
What are the planting methods of sunflower seeds of Portulaca oleracea? How to prevent and control diseases and pests? What are the medicinal values?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sunflower, also known as pine leaf peony, half lotus, like warm, sunny and dry environment, see sunflower bloom, early, evening, cloudy day closed, so it has the name of sunflower, noon flower. So what do you know about sunflower seed planting? How to prevent and control diseases and pests? Are there any medicinal values?

Sunflower, also known as pine leaf peony, half lotus, likes the warm, sunny and dry environment, sees the sunflower blooming, closes in the morning, evening and cloudy day, so it has the name of "sunflower, noon flower". So what do you know about sunflower seed planting? How to prevent and control diseases and pests? Are there any medicinal values?

I. planting methods of sunflower seeds

Sowing time: sowing in spring, summer and autumn

1. Morphological characteristics:

It is an annual succulent herb. Plant height 10~15cm. The petals are bright in color, such as white, dark yellow, red, purple and so on. There are many varieties of horticulture, including single, semidouble and double.

2. Growth habits:

Like warm, sunny and dry environment, extremely resistant to barren, general soil can adapt, self-sowing and reproduction. See the sun blossoms and close in the morning, evening and cloudy days, so it is known as sunflowers and noon flowers. The florescence is from June to July.

3. Cultivation and breeding:

Sunflower seeds are very small. Seedling trays are often used to sow seeds, very slightly covered with fine vermiculite, or only slightly compacted after sowing to ensure sufficient moisture. The germination temperature is 21: 24 ℃, about 7: 10 days, the seedlings are extremely weak, so if the temperature is kept high, the seedlings grow very fast and can form sturdy, fleshy branches and leaves. At this time, the seedlings can be directly on the basin, using a basin of about 10 cm in diameter, planting 2-5 plants in each pot, with a high survival rate and rapid growth.

4. Cutting method

Flatten the culture soil plane in the container, insert the cut sunflower twigs into the hole made by bamboo chopsticks, and cultivate the soil no more than 2 centimeters at most. In order to make the potted flowers take shape and fullness as soon as possible, the size of the flowerpot can be seen in a pot. As long as it can maintain a distance of 2 cm, multiple plants can be cut (when the seedlings are crowded, they can be planted in other pots). Then pour enough water. New cuttings can be shaded or not shaded, as long as they maintain a certain humidity, they can survive in 10 to 15 days and enter normal maintenance.

5. Seedlings overwintering

Every year after the solar term (Shanghai area), Frosts Descent moves the double sunflowers indoors to the sun. After the beginning of winter, put it on the inside of the glass window and let the basin soil dry a bit, so that you can survive the winter safely. After the Qingming Festival the following year, the flowerpot can be placed outside the window. In case of a cold spell, you still need to go into the window for maintenance.

Sunflower planting has to go through a series of processes, such as preparing pot soil, sowing, raising seedlings, inter-seedlings, transplanting seedlings, picking heads, watering, seed harvesting and so on.

6. Prepare basin soil

Although "barren tolerance" is one of the characteristics of sunflower, its growth does not care about the quality of the soil, but as a flower grower always expects flowers to grow strong roots, numerous leaves, and colorful flowers, so it is better to prepare a loose, breathable and fertile soil as much as possible.

During this period, oily foods that are out of date at home, such as sesame powder, soybean dregs from self-milled soy milk (let them ferment), or fish intestines (fermented in advance) can be used as base fertilizer.

7. Sowing seeds

At the end of April and early May, the climatic conditions in the south of the Yangtze River are the most suitable for sowing. I only planted the seed on April 28 last year. Three or four days later, the flower seed could break its shell and sprout and blossom on June 14. The growth period of one and a half months was 10 days earlier than the previous 55 days. It can be said that the secret lies in the sowing process.

In order to make the seeds come into close contact with the soil, sunflower seeds can be planted evenly on the surface of the fine-grained basin soil and then covered with a thin layer of fine soil.

8. Raising seedlings

It is very important to ensure that the seedlings survive the extraordinary period safe and sound. Be patient enough to take care of them, just like treating babies in swaddling clothes. If you don't pay attention to them, the seedlings will die young, and the seedling rate will be greatly reduced.

Interseedling and transplanting

Inter-seedling is also called plucking seedling, which is to keep a certain distance between seedling and seedling. Choose a pair of sharp-nosed tweezers for Miao tools. When the seedlings grow a few millimeters high, they can begin to grow. Adopt the method of batching and time-sharing, always remove the relatively thin ones and leave the sturdy ones until there is still a gap of three or four centimeters between the seedlings.

9. Take off the head

When the seedlings grow to 3 or 4 cm high, branches grow again from the roots. At this time, take off the tip of the main branch, and soon a cluster of branches will sprout at the break. When the branch of the root grows to a certain length, the branch can also be decapitated. After this treatment, the sunflower is dwarfed and the plant type becomes more beautiful.

10. Watering

At the seedling stage, the weather is not very hot, and the moisture evaporates slowly, so it is not suitable to irrigate too much. When the flowering period is in three days, it needs to be watered thoroughly and fully absorbed.

11. Seed harvesting

The mature sunflower seed is silver gray, but it is difficult to harvest it at the right time. The seed clip is either cracked or the seed is gone. So always touch those yellow seed shells with your hands, the seed shells that fall off as soon as you touch them are the best; you can't touch them, but the shell is yellow and white, so take it off and pinch it with your two fingers to reveal the blackened seeds. this is because it is still a little damp, and after a while, the black seed becomes silver gray seed.

II. Prevention and control of sunflower diseases and pests

Focus on the control of aphids, almond bees, apricot beetles and so on.

Aphids: the key to control aphids is to spray before germination, that is, during the period of flower bud expansion. Imidacloprid 4000-5000 times solution can be used in this period. After germination, the solution of imidacloprid 4000 × 5000 and cypermethrin 2000 × 3000 can kill aphids as well as almond bees. 1500 times of aphid solution can be used after fruit setting.

Beetle beetle: spray 50-80 times of oil emulsion before germination and add 1500-fold solution of Tilesbon, respectively.

3. What are the medicinal values of sunflower

It has the functions of clearing heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and pain, anti-cancer and so on. Jiang Yi's "picking up the remains of Medicine Mirror" records "half a lotus to solve the fairy grass injured by snakes". In addition to the treatment of venomous snake bites, it is also used to treat tumors, which has a certain curative effect. The Compendium of corrected Materia Medica recorded that "this grass has purplish-white flowers, purplish red, pairs of leaves, used in July and August." Treat sore throat, scald, knife wound, bleeding, wet sores. Sore throat tamping juice gargle, other mash external application.

Time: 2019-03-18 Click: