
The cultivation methods and matters needing attention of palm coconut in wine bottle? How do you breed? What is the effect and effect?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Wine bottle coconut is also called Havel brown, so what are the breeding methods and precautions of wine bottle coconut? How do you breed? What is the effect and effect? According to the data, wine bottle coconut is more suitable for farming in the tropics. It likes the environment with high temperature and plenty of light, if it is cultivated in the north.

Wine bottle coconut is also called Havel brown, so what are the breeding methods and precautions of wine bottle coconut? How do you breed? What is the effect and effect? According to information, wine bottle coconut is more suitable for breeding in the tropics, it likes the environment with high temperature and sufficient light, if it is cultivated in the northern area, it needs to be potted indoor overwintering.

First, the culture methods and matters needing attention of coconut in wine bottle?

Temperature and light

Wine bottle coconut likes the growing environment with high temperature and plenty of sunshine, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ in winter. Wine bottle coconut grows faster in a high temperature and semi-overcast environment, avoiding direct sunlight, its leaf color will turn pale or yellow in the hot sun, and produce scorched leaves and black spots, which seriously reduces the ornamental value. More shade-resistant, summer and autumn shade is usually about 60%, winter and spring should be given brighter scattered light.

Moisture content

Watering during the growth period would rather dry than wet, often keep the basin soil moist, the soil is too dry will lead to leaf tip scorch, reduce the ornamental value. At the same time, avoid watering too much, otherwise it is easy to cause leaf rot, lead to the occurrence of black spot, resulting in leaf withering and even death. In summer, water should be watered 2-3 times a day, and water should often be sprayed around the plant to improve the air humidity of the growing environment, promote plant growth, and keep the leaves dark green and shiny. Properly reduce the amount of water in winter to facilitate overwintering.

Fertilizer application

During the growth period of wine bottle coconut, topdressing should be carried out regularly, once a month, and potash fertilizer should be added at the end of autumn to improve the cold tolerance of the plant.


The cultivation soil is suitable to choose loam or sandy loam which is rich in humus and has good drainage and ventilation.

Matters needing attention

Wine bottle coconut grows slowly and is afraid of transplanting, so it is appropriate to choose nutrition bags or flowerpots with good air permeability when sowing. After planting, it should be shaded and moisturized until the new roots grow, and the soil should be kept moist during the vigorous growth period in summer and autumn.

Wine bottle coconut is prone to red leaf mite damage in the rainy season, so trichlorfon or dichlorvos can be used for spray control.

Second, how to reproduce?

Sowing and propagation of coconut in wine bottle

Select high-quality bottle coconut mother trees for seed collection, pot sowing, box sowing and bed sowing can be carried out. When sowing a large number of seeds, the seedbed should choose sandy soil close to the water source and flat terrain, and slightly shaded places.

Before sowing, soaking seeds should be carried out to promote seed germination. The seeds can be soaked in warm water with a temperature of about 30-35 ℃. After soaking for about 2 days, gently remove the wax from the seed epidermis, take out the seeds and wrap them with gauze, and then soak them in warm water every morning and evening to keep the seeds moist. When they begin to germinate, they can be sown. As the seed coat of the coconut in the wine bottle is relatively hard, you can also use a sharp knife to peel off a small exocarp near the bud before sowing, and then soak the seeds in warm water, which can make the seeds more likely to absorb water and germinate. The culture soil is suitable to choose plain sand. When sowing, the top of the coconut seeds in the wine bottle is raised, and then placed obliquely on the seedbed. The thickness of the covered soil is about twice the diameter of the seed. After sowing, it needs to be placed in an indoor room with a room temperature of about 25-30 ℃ and semi-shaded to keep the soil moist.

Third, what is the effect and function?

1. The ornamental function of coconut in wine bottle

Wine bottle coconut tree is a kind of precious ornamental palm plant because of its slow growth and long life, strange plant shape and wine bottle-like shape. It can be used not only for potted plants, but also for decorating halls, large shopping malls, etc., or planting it alone in lawns and courtyards, which can achieve good ornamental results. In addition, wine bottle coconut can also be planted directly in the seaside to form a beautiful scenery.

2. The nutritional value of coconut in wine bottle.

Coconut is rich in protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Fresh coconut and dried coconut meat are extremely rich in cellulose, and three or four times more than ordinary vegetables and fruits, which is conducive to the normal operation of the digestive tract. Fresh coconuts can be eaten as snacks as well as cooking. After the coconut meat is ground and squeezed out of the milky juice, it is coconut milk, which has no sweet taste. Hot and cold drinks can taste good, or mixed with other drinks, can also be used as seasoning for dishes.

3. The economic function of wine bottle coconut.

Coconut oil can be extracted from wine bottle coconut, which has high oil content, can be processed to enter the market, and has better economic use. For example, for edible cooking coconut oil, coconut products, etc., in addition, coconut oil can also be directly applied to the skin and hair, has the role of skin care and hair care, long-term use can make the skin, hair soft and smooth.

Time: 2019-03-16 Click: