
What are the planting methods of deciduous trees and metasequoia? What is the medicinal value? Is it suitable to keep it in the house?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Metasequoia glyptostroboides was thought to be extinct in the past. In 1941, Chinese botanists discovered this ancient rare relict tree species for the first time in Lichuan, Hubei Province. It has strong adaptability and is cultivated all over the south of Beijing. So do you know what are the planting methods of metasequoia? What is the medicinal value? Is it suitable to keep it in the house?

Metasequoia glyptostroboides was thought to be extinct in the past. In 1941, Chinese botanists discovered this ancient rare relict tree species for the first time in Lichuan, Hubei Province. It has strong adaptability and is cultivated all over the south of Beijing. So do you know what are the planting methods of metasequoia? What is the medicinal value? Is it suitable to keep it in the house?

I. what are the planting methods of metasequoia?

Sowing: the suitable temperature for germination is 18-25 ℃, and the suitable sowing rate is 0.75-1.50 kg per mu when the soil temperature is above 12 ℃ in spring.

Yield: the height of one-year-old seedlings can reach 40 cm, and the ground diameter is more than 0.8 cm. Under the condition of good growth, the height of seedlings can reach 70 cm 100 cm.

Cutting: cutting is an effective way to accelerate the propagation of Metasequoia glyptostroboides. Generally in spring, the mature branches generated in one year are used for hardwood cutting. the cuttings are 10-14 cm long, with 20-30 thousand cuttings per mu. Cutting with the branches of young mother trees, the survival rate can reach more than 80%. The softwood cuttings with leaves are used in summer in early summer, which has the advantages of fast rooting, high survival rate and growing seedlings in the same year, but because of the high temperature, it is necessary to strengthen water management after planting. In addition, cutting can also be carried out at the tip of semi-mature branches in early autumn, when winter buds have been formed, and new branches no longer sprout in the same year after cutting, but complete the process of rooting, winter bud development and Lignification of seedling stem, and nurture seedlings after transplanting in the next spring.

Planting density: due to the rapid growth of Metasequoia glyptostroboides, straight trunk, strong top advantage, planting density should not be too large. The row spacing of 2 × 3 meters can be used with 110 plants per mu. The first thinning was carried out in 10-15 years. The plant spacing of 2 meters can be used for single-row planting. The best afforestation seedlings are 2-year-old transplanted seedlings, with a height of 1 to 1.5 meters and a ground diameter of 2 to 3 centimeters.

It can be planted from late autumn to early spring, but the end of winter is the best.

Diseases: there are few diseases and insect pests, mainly red blight is harmful to the leaves from September to October, so that the leaves are yellowish brown or reddish brown, and when the leaves are serious, they can be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid at 1:1 every week for 3 or 4 times. The main pests are large bag moths as harmful leaves and twigs, and the larvae of Metasequoia glyptostroboides are harmful to leaves.

What is the medicinal value of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

First of all, not all Metasequoia glyptostroboides trees have medicinal value, among which the leaves of Metasequoia glyptostroboides have medicinal value and are the most valuable species of Metasequoia in the family Taxodiaceae.

The leaves of Metasequoia glyptostroboides have the effect of dispelling wind dryness and dampness, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. Leaves and fruits have the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, anti-inflammation and pain. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that it contains a variety of flavonoids, which have the effects of anti-myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia and myocardial hypertrophy. At the same time, it can inhibit platelet aggregation and improve hemorheology in rats. The volatiles of Metasequoia glyptostroboides leaves contain a large number of antitussive, expectorant, antiasthmatic and anti-inflammatory active components, mainly a-pinene, trans-eugenene and cinnamene.

According to the Records of the Resources of traditional Chinese Medicine in China, Metasequoia leaves and seeds have the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, anti-inflammation and pain, and used for carbuncle swelling and pain, moss sores and other diseases; famous doctors do not record them as middle-grade, which is called boiled soup washing, which can treat eczema. In addition, its seed volatile oil has a certain inhibitory effect on 8 kinds of plant pathogenic fungi, and in the configuration of garden plants, it can reduce the occurrence of some diseases in the same garden. Its leaf and seed volatile oil contains a variety of active components and antibacterial activity, whether in medicine, chemical industry or agricultural applications have a broad application prospect.

Third, is Metasequoia suitable for raising in the house

1. Bonsai metasequoia can not be placed in the bedroom, bonsai metasequoia in the attributes of the five elements is negative, put in the bedroom is not conducive to the five elements. Bonsai metasequoia can be placed on one side of the living room, with the meaning of wealth and wealth, and bonsai metasequoia can also be placed in the study. In addition, in the display of bonsai metasequoia, try to avoid putting a single plant, a single bonsai metasequoia, easy to form a "sleepy" word with the house, so it is generally not suitable to put a tree in the house.

two。 We all know that the kitchen is fire, so in the bonsai metasequoia display, do not put the bonsai metasequoia and the kitchen into a line, otherwise it is likely to affect feng shui, and bonsai metasequoia is also easy to dry up. If you want to put bonsai metasequoia, it is best to put it according to the five elements of fengshui and put bonsai metasequoia in the most suitable position.

Time: 2019-03-16 Click: