
What are the seed planting methods of the perennial herbaceous plant Artemisia frutescens? How do you water it? When will it blossom?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Goldfish grass is a perennial herb, named for its flower-like goldfish, gorgeous flowers, very suitable for ornamental, can be potted. So do you know what are the planting methods of goldfish grass seeds? How do you water it? When will it blossom? According to a goldfish farmer, he told us

Goldfish grass is a perennial herb, named for its flower-like goldfish, gorgeous flowers, very suitable for ornamental, can be potted. So do you know what are the planting methods of goldfish grass seeds? How do you water it? When will it blossom? According to a goldfish grower, it usually blossoms in June-July, and September-October.

I. seed planting method of Artemisia angustifolia

1. Disinfection treatment

Before sowing, it is necessary to disinfect the seeds and culture medium of Artemisia frutescens. The seeds of goldfish grass were soaked in potassium permanganate solution with a concentration of about 0.5% for 1-2 hours. An appropriate amount of methyl topiramate powder can be added to the medium and stirred for 3 times to make it fully mixed with the medium, then spray water while stirring, so that the medium can be held by hand into a mass, and it is better to be loose but not loose, and finally covered with a thin film. Place it for about 8-10 hours and then install it in the acupoint plate.

2. Sowing method

The seeds of goldfish grass are relatively small, apply basic fertilizer in the basin before sowing, and then sow the seeds. Generally, each burrow plate can sow about 200 seeds, one seed in each hole, and gently press with hands after sowing to make the seeds adhere to the medium and spray through water. Finally, cover the newspaper or plastic film, sowing does not need to cover the soil. After that, it can be unearthed after waiting for about 7-10 days.

3. Maintenance after sowing

Goldfish grass is a light-loving plant with a suitable germination temperature of 20-22 ℃. It should be given an appropriate amount of light, but attention should be paid to avoid direct sunlight, keep the medium moist, and keep the newspaper moist for a long time until the seeds germinate before opening the newspaper. It usually sprouts in 7-15 days. After germination, the seedlings need to be moved to the temperature to grow in the environment of 16-18 ℃.

After 5-7 weeks of growth, the seedlings can be directly put on a basin of 7-8 cm. The goldfish grass likes light and is a long-sunshine plant, and the sunshine time of more than 12 hours is more beneficial to the differentiation of flower buds. In view of this characteristic, we can appropriately supplement light to promote its early flowering, but at the same time, we should pay attention to prevent the harm caused by high temperature.

Second, how to water goldfish grass

1. Watering during the growing period, watering more (spring and summer)

When the goldfish grass is in the growing period (usually spring and summer), the demand for water is relatively more, so it is necessary to increase the watering times appropriately. At this time, how to water goldfish grass, very simple, see the soil dry, generally there is no fixed frequency, can not let the soil too dry and crack on the line, can be dealt with flexibly.

2. watering in autumn and winter, watering less

In spring and summer, because goldfish grass is in a period of vigorous growth, it is necessary to water more, but in autumn and winter, it is different. At this time, how to water goldfish grass, flower friends should reduce the number of watering, in the cold winter can stop watering.

3. Seedling watering

How to water goldfish grass, in the seedling stage to pay attention, the number of watering should be sprayed with a spray can, until sprayed through, spray new high-fat film, can effectively prevent the ground water from evaporation. The reason for this is that the water content of goldfish grass seedlings does not transpirate, which can isolate diseases and insect pests, shorten the slow seedling period, quickly adapt to the new environment and grow healthily.

4. Points for attention in watering

How to water goldfish grass, in addition to the above method, there are also a few points to pay attention to:

① goldfish should not be watered from the top down, but should be watered from the side to avoid splashing water droplets on the surface of the leaves.

② in addition, in the process of maintenance and management, watering must grasp the principle of "dry and wet", spray water every 2 days or so, rational fertilization should strengthen fertilizer and water management.

In order to increase the wetness of the air, ③ can choose to sprinkle water into the surrounding environment with a spray can. But not too often, just once every two or three days.

④ when there are more Rain Water in summer and autumn, don't leave goldfish grass outside to avoid the phenomenon that the soil is full of Rain Water and flowers and leaves are knocked down by rain.

Time: 2019-03-17 Click: