
What is the method of winter coral culture of tubular flower order? How do you trim it? Can I breed it indoors?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Winter coral likes sunshine and warm environment, it is not resistant to shade or cold, so what is the method of winter coral culture? How do you trim it? Can I breed it indoors? According to the data, winter corals do not have high requirements for soil. They like loose, fertile and well-drained soil, preferably neutral or slightly acidic.

Winter coral likes sunshine and warm environment, it is not resistant to shade or cold, so what is the method of winter coral culture? How do you trim it? Can I breed it indoors? It is understood that winter corals do not have high requirements for soil and like loose, fertile and well-drained soil, preferably neutral or slightly acidic. It should be noted that winter corals are not resistant to drought, but they are afraid of rain and avoid waterlogging in rainy seasons. And because winter corals are not hardy, it is best to put them indoors in the north during winter.

First, what is the method of winter coral culture?


Potted winter coral, flowerpots to choose the right size, in the pot when choosing loose. , fertile and well-drained soil, you can add a little base fertilizer.

Light and temperature

Winter corals like the warm growing environment, like the sun, suitable for growing in sunny places. The suitable temperature for its growth is between 18 ℃ and 25 ℃. In winter, when the temperature is low, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature of its living environment is not lower than 5 ℃, so that it can survive the winter safely. In addition, winter corals like the sun, do not block the sun, you can keep the winter coral in a well-ventilated and brightly lit place when the summer temperature is high and the sun is strong.

Watering and fertilizing

Winter coral has the characteristics of drought tolerance, it is more afraid of waterlogging, so avoid stagnant water in the basin. In the process of breeding, it is necessary to keep the soil moist and properly watered, not too dry or too wet. Fertilizer can be applied with thin liquid fertilizer every half a month. Note that it is necessary to apply some phosphate fertilizer before flowering to make the flowers multiply and fruit. It is necessary to control water and fertilizer during flowering to avoid falling flowers and fruits. When the fruit grows to the size of mung bean, water and fertilizer can be restored and some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be properly applied to make the fruit bright.


Reproduction method

The propagation of winter coral is mostly sowing or cutting, sowing is carried out in spring, cutting can be carried out in spring or autumn.

Diseases and insect pests

Potted winter coral, when the temperature is high in summer, it is easy to suffer from anthracnose, harm stems and leaves, the disease is more serious. When the disease occurs, the diseased leaves can be cut off and burned, and need to be sprayed. Pests are mainly aphids, which can be sprayed with insecticides to kill insects.

Florescence management

The florescence management of winter coral is mainly water and fertilizer management. It is necessary to suspend fertilization and control watering, and then restore water and fertilizer after the fruit has grown.

Second, how to trim it?

1. Matters needing attention for winter coral pruning

The tree shape of winter coral is very elegant and beautiful, even if it is not pruned. If the winter coral we planted was just transplanted and cut that year, it belongs to the winter coral born in that year, and the winter coral plant is still relatively weak and not very strong, so the winter coral at this time cannot be pruned or corrugated. The first thing is to let it grow healthily. When the winter coral is more robust, usually after the second year, we can prune the winter coral.

2. Pruning methods of winter coral

So how to trim the winter coral? We wait until the crown of the winter coral grows fuller and the fruit is ripe, then we can prune it.

The red fruit of the winter coral is the most important ornamental part of the winter coral, so when the winter coral is fruited, the pruning of the winter coral should highlight the fruit of the winter coral, and we can cut off the branches and leaves at the top of the fruit branch. in this way, the fruit of the winter coral is more obvious, and the bright fruit is covered with branches, which is very beautiful. After the Spring Festival, the fruit period of the winter coral has also passed. At this time, we can trim the old branches of the winter coral, and we have to cut off the previously sick, insect-infested and weaker branches. This can promote the growth of new branches and leaves, and the more dense branches should also be slightly dredged to make them more ventilated and ventilated, which is conducive to the growth of winter corals.

Third, can I breed indoors?

Since the whole plant of winter coral is poisonous, people will worry about whether the toxicity of winter coral will be released with the breathing of plants. This worry is totally superfluous. Although the whole plant of winter coral is poisonous, the toxicity will not volatilize. People will not be poisoned by breathing. As long as we do not eat any part of winter coral, we will not be poisoned. Therefore, although winter corals are poisonous, they can still be cultured indoors, because the toxicity of winter corals does not volatilize into the air. On the other hand, plants can purify the air, and so can winter corals. If you want to raise winter coral indoors, you should pay attention to take good care of children and pets to prevent children and pets from accidentally eating the branches, leaves or fruits of winter coral, resulting in poisoning. Of course, if there are young children or pets at home, it is not recommended to grow winter coral at home.

Time: 2019-03-16 Click: