
Herbs corn planting time and method is what? What should I pay attention to?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Corn is an annual monoecious cross-pollinated plant, tall plant, strong stem, is an important food crop and feed crop, but also the world's highest total yield of crops, then herbaceous corn planting time and method is what? What should I pay attention to? Corn planting time is generally from south to north

Corn is an annual monoecious pollination plant with tall plants and strong stems. It is an important food crop and feed crop, and it is also the crop with the highest total yield in the world. So what is the planting time and method of herbaceous corn? What should I pay attention to? The planting time of maize is generally from south to north, and there are areas where spring corn is sown from the middle of February to the first ten days of May. It is generally appropriate to sow when the temperature of 10cm soil layer is more than 10 ℃. The harvest time is also from south to north, with a difference of more than 50 days from late July to mid-September.

What is the method of growing corn?

1. When applying sufficient base fertilizer and fine soil preparation, 2000 kg of organic fertilizer is applied per mu, 30% of the total amount of nitrogen fertilizer and all phosphate and potash fertilizer are used as base fertilizer. When preparing the soil, it is necessary to meet the six-character standard of "deep, loose, broken, flat, clean and moisture". Lay a good foundation for sowing the whole seedling.

2. At present, the varieties suitable for spring corn production in our city are Jinhai 5, Nongda 108, Danyu 86, Weiyu 308, Qingnong 105 and so on. There are Xixing Heinuo No. 1, Xixing Bainuo No. 2, Yannuo No. 6, Yannuo No. 7, Prince Charming and so on.

3. 5.4% corn seed coating agent can be used for seed treatment to control gray planthopper, aphids and rough shrinkage disease at seedling stage, and seed dressing with tebuconazole, thiram, fenxiuning and other agents can reduce the occurrence of maize head smut. Phoxim is used to control underground pests such as ground tiger and golden needle worm.

4. Sowing early at the right time, improving sowing quality 1. Timely sowing early: combined with the current climatic conditions, once the conditions are suitable, strive for early sowing. In order to avoid the harm peak of the first generation of gray planthopper, strive to finish sowing before the end of April. 2. Appropriate sowing: the sowing rate is generally 2.5 kg / mu, increasing or decreasing according to the characteristics of the variety. 3. Sowing specifications: the sowing depth of corn should be the same, the sowing depth should be 3mur5cm, and the row spacing should be 60mur70cm.

5. Balanced fertilization determines the amount of fertilizer application according to the yield index and soil fertility basis. Generally, the fertilizer requirement is calculated according to the application of nitrogen (N) 3 kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 1 kg and potassium (K2O) 2 kg per 100kg grain, and zinc sulfate is increased by 1 kg per mu in zinc deficient plots. Topdressing can be carried out in two stages, that is, re-applying panicle fertilizer and topdressing flower and grain fertilizer.

6. Reasonable close planting should be carried out according to variety characteristics and yield index. For example, the remaining seedling density of Danyu 86, Qingnong 105, Weiyu 308 and Jinhai 5 were controlled at 3500, 3700, 4000,4500 and 4200,4500 per mu, respectively.

It should be noted that:

The main results are as follows: 1. In the selection of maize varieties, the varieties with strong bud potential and strong stress resistance must be selected. Especially for new varieties, there is little knowledge about their stress resistance, so it is necessary to choose carefully.

2. Be sure to do a good germination test, looking at its bud potential, bud rate, whether the bud is strong, and so on, not by chance. Luck may not be a big problem in a normal year, but once there are days of low temperature and continuous rain, there will be problems. Therefore, the seed with bad bud potential and bud rate will not be allowed to go to the ground at one rate, so as to avoid the adverse consequences of bad seedling emergence and serious impact on yield.

3. Proper application of diammonium fertilizer within the allowable range is beneficial to seedling emergence.

4. The sowing time should be postponed appropriately, and remember to sow first, for it is easy to produce powdery seeds in low temperature and rainy days. The sowing date had better be after Grain Rain.

5. For the above-ground yellowing, pulling out the corn seedlings without root hair and drug damage, spraying plant growth regulators containing trace elements, most of the yellowing corn seedlings can turn green after three days.

6. If there is a serious lack of seedlings in the land, dig up the seeds quickly to check the cause. If the leaves are not unearthed or the buds die, most of them belong to drug damage and should be replanted in time.

Time: 2019-03-18 Click: