
Compositae lettuce planting time and methods and matters needing attention?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lettuce has been introduced into China for a long time, and there is a lot of cultivation in the southeast coast, especially in the suburbs of big cities and in Guangdong and Guangzhou, so what are the planting time, methods and matters needing attention of Compositae lettuce? Lettuce planting time can be divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing, to avoid the hot and cold season, can survive normally. Lettuce

Lettuce has been introduced into China for a long time, and there is a lot of cultivation in the southeast coast, especially in the suburbs of big cities and in Guangdong and Guangzhou, so what are the planting time, methods and matters needing attention of Compositae lettuce? Lettuce planting time can be divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing, to avoid the hot and cold season, can survive normally. Lettuce is generally chosen in January or February, that is, raising seedlings, and later in late April, the planting is completed and can be used for seasonal consumption. After about a month, it can be harvested normally, and the longest growth period is two months.

Lettuce planting method:

Seed selection: lettuce seeds are divided into more, now the more popular are mosaic lettuce, glass lettuce, heading lettuce three kinds.

Seedbed: first prepare the nutritious soil, choose fertile sandy soil, mix organic fertilizer and ammonium sulfate, smooth the seedbed, water and permeate, and wait for sowing.

Sowing: the sowing time is spring and autumn. When sowing, you can first mix the sandy soil in the lettuce seeds, and then sprinkle evenly on the seedbed, covering the soil about 0.5 cm.

Seedling: after successful sowing, the temperature needs to be controlled between 12-20 degrees Celsius, keep ventilated, avoid exposure, seedlings grow out of 2-3 true leaves, can be planted.

Planting: lettuce planting, when the seedlings need to bring soil, the spacing is maintained at about 4 cm, after the application of compound fertilizer, and then watering.

Harvest: the growth of lettuce, enough water and fertilizer, at most two months can be harvested, harvest at the same time, should avoid damage to the roots.


Heading lettuce likes cold climate, and the suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃ 20 min, which is the most suitable for the environment with large temperature difference between day and night and low temperature at night. The optimum temperature for heading is 10 ℃ 16 ℃, and the temperature is more than 25 mol. The high temperature inside the bulb will cause heart leaf necrosis and decay and poor growth. The seed germination temperature was 15 ℃ 20 ℃, which was higher than 25 ℃. The seed coat was blocked by water absorption and germinated poorly. Lettuce should be treated at low temperature when sowing in summer. After soaking the seeds, put them in the freezer to sprout, and then sow the seeds after the buds are white. Loose leaf lettuce is more heat-resistant, but it also grows poorly in high temperature season. Lettuce prefer slightly sour soil (pH6-6.3 is the best), and sandy loam or clay loam with strong water retention and good drainage is the best. Lettuce needs more nitrogen fertilizer, so base fertilizer should be applied more organic fertilizer before planting, and organic fertilizer should not be applied in the process of growth. There is no shortage of water during the growth period, especially during the heading period of lettuce, sufficient water is needed, such as dry and early lack of water, not only the leaf ball is small, but also the leaf taste is bitter and the quality is poor. But water can not be too much, otherwise the leaf ball will split, affect the appearance quality, but also easily lead to soft rot and Sclerotinia disease. Only with proper water and fertilizer management can lettuce with high yield and high quality be obtained.

Time: 2019-03-18 Click: