
How to trim the bonsai of Luohansong? How to control leaf blight?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Luohan pine bonsai, its green new leaves dotted among the thick green leaves, the posture is simple and elegant, quite beautiful, is a kind of excellent bonsai production material. So do you know how to trim the bonsai of Luohansong? How to control leaf blight? How to trim and shape the bonsai of Luo Han Song

Luohan pine bonsai, its green new leaves dotted among the thick green leaves, the posture is simple and elegant, quite beautiful, is a kind of excellent bonsai production material. So do you know how to trim the bonsai of Luohansong? How to control leaf blight?

First, how to trim and shape the bonsai of Luo Han Song

1. Luohansong thinning and cutting method

The branches of Luohansong are cut off from the base by thinning, which can make the stump ventilated and transparent, the nutrition supply is concentrated, the growth is exuberant, and the young trees can be thinned as soon as possible, which is beneficial to the normal development and growth. Thinning and cutting during plastic surgery can make the remaining modeling branches get sufficient nutrition and speed up the forming. The formed tree stump bonsai can balance nutrition by thinning and cutting, making it old and unfailing. Cut off the branches of diseases and insect pests when thinning, and burn them immediately to prevent the spread of diseases and insect pests, and cut off the branches that hinder their appearance in time. In general, one of the two parallel branches that are very close to each other should be cut off, one of the superimposed branches and opposite branches should be cut off, only one of the whorled branches should be cut off, and all the other branches should be cut off, and the upright branches, drooping branches and reverse branches from the main branch should be cut off. The branches and cross branches should be cut off one branch, and the germinated twigs on the tree species with strong sprouting power should be cut off as soon as possible, except for a branch left in the missing part to slowly induce supplementary branches, so as not to consume nutrients and affect the tree potential.

2. Luohansong short shearing method

The short shearing of Luohansong is about to cut the long branches to stimulate the axillary buds under the clipping mouth to germinate and form strong lateral branches, so as to promote its branching and facilitate modeling. After thinning and pruning the excess branches in plastic surgery, it is necessary to cut short the remaining modeling branches to promote the sprouting of the styling branches 2 or 3 times a year. If a bud is sent for a short cut, the branch grade of the modeled branch will be rapidly increased, and the branch order of each grade can be shortened without lengthening the branch. Therefore, short shearing is not only an effective measure to control the growth and maintain dwarfism of tree stump bonsai, but also an important means for tree stump to take shape as soon as possible.

3. The shearing method of Luohansong.

The shrinking pruning of Luohansong is to retract and prune the perennial branches, which is not only an effective measure to reduce the size of the tree, but also an important means to promote the sprouting of new branches and restore the tree potential. For the stump plants with large crown and long main branches, the short and thinning shears of annual branches alone can not meet the requirements of pile modeling, and the big trees can become smaller by shrinking, which is beneficial to pile modeling. For some tree species with strong sprouting power, the amount of shearing can be larger, that is, trimming branches and leaves, leaving only the skeleton of the stump to stimulate the germination of new branches under the shearing mouth.

2. How to control the leaf blight of Luohan pine

1. Symptoms

Endangering the leaves on the bonsai of Luohan pine. At the initial stage, light brown, gray-white semicircular, long or irregular disease spots appeared at the top of the leaves, and the healthy parts were obvious. In the later stage, punctate black particles appeared on the lesion. The disease was more serious in the leaves under the crown. The pathogen overwinters with mycelium on the diseased leaves in the diseased tissue or basin. Spread by means of wind and rain, invading from tender leaves and wounds. High temperature and high humidity are beneficial to the occurrence of diseases. The occurrence of the disease can be aggravated by poor ventilation or frost injury or sunburn.

2. Prevention and control methods

Strengthen maintenance and management, enhance the disease resistance of bonsai plants; remove withered leaves in the basin and reduce the source of primary infection; when the disease occurs, use 1000 times solution of 50% Dai Sen Qian wettable powder or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder or 50% carbendazim wettable powder.

Time: 2019-03-17 Click: