
How do you sow verbena? How do you keep flowers blooming? How much is a gram of seed?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cherry beauty is verbenaceae, verbena perennial herbs, can be used as flower beds, flower border materials, can also be used as potted flowers into a large area of planting suitable for potted viewing or layout flower platform garden forest gap, tree altar. Do you know how to plant cherry blossoms? How do you keep flowers blooming? How much is a gram of seeds?

Sakura is a family of verbena, verbena perennial herbs, can be used as flower beds, flower border materials, can also be potted flowers planted in a large area suitable for potted ornamental or layout of flower garden gaps, tree beds. So do you know how beautiful Sakura sows seeds? How can I keep the flowers blooming? How much is the seed per gram? In the flower wholesale online Mei Nu Sakura seeds are sold by grams, the price of Mei Nu Sakura is 4 yuan per gram, if the wholesale volume reaches more than 100 grams, the price is very low, 0.6 yuan per gram.

First, how to sow the beautiful cherry

1. Sowing time

Beautiful cherries are often sown in autumn in late September.

2. Prepare before sowing

① matrix disinfection to prevent bacterial infection. The commonly used disinfection methods are exposure to the sun, or stir-fry the soil in a pan to directly kill diseases and insects.

② sprouting: soak the seeds in warm water for three to ten hours until the seeds swell.

3. Sowing seeds

Sow the cherry sakura evenly on the seedling tray, cover the soil for about 1 centimeter, and wet the sowing matrix with a sprayer after sowing. Later, when the basin soil is slightly dry, you should still pay attention to continue watering, watering should not be too strong, so as not to wash up the seeds.

4. Management after sowing

After sowing in autumn, when you encounter a cold wave and low temperature, you can wrap the flowerpot with plastic film to keep warm and wet; after the seedlings are unearthed, the film should be opened in time, and before 9:30 every morning, or let the seedlings receive the sun after 3:30 in the afternoon, otherwise the seedlings will grow very weakly. After most of the seeds come out, they need to plant seedlings properly: pull out the diseased and unhealthy seedlings, so that the seedlings left behind have a certain space between each other; when most of the seedlings grow 3 or more leaves, they can be transplanted into the pot.

Second, how to raise the beautiful cherry to keep blooming

1. Soil

Sakura does not have too high requirements for soil, but it is best to use loose, fertile, breathable neutral soil, which can make the roots grow well, and grow more and more prosperous, blossom and burst pots.

2. Lighting

Beautiful cherry is a strong light plant, only sufficient light can make the plant full, flowers colorful.

3. Watering

Sakura is not resistant to drought, and the basin soil should be kept moist. It can be watered every 2-3 days in spring, autumn and winter, once a day in summer, or once in the morning and evening.

4. Fertilization

Beauty cherry has a greater demand for fertilizer, but can not use thick fertilizer, generally thin fertilizer is applied frequently, and nutrition should be comprehensive, so as to ensure healthy growth.

5. Pruning

When the seedlings grow to 10 cm high, they need to pick the heart in order to regenerate new branches and blossom. Cut the branches with old leaves and yellow leaves every two months, as long as the temperature is suitable, it can blossom all the year round.

Time: 2019-03-16 Click: