
How about the perennially herbaceous dandelion planting prospects? What are the benefits of eating regularly?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dandelion, also known as mother-in-law Ding, it grows rapidly, adaptability is also very strong, whether in the field, roadside, hillside, or grass, river beach, can grow very well, can be planted all over the country, then you know how dandelion planting prospects? What are the benefits of eating regularly? What about the planting prospects?

Dandelion, also known as mother-in-law, grows rapidly and has strong adaptability. it can grow well in fields, roadsides, hillsides, grass and beaches, and can be planted all over the country. Do you know the prospect of dandelion planting? What are the advantages of eating regularly?

What are the planting prospects of dandelion

Dandelion is a herb that can be seen everywhere, and wild dandelions can be found in the mountains, so everyone can learn its planting techniques. I think there is no big problem to do some basic management and pest prevention. In addition, its investment is also very low, as long as there is a market is very easy to make money. According to the yield per mu of about 3500 kg, 10 yuan per kilogram, the output value of one mu is also about 35, 000 yuan. After two years of planting, dandelion can also dig out the roots, with a root yield of about 250 kg per mu and 20 yuan per kilogram, and its output value is also about 5,000 yuan. In some places, dandelions are also used as summer cold dishes on the table, and the current market price is about 15 yuan per kilogram. Dandelions have many uses, and their leaves and roots can also be made into tea for sale, which shows that there are business opportunities everywhere.

What are the advantages of eating dandelions regularly

Dandelion is a kind of good medicine for clearing heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and dispersing knots. Regular food can detoxify beauty and protect health, which can be called the best "detoxification and beauty grass" in spring.

Dandelion is very suitable for all kinds of heat-toxic diseases, in which the end of clearing liver heat is very good, for the treatment of some serious redness, swelling and pain caused by liver heat, as well as a variety of wound infection or suppuration disease treatment is also very good.

The leaves of dandelion can be taken after soaking in boiling water, which can relieve some cases of dry mouth and dry tongue.

1. Dispelling dampness and heat

The Compendium of Materia Medica says: "Dandelion can detoxify food, disperse stagnation of qi, dissolve heat toxin, eliminate swelling and tuberculosis." Dandelion can purge fire and dehumidification, can improve the nausea caused by damp-heat, tongue coating yellowing and other problems, but also has a therapeutic effect on pimples caused by damp-heat.

2. Dispelling carbuncle and dispersing knot

Dandelion has the functions of dispelling fire and anti-inflammation, for women, often eating dandelion can effectively dredge the stagnant liver qi, play the effect of prevention and treatment of breast diseases.

"newly revised Materia Medica" said, "Housewives have swollen breast carbuncle." "Materia Medica preparation" said: "specializing in the treatment of carbuncle swelling, poison, but also a wonderful product of gonorrhea." If the body shows a high fever or bloated sore poison, you can take more dandelion water.

3. Antibacterial

Some substances in the leaves of dandelion have certain inhibitory effects on typhoid bacilli and Staphylococcus aureus.

Dandelion fried washing can treat tinea pedis, tinea pedis is a skin disease caused by fungal infection, traditional Chinese medicine external treatment is mainly heat-clearing and dampness-relieving, antidote and insecticidal drugs. Dandelion, Patrinia officinalis is suitable, can play a strong germicidal detumescence, convergence anti-itching effect.

4. Protect the stomach and aid digestion

Dandelion is a good product for the treatment of stomachache. It can be used for epigastric pain, fullness, vomiting and swallowing acid caused by stagnation of food, damp-heat of spleen and stomach, liver depression and stomach fire. The medical forest should carry dandelion to tonify the spleen and stomach and purge fire.

Modern pharmacological research notes that dandelion has obvious inhibitory effect on gastric acid exudation caused by histamine, pentagastrin, carbamylcholine and pyloric ligation in rats, and has obvious competitive effect on gastric ulcer induced by pyloric ligation in rats. it also has excellent anti-injury effect on anhydrous ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats. Dandelion has obvious protective effect on experimental gastric ulcer and gastric mucosal damage.

5. Beauty and beauty

Women can take more dandelion water in their daily life, because it not only tastes good, but also has a good cosmetic effect. Dandelion contains egg white matter, carbohydrates, fat, trace elements and vitamins. Leaves contain ingredients to improve eczema and relieve dermatitis. Flowers also have the effect of removing spots. Taking dandelion water regularly can improve conditions such as dermatitis or eczema.

6. Diuresis

Foreign studies have shown that dandelion has the effect of protecting the liver and diuresis, and the functions of dandelion and milk thistle are most commonly used in patients who need to go to hepatotoxicity. In particular, dandelion root is the most important natural nutrient in many prevention of hepatitis C. Dandelion is also called "bed-wetting grass", which shows its diuretic effect. When you feel the swelling and edema of the body, use dandelion to diuresis, the potassium in the body will not be excreted together with water.

7. Anti-tumor

Dandelion root has significant anti-tumor effect, because its primary rich triterpenes can kill cancer cells. Dandelion polysaccharide is similar to lentinan in anti-tumor mechanism and is a kind of immune enhancer.

Time: 2019-03-17 Click: