
What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the noon flowers of the Indus family? How can it blossom? What is the price of medicine?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Noon flowers are also bright and colorful and have a long flowering period. Noon flowers are generally used as garden flowers, planted around and inside the flower beds, and the colors compete with each other. So do you know the breeding methods and precautions of noon flowers? How can it blossom? What is the medicinal value?

Noon flowers are also bright and colorful and have a long flowering period. Noon flowers are generally used as garden flowers, planted around and inside the flower beds, and the colors compete with each other. So do you know the breeding methods and precautions of noon flowers? How can it blossom? What is the medicinal value?

I. Culture methods and matters needing attention of noon flowers

Culture method

1. Climate and environment

Noon flowers like light and relatively warm environment, do not like dry and cold. When planting noon flowers, be sure to choose good drainage and breathable soil, because noon flowers are plants that do not like stagnant water.

2. Water management

Noon flowers are drought-tolerant plants, so they do not need to be watered frequently, but if there is less Rain Water and higher temperature in case of drought, they can be watered once in about half a month, but once watered must be thoroughly watered, so that noon flowers can grow normally.

3. Fertilization

The demand for flower fertilizer in noon flower is not too high, because it is more barren, and the selection of flower fertilizer is not too strict. Generally, you can apply fertilizer once when planting soil preparation, and then apply nitrogen fertilizer once a year during the growing period. Applying more nitrogen fertilizer before flowering will help the flowers to grow bigger and brighter, and the plants will be more robust.

4. Pruning

Noon flower pruning is relatively simple, not pruning is also possible. However, if pruning is carried out during the growing period, the growth rate will be faster, and another beautiful form will be formed in about 15 days.

5. Diseases and insect pests

Generally speaking, in summer every year, around July and August, noon flowers are prone to leaf spot disease. At this time, it must be prevented and treated by pesticide spraying in time.

Matters needing attention

Although the noon flower can adapt to any soil, it is the most suitable one that can drain the stagnant water quickly. At first, when you plant a noonday flower seedling, it grows very slowly, but if the temperature comes up, it will grow very quickly, so don't worry. Then it is best to put some appropriate humus on the bottom of the basin when farming, but do not come into contact with the roots of the flowers at noon.

The above is the method of how to breed noontime flowers. If the method is mastered in accordance with the correct way, it will certainly be very exuberant.

Second, how to raise noon flowers in order to bloom

1. Moisture should be appropriate.

It is very resistant to drought, under normal circumstances, there is no need to drench it with water, but if we encounter less Rain Water and higher temperature, we can give it some water appropriately. If it is normal, you can replenish it once in about 20 days, and you'd better water it thoroughly. In general, within a year, as long as it is watered once in spring and once in the early winter, it can blossom smoothly.

2. Appropriate amount of fertilizer should be applied.

We all know that it is very resistant to barren, the usual fertilizer is not very large, and the requirements for fertilizer are not strict, as long as a little organic fertilizer is applied to it before planting, and then during the growing period, it is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, plus a little phosphorus fertilizer, and then before flowering, we can spray it 1 or 2 times nitrogen fertilizer and other fertilizers, so as to make its flowers more beautiful.

3. Proper pruning

In fact, under normal circumstances, it doesn't need to be pruned, but in order to make it produce more flowers, we can prune it properly during the growing period, so that it will grow faster, basically it can form a landscape in half a month, and it can also promote its blooming.

What is the medicinal value of noon flower

We all know that it looks very good, but you don't know that its whole plant can still be used as medicine. Its taste is light, flat and non-toxic. It has a very good effect in some aspects of removing blood stasis, relieving pain and detoxification. For example, it is often used for fall injury, and its effect is very good. In addition, it can also be used externally to treat some skin swelling and pain, the effect is also very fast, and does not have any toxic side effects, so it is a very safe herb. If you look at it in this way, you will find that it is indeed very special. If you choose to keep it at home, it will be a very good choice.

Time: 2019-03-16 Click: