
What are the five fruits of azalea family balcony potted farming methods? How to control common pests? leaves

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Rhododendron is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. It can be called flower and leaf beauty. It is suitable for planting and potted plants. It has a wide range of uses. Many people will plant it on the family balcony, so do you know what the azalea family balcony potted farming methods have? How to control common pests? What if the leaves dry up?

Rhododendron is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, which can be called flowers, leaves and beauty, suitable for both ground and pot plants, and has a wide range of uses. Many people will grow it on the family balcony, so do you know the methods of potted cultivation of rhododendron in the family balcony? How to prevent and control common diseases and insect pests? What if the leaves are dry?

1. The method of potted culture of rhododendron in family balcony

1. Cultivated soil

When families raise azaleas, the soil has to say that the reason why azaleas appear, two years of yellow leaves, three years of death, is mostly caused by the alkalization of the cultivated soil. Rhododendron is a typical flower in acid-loving soil, and the PH value of soil is the most suitable. Therefore, when planting rhododendron in pot, when choosing cultivation soil, we must choose acid soil with good permeability and rich humus.

The acid in the south can be planted with red mountain soil in the mountains, while the soil and water quality in the north are hard. It is recommended that you prepare it with rotten leaf soil and pine needles, or you can buy rhododendron soil.

2. Fertilization

Azaleas don't like big fat, especially avoid raw fat and thick fat, so don't pour the leftover tea water and milk into the cuckoo flowerpot, which may lead to a large number of yellow leaves and fallen leaves in the process of fermentation.

Adding an appropriate amount of slow-release fertilizer to the potted soil is a good choice for cultivating azaleas. Usually topdressing can use rotten bean cake water.

Need to pay attention to things, should often give rhododendron acid fertilizer to regulate soil acidity and basicity, ferrous sulfate fertilizer applied once a week, can effectively alleviate the problem of soil alkalinization. Especially in the north.

3. Watering

When it comes to watering, no matter what kind of flowers, watering is a principle, dry and thoroughly watered, but it always feels that azaleas have relatively more demand for water, and different varieties of azaleas have different needs for water. If there is not enough water, it is easy to have yellow curls on the edges of the leaves and fall leaves. Therefore, in the maintenance process, traditional Chinese medicine is carefully observed and the watering time is adjusted in time.

4. Lighting

Rhododendron is a shade-tolerant flower that likes light but is afraid of strong light. Late spring, summer, and early autumn should pay attention to shade, or place it on the north balcony at home for maintenance.

5. Air humidity

Azaleas have a relatively high demand for water, but when watering, they can't accumulate water or they will rot, so it is necessary to increase air humidity. The southern region is relatively humid and basically negligible, but the climate in the northern region is dry, so we should pay attention to spraying like plants and around them to increase air humidity.

Second, how to control common diseases and insect pests of rhododendron

Rhododendron brown spot

1. Symptoms: rhododendron brown spot is also known as leaf spot. At first, there were small yellowish round spots on the leaves, which gradually expanded in an irregular shape, turning into reddish brown in the middle and dark brown in the middle. The diseased leaves fall off prematurely, and the growth of the plant is hindered in severe cases. Examination of diseased leaves, you can find small black spots on the disease spot, which is the conidium of the pathogen. The disease of cuckoo planted in greenhouse is serious, especially when the humidity is high.

2. Pathogen: Azalea [SeptoriaazaleaeVogl.] It belongs to the subphylum of half-known bacteria. The pathogen overwintered with mycelium and conidia in the host plant tissue or on the fallen leaves, and a large number of conidia were transmitted on the diseased leaves in the coming year.

3. Control methods: sweep and burn the fallen leaves in time in winter and spring. After leaf spreading, Bordeaux solution (1-1-1-100) was sprayed every half a month, which could be sprayed 2-3 times continuously to prevent the disease. 1000 times of 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder was sprayed 1-2 times in the early stage of the disease to inhibit the development of the disease.

Azalea Corolla net bug

1, symptoms: harmful adults and nymphs are clustered on the back of the leaves to suck juice, and the back of the injured leaves looks like a black sticky substance that has been splashed. This feature can be easily distinguished from other piercing pests. The whole injured leaf is rusty yellow on the back, and many pale spots are formed on the front, and when the damage is serious, the spots become patches, so that the whole leaf is green, and a pale leaf is seen from afar, falling leaves ahead of time, no longer forming flower buds.

2. Morphological characteristics: the adult is about 3.5 mm long, flattened and dark brown. Antennae filiform, 4-segmented. The central protuberance of the anterior chest dorsal plate is longitudinally raised, extending backward into a leaf-like process, and protruding outward on both sides of the forechest into a pinna. The forewings are slightly rectangular. There are very consistent reticular striations on the front wing, the forechest and the leafy process on the back. When still, the front wings are folded and look squarely at the whole insect body from top to bottom, like an "X" shape composed of many wings. The egg is long oval, one end curved, about 0.6 mm long, light green at first birth, translucent, and then yellowish. Larvae, milky white at first hatching, then gradually dark brown, about 1.9 mm long. At the 3rd instar, the wing buds were obvious and looked like adults, and there were obvious conical spines on both sides of the 3-8 segments of the forechest, middle chest and abdomen.

3. Life history and habits: the annual generation occurs in 4-5 generations in the Yangtze River Basin and 3-4 generations in North China. Adults survive the winter in withered branches, fallen leaves, weeds, bark cracks and soil and stone cracks. In the first and middle of April, the overwintering adults began to move and concentrated on the back of the leaves to feed and lay eggs. The egg is laid in the leaf tissue, with a yellowish-brown gel on it, and the egg period is about half a month. Most of the newly hatched nymphs are harmful on both sides of the main vein. The nymph broke off for 5 times and became an adult after about half a month. The first generation of adults occurred at the beginning of June, and the later generations were in July, early August, late August and early September respectively. Because of the long adult period, long spawning period and overlapping generations, all insect states often exist at the same time. The damage was the most serious from July to August, the population density was the highest in September, and overwintered one after another after late October. Adults like to be active at noon, and the number of eggs laid by each female varies from host to host, ranging from tens to hundreds of eggs, with a constant to dozens of adjacent eggs, and there is a small black spot with a slight depression in the center outside the spawning site.

4. Control methods: thoroughly remove the fallen leaves and weeds around the potted flowers and bonsai gardens in winter. Apply white coating to the plants with thicker and rougher stems. It is the most favorable time for chemical control from the stinging activity of overwintering adults to the hatching of the first generation nymphs. Spray 50% fenitrothion 1000 times, or 40% omethoate 1000-1500 times, or 10-20% pyrethroids 1000-2000 times, once every 10-15 days, 2-3 times continuously.

Rhododendron root rot

1. Symptoms: watery brown spots and soft rot appear on the roots, then rot and peel off, the xylem is dark brown, the bark is grayish white gradually, and will gradually spread, "and then expand to the whole cortical necrosis of the trunk, cutting off the transport of nutrients and water, so that the top tender leaves gradually dry up, and from top to bottom, the branches and leaves wilt, lose water and dry up, resulting in the death of the whole plant.

2. Occurrence regularity: root rot is a kind of soil-borne disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum, which mostly occurs in the rhizome of rhododendron, because these parts are often wet, lack of sunlight, and Fusarium oxysporum is active frequently, once it invades the cortex, it will soon cause rot.

3. Control methods: half-known Fusarium fungi live on the plant remains in the soil, and still have infectivity in case of suitable hosts within several years. Alkaline soil, high humidity and high temperature are all conducive to the development and spread of the disease, so after diagnosis, the dead plants and basin soil should be treated in time.

The adjacent plants can be soaked or eluted with 0.1% potassium permanganate and washed with clean water before potting, and the basin soil can be sprayed with 1000 times of topiramate in advance.

Attention should be paid to improving site ventilation, increasing light in the morning and evening, increasing application of potash fertilizer and improving disease resistance.

Smear the trunk with 200 times topiramate around May every year, once every 7 to 10 days, three times in a row to prevent infection.

Azalea red spider

1. Symptoms: mainly absorb the sap of the plant and make the leaves appear gray spots. In serious cases, it causes the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. The growth of new shoots is poor and the tree potential weakens.

2. incidence regularity: high temperature from June to August, especially in drought, but less harm in heavy rain and rainy weather.

3. Control methods: remove litter in winter to eliminate Yodong adults, and spray with 1000-fold solution of 10% Tianhuangxing EC, 3000-fold solution of 7051 insecticidal (insecticidal) or 1000-fold solution of pyridazinone (acarone) when damage occurs in March.

Iron deficiency chlorosis of rhododendron

Rhododendron iron deficiency chlorosis, also known as yellow leaf disease, chlorosis, is a common disease of potted rhododendron.

1. Symptoms: the disease often occurs on tender shoots and new leaves. At the initial stage, the mesophyll between the veins faded and lost its luster, and then gradually became yellow and white, but the veins remained green, making the green on the leaves reticulate. Then the yellowing degree increased gradually, except for the larger veins, the whole leaf turned yellow and white, and when it was serious, it scorched inward along the leaf and leaf edge.

2. The cause of the disease: rhododendron iron deficiency chlorosis is a physiological disease, mainly because soil iron deficiency or iron can not be absorbed and utilized, so it affects the synthesis of chlorophyll and makes the leaves turn yellowish green. In general, there are the following aspects: in calcareous alkaline soil, the soluble divalent iron that can be used is transformed into insoluble trivalent iron salt and precipitated, so that the roots cannot be absorbed; potted flowers are watered frequently, causing excessive leaching and loss of soluble iron in the soil. In the areas with heavy soil viscosity, poor drainage or high groundwater level, the root development is affected, the normal physiological activities of the roots can not be carried out, and the ability of the roots to absorb iron is reduced.

3. Prevention and control methods: rhododendron likes acid and alkali, should avoid planting in alkaline and calcium-rich soil; garden open-field planting, do not go near cement, brick walls or places where lime has been used. Potted rhododendron should use acidic soil, which can be replaced by alkaline soil; when rhododendron is planted in nursery, compost, green manure or other organic fertilizers can be used, and the organic acid produced in these fertilizers can dissolve insoluble iron in the soil and make it easier for plants to absorb. Or mixed with ferrous sulfate in fertilizer, the preparation is: ferrous sulfate 2.5-3 cm, oil meal 5-7.5 cm, dung 10-15 kg, water 200-250 jin, mixed, after its maturity into black can be used. This method has a good effect. In the slightly alkaline soil, 0.1-0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be irrigated, and the pH value of this solution is 4.7, which can turn the alkaline soil into an acidic soil, and the yellowing of tender leaves can be treated. At the same time, there are phosphorus and potassium elements in potassium dihydrogen acid. conducive to flowering and increase the number of flowers. Regular application of ferrous sulfate solution will cause too much sulfur and effective iron in the soil and poison plants. Disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate 0.14 g, ferrous sulfate 0.1 g (chemically pure) can be mixed into 500 ml tap water and foliar sprayed, the leaves should be sprayed on the front and back, once every 3 days, several times, good results can be obtained.

Botrytis cinerea

1. Symptoms: Botrytis cinerea occurs in leaves and flowers of rhododendron. Freezing injury is often the cause of leaf disease. In spring, cuckoos cultivated indoors and outdoors are often infected with Botrytis cinerea. In the early stage of the disease, necrotic spots appeared on the petals, expanded rapidly, and connected to each other to form large disease spots. Under the condition of high humidity, the disease produces a large number of gray conidium, hence the name Botrytis cinerea.

2. Pathogen: Botrytis cinerea [BotrytiscinereaPers.exFr.] It belongs to the subphylum of half-known bacteria. The fruiting body of the pathogen originates from the hyphae or sclerotia. Conidiophores tufted, gray, turning brown later, conidia ovate. Its sexual generation [Botryotinia****eliana (deBary) Whetze] belongs to the subphylum ascomycetes.

3. Control measures: ① should strengthen cultivation management, prevent frost injury and reduce the occurrence of diseases. ② indoor cultivation of cuckoos should pay attention to ventilation, not too wet. When diseased leaves and flowers are found in the daily management of ③, they should be removed and burned in time. If necessary, ④ should be sprayed with 50% clonitramine 1000 times solution or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 liquid and other medicament.

Third, what if the azaleas leaves are dry?

1. Temperature and humidity problems

Rhododendron is very strict on temperature and humidity. It generally grows at a temperature of 15: 30 ℃, and the humidity is required to be more than 60%. In addition, any environment is not suitable for rhododendron, otherwise it will lead to leaf drying, leaf loss, death and other problems.

Solution: if the drying up of rhododendron leaves is caused by the problem of temperature and humidity, we should adjust the temperature and humidity of the environment by adjusting light, watering and other means to keep it in an environment suitable for rhododendron growth. its leaves will return to normal.

2. Lighting problem

Azaleas belong to sunshine plants, like the sun, if it can not see the sun for a long time, keep it in a dark corner, the leaves of azaleas will dry up, or even fall later, but if the light is too strong, or under the light for a long time, the leaves of azaleas will also have the same problem, so what should we do if the leaves of rhododendrons dry up?

Solution: we can move the azaleas to the place where the astigmatism shines, or we can adjust them according to the season. In winter, the light can be appropriately stronger, and then move to the semi-shady place when the weather gradually warms up and heats up.

3. Overwatering

Under the condition of too much watering, each kind of plant will cause anoxia in the soil, cause some fibrous roots to rot, hinder the normal respiration of plants and the absorption of water and nutrients, and cause leaves to turn yellow and fall off, and azaleas are no exception. There are also reasons for the drying up of azaleas leaves.

Solution: if the azaleas dry up because of too much watering, we should pour out the water in time or change the pot soil to temporarily stop fertilization, and often loosen the soil to make the soil well ventilated.

4. Improper fertilization

Rhododendron is a plant that needs nutrients. It needs fertilization to supplement nutrients. If there is no fertilization for a long time, it will lead to the lack of nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil, so the azaleas will be malnourished and dry up, but it will not work if you apply too much fertilizer. So flower friends should pay attention to it.

Solution: for this kind of plant that needs nutrients, we have to apply fertilizer. if we apply too much fertilizer, we should stop fertilization immediately and increase the amount of water to make the fertilizer flow out of the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin, or pour the pot immediately. rinse the soil with water and then plant it back into the basin.

5. Soil problems

Most plants have certain requirements for the soil. For example, rhododendrons grow in the south and the north should pay special attention to the fact that most areas in the north contain more saline and alkali in the soil and water, and the red soil in the south is easy to lose acid and magnesium. All these are the reasons for the drying up of rhododendron leaves. In your case, what should we do if the rhododendron leaves dry up?

Solution: if this happens in the north, we can choose acidic soil when planting, often pour alum fertilizer during growth, while the south can apply calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer or spray magnesium sulfate solution to solve this problem.

Time: 2019-03-15 Click: