
What are the seed planting methods of Euphorbia Euphorbia? What's the value? How much is it per pot?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Poinsettia is native to Central America and is widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. It is cultivated in most provinces, autonomous regions and cities in China, and is commonly found in parks, botanical gardens and greenhouses. So do you know the seed planting methods of poinsettia? What's the value? How much is it per pot?

Poinsettia is native to Central America and is widely cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. It is cultivated in most provinces, autonomous regions and cities in China, and is commonly found in parks, botanical gardens and greenhouses. So do you know the seed planting methods of poinsettia? What's the value? How much is it per pot? In the flower market, we know that the price of a pot of poinsettia ranges from 30 yuan to 50 yuan, mainly according to the size of the flowerpot and artistic shape.

1. Seed planting method of poinsettia

1. Cutting

The cutting propagation of poinsettia mainly includes semi-hardwood cuttage and tender wood cuttage, as well as old root cuttage. No matter which method of cutting propagation is adopted, the cuttings of poinsettia should be cut in the early morning. Because the water content of cuttings is more abundant at this time. When cutting cuttings, the incision should be smooth, and the split epidermis and xylem should be cut off so as not to rot and affect the healing and rooting.

Cuttings cut into a flat mouth or bevel, and strive to cut 0.5 cm below the basal node of the bud, so that it is easier to root. The white colloidal emulsion from the incision should be cleaned with clean water, and then cut with fresh clay or plant ash, or dipped in rooting powder to promote its rooting; or 0.1% potassium permanganate solution can be used to soak the cut poinsettia cuttings in the solution for about 10 minutes to improve the survival rate. The base is cut immediately after being treated by the above methods, and the depth of the cuttings inserted into the substrate is generally no more than 2.5 cm. If the cutting is too deep, the lower incision is easy to rot; the suitable row spacing of the cuttings is 4 cm × 4 cm.

⑴, semi-hardwood cuttings: poinsettia semi-hardwood cuttings are mostly carried out between March and May in spring, and the general temperature is above 15 ℃. When cutting, cut the annual lignified or semi-lignified branches, about 10 cm long, cut off the leaves and the top of the branches on the cuttings, and cut the base of the cuttings into a slope and near the nodes, dip them in plant ash, wait for the cuts to dry, then insert them into fine sand, pour them thoroughly after cutting, keep the temperature at 22-24 ℃, and take root after 20 days. Attention should be paid to shading during cutting to prevent water loss and branch withering.

⑵, tender wood cutting: when the annual branches of poinsettia grow to 6-8 leaves, take a section of tender shoots 6-8 cm long and 3-4 nodes, cut flat under the node, remove the large leaves at the base, immediately put into clean water to prevent milk outflow, and then cuttings, after cutting should ensure that the tender stems and leaves are wet, and take measures to block the sun. Most varieties of softwood cuttings can take root in 14-18 days. Poinsettia with softwood cuttings took root faster and had a high survival rate. If the cuttings are propagated in the self-made greenhouse, the cuttings can be cut in late March as long as the indoor temperature is kept at about 22 ℃. And it can continue until September as needed.

⑶, old root cutting: poinsettia, which has been cultivated for many years, can also be propagated into new plants with its roots. Because in March and April of spring, when poinsettia leaves the house, it is necessary to turn the basin and change the soil for planting to supplement the nourishment of the potted soil and to trim the stem and root. In the process of operation, people often abandon the old roots of poinsettia cut off, but if the old roots of more than 0.5 cm are collected, it will be a large number of available breeding materials.

The specific method is to cut the old root of poinsettia into a root section about 10 cm long, then dip it in dry charcoal powder or plant ash or dry soil powder at the cutting place, and cut it in the culture soil after it dries slightly (if the root segment has a little root hair, it is easier to sprout new buds). As for the cuttage container, generally if the quantity is small, a deeper flowerpot can be used, and if the quantity is large, it can be cut in the seedbed.

When cutting, the soil surface of the root section is 1 cm, and the inclination to the north is about 80 °with the ground, which can promote the root segment to sprout as soon as possible. There is no need for shade after cutting, and new plants can be propagated after about a month. When the new plant grows to about 10 cm, it can be transplanted into the pot, and normal maintenance can be carried out after a slow seedling period of about 5 days to 1 week.

2. Pressing strip

Striping propagation is a method of pressing the branches close to the ground into the soil, and the higher branches are wrapped in moist materials such as moss, wait for them to take root, and then separate from the mother plant to form a new plant. The method of high pressure reproduction is generally adopted.

First of all, select the Lignified branches, generally choose the healthy and full branches of the first year, and peel the ring in the smooth part, the width of the ring peeling is about the same as the thickness of the branch, generally 3-4 cm; remove the phloem of the branch, the upper incision should be smooth, and then gently scrape the layer with a sharp knife. When finished, cover the incision with wet water moss or other loose and breathable materials. Generally use a 20-25 cm square polyethylene film which has good carbon dioxide and oxygen permeability, but also has a very low water vapor conduction, and can resist long-term climate change. The upper and lower ends are fastened with binding rope (especially the lower end). If the binding is not tight, the matrix is easy to dry, thus affecting the rooting of the incision.

Poinsettia can grow roots about two months after pressing. At this time, it can be cut off and planted in a basin to form a new plant. Poinsettia striping should be carried out from April to July.

What is the value of poinsettia

1. Ornamental value

Poinsettia beautiful branches and leaves, bright colors, long florescence, when Christmas, New Year's Day, Spring Festival flowering, red color increases the festive atmosphere, in the holiday in the form of patterns to watch, the effect is very good.

2. Decorate the home

In addition to the beautiful furniture and furnishings in the family room, if the potted flowers, bonsai and flower arrangement can be used as interior decoration, it will have a unique flavor, which can not only bring a strong flavor of life to the room, but also make people feel pleasing to the eye and feel at ease. Poinsettia unique delicate and beautiful red bracts eye-catching and attractive, decorating windowsill, balcony or study, shop red Zhanchui, charming and moving.

3. Fengshui action

A poinsettia is colorful, because it blossoms at the time of New Year's Day and Spring Festival, so it has a beautiful meaning of celebrating and wishing a new life together. at this time, it is used to decorate in the home living room and other places, it is easy to bring good luck to the family on fengshui.

4. Medicinal value

Poinsettia has the function of regulating menstruation and hemostasis, promoting blood circulation and resolving phlegm, bone grafting and detumescence, mainly for menorrhagia, wind-cold cough, fall injury, traumatic bleeding, fracture, fall swelling and pain, poinsettia has the function of regulating menstruation, promoting blood circulation, resolving phlegm, bone grafting and detumescence. Choosing the right amount of poinsettia can treat functional uterine bleeding and has a certain effect on falling swelling and pain.

Time: 2019-03-17 Click: