh green feed for aquaculture in autumn and winter.

11. Zhe Zishu No. 1

In the 2007 provincial sweet potato product comparison test, the Institute of crop and Nuclear Technology Utilization, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, produced an average of 2148.7 kg of fresh potato per mu, an increase of 49.7% over control Yuzi 263, reaching a very significant level. The variety has good sprouting ability, vigorous growth at seedling stage, long stem, heart-shaped toothed leaves and green leaves. The average number of tubers per plant is 5.1, the average weight per plant is 106.1 grams, and the proportion of medium potatoes is 58.7%. Potato pieces spindle or long spindle type, potato skin purple, potato meat purple, smooth epidermis; the dry matter rate of potato pieces is 35.3%, and fresh potato tastes sweeter and powdery. The resistance was identified by Xuzhou National Sweet Potato Research Center as high resistance to stem nematode, root rot and vine cutting, medium resistance to black spot and good storage resistance.

twelve。 Guang Zishu No. 1

The top leaf color margin is purple, the leaf shape is shallow, the leaf vein is purple, the stem is green with purple, the plant shape is semi-erect, the potato piece purple red skin, the purple flower color flesh, the potato shape spindle is more beautiful, the storability is good, the sprouting is good. The dry matter rate is 30.62%, the taste is 81.3 points, the starch rate is 19.51%, and the vitamin C content is 23.54 mg per 100 grams. Medium resistance to potato blast. Participated in the provincial high-quality regional test from 2002 to 2003, the results of the two-year regional test showed that the average yield of fresh potato was 2375.0 kg per mu.

Which is of higher nutritional value, sweet potato or purple potato?

Purple potato is more nutritious than sweet potato. Compared with sweet potatoes, purple potatoes contain a variety of nutrients that sweet potatoes do not contain-anthocyanins. The anthocyanins content of purple potatoes is not common in sweet potatoes, and the role of anthocyanins is to protect the liver and enhance vascular elasticity. And it has the effect of antioxidation. To put it simply, purple potato can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and most of the health risks of modern people happen to come from this part of the disease. At the same time, the content of selenium in purple potato is much higher than that of sweet potato, these two ingredients are beneficial to the human body, therefore, the nutritional value of purple potato is higher.

Notes on eating Purple Potato

1. People who are allergic to purple potatoes are not suitable for consumption.

Purple potato may also become an allergen. If you are allergic to purple potato, eating purple potato may cause skin redness and swelling, recurrent diarrhea, indigestion, headache, sore throat, asthma and other allergic symptoms, so such people should also avoid eating purple potato.

2. Purple potatoes should not be eaten raw

When many people usually eat purple potato, for convenience, they eat it raw after being washed directly. In fact, this is not right. There is a lot of starch in purple potato. When it enters the human body directly, it is difficult to digest. Only after high temperature can it be absorbed and used by the human body. Therefore, purple potato is not suitable for eating raw.

3. Purple potatoes should not be eaten alone.

Although purple potato is good, it is a kind of food with relatively single nutrition, usually only eating purple potato, which can not meet the body's needs for protein and other nutrients, and is easy to make the human body malnourished. Therefore, when eating purple potato, it is best to use it with high-protein ingredients, which will make the nutrition more balanced and conducive to the absorption and utilization of nutrients by the human body.

Time: 2019-03-19 Click: