
Golden cicada flower (big caterpillar fungus) price how much money a catty probably? Who can't eat? What are the main effects? How to grow?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Golden Cicada Flower, commonly known as Cordyceps sinensis, belongs to entomogenous fungi; among the 504 species of Cordyceps found in the world, Golden Cicada Flower and Cordyceps sinensis are only two of them. So how much is the price of Golden Cicada Flower? Who can't eat? What are the main effects? How do you grow it?

The golden cicada, commonly known as Cordyceps sinensis, belongs to entomogenous fungi. Among the 504 species of Cordyceps sinensis found in the world, golden cicada and Cordyceps sinensis are only two of them. So how much does the golden cicada cost per jin? Who can't eat? What are the main effects? How do you plant it? The details are as follows:

How much does the golden cicada cost per jin? Between tens and hundreds. Quality determines the price. Wild cicada / golden cicada / cicada 500 grams 180-210 yuan.

The efficacy and function of Golden Cicada

Studies at home and abroad have shown that cicada flower has multiple functions such as improving immunity, anti-fatigue, protecting kidney, improving sleep, anti-tumor, protecting liver, anti-radiation and eyesight and so on. The cultured cicadas contain 2.18% mannitol, 21.73% polysaccharides, 19.76% amino acids, 0.005% cordycepin and 0.05% adenosine, which is similar to natural Cordyceps sinensis, but toxic heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury and lead are not detected, which is safer than natural Cordyceps sinensis. Therefore, cicada can be used as a substitute for Cordyceps sinensis, can also achieve the role of nourishing and nourishing health.

1. Nourishing: Chen Wanqun and others reported that the species of amino acids in cicada flowers were similar to those in many kinds of Cordyceps sinensis, and their contents were consistent. Scholars have recognized that a variety of amino acids is one of the material bases for nourishing and strengthening. Pharmacological experiments have proved that cicadas and many kinds of amino acids from Cordyceps sinensis have beneficial effects in varying degrees.

2. Anti-fatigue: cicada water decoction can significantly prolong the swimming time of experimental mice and significantly increase the survival time under normobaric hypoxia and high temperature, which proves that cicada has the effect of anti-fatigue and anti-stress.

3. Hypnosis: one hour after administration, the number of autonomous activities in 10min in the cicada flower group was significantly less than that in the control group, and cicada flower could significantly prolong the sleep time of mice and shorten the disappearance time of pentobarbital sodium righting reflex. Cicada flower could also increase the sleep rate of mice in unit time. It is proved that cicada has better sedative and hypnotic effect. At the same time, it is proved that the effect of artificial culture is similar to that of natural cicada.

4. Labor pains: cicada flower has obvious cooling effect on normal and artificially induced febrile rats within 2 hours after administration, and the results of writhing method and hot plate method show that cicada flower has a very significant inhibitory effect on chemical and heat-induced pain in mice. It is proved that cicada has a good antipyretic and analgesic effect. This experiment and the experiments of Chen Zhu'an et al have proved that the artificial culture of cicada has the same effect.

5. Immunity: cicada mycelium was produced by artificial fermentation, from which cicada polysaccharides were extracted. Cordyceps sinensis polysaccharides were used as positive control and Grifola frondosa polysaccharide reference test. Lymphoid transformation test, Ea and E rose test, specific immune rose test (macrophage phagocytosis test, anti-sheep red blood cell (SRBC) antibody titer test were carried out in mice. The results showed that cicada polysaccharides could obviously improve the immune function.

The suitable crowd for golden cicadas

1. Cordyceps sinensis is suitable for people: dyspnea, pulmonary fibrosis, vascular sclerosis, all kinds of liver diseases, all kinds of nephropathy, heart failure, impotence, cold, dry skin, irritability, insomnia, tumor, metabolic syndrome, lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, prostatitis, easy to catch a cold and other low immunity, old and frail, postpartum physical weakness and sub-health is a rare and beneficial nutritional supplement food.

2. Cordyceps sinensis is not suitable for people: patients with rheumatoid arthritis should take less, children, pregnant and lactating women, colds, fever and cerebral hemorrhage should not be eaten, and those who have solid fire or evil should not be used.

Steamed quail with golden cicada

Efficacy: tonify qi and blood, benefit lung and kidney, stop cough. For women's health care.

Materials: 3-6 golden cicadas, 8 quails, 10 grams of ginger, 10 grams of white onions, 2 grams of pepper, 5 grams of salt, 300 grams of chicken soup.


1. Wash the golden cicadas, soak them in wine and wash them; after slaughtering quails, drain the blood, blanch them thoroughly with warm water (70 ℃), remove the hair, viscera and claws (remove the internal organs from the back), blanch them in boiling water for 1 minute, remove and cool them, cut off the spring onions and slice the ginger.

2. Put 3-6 golden cicadas into the abdomen of each quail. Then wrap the thread one by one into the ravioli, taste the chicken soup with salt and pepper, pour it into the razor, seal it with wet cotton paper, steam for 40 minutes.

The planting methods of golden cicadas are as follows:

1. Breeding golden cicadas

The golden cicada is the larva of the golden cicada, and it is a kind of fungus born from these larvae, so if you want to grow the golden cicada, you must first cultivate the golden cicada. The golden cicada likes to live in some woodlands, sucking the sap of trees for a living, and people want to raise it in some mountain forest areas.

2. The formation of golden cicada.

The formation of golden cicada is very unique. It is a kind of morbid surface of golden cicada larvae and a special combination of insects and fungi. It will drill into the soil every autumn and then slowly become pupae, but it will be parasitized by Cordyceps sinensis before Eclosion and form mycelium when the external environment reaches certain conditions.

3. The growth of golden cicada.

After the formation of the mycelium, it will slowly suck the nutrition in the golden cicada larvae, and in the end, the worm will be completely occupied by the mycelium and only one shell will be left. When spring comes, the mycelium will begin to produce, and branches will appear on the top when it enters the sexual wound section, and slowly at the top there will be flowers blooming. This is the golden cicada flower, which can be dried after harvest and can be used as medicine.

Time: 2019-03-18 Click: