
How to make jasmine tea? How much is good jasmine tea? the procedure of scenting scented tea per jin

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Jasmine is not only ornamental, but also widely used to make scented tea, essential oils and desserts. It is a good choice for flowers. It has the effect of dispelling cold evil and assistant depression. It is understood that the output value of planting jasmine tea in Leshan, Sichuan has reached 20,000 yuan. So how much is the price of jasmine now? What's the market like?

Jasmine flower can not only be viewed, but also widely used to make scented tea, essential oil and dessert. It is a good choice of flower materials. It has the effect of dispelling cold evil and assisting depression. It is understood that Leshan, Sichuan Province planting mocha mu output value of 20,000 yuan! How much does Jasmine cost now? What about the market?

1. The best time to pick jasmine

The best time to pick jasmine flowers is from June to September every year. Villagers will pick jasmine flowers to sell money.

2. How much does jasmine cost now?

This year we are basically 20 yuan a catty, not so good in previous years, last year is basically 15 yuan a catty.

III. How is the benefit of planting jasmine per mu

At present, the planting area of jasmine in Qianwei County has reached nearly 100,000 mu, which is the second largest jasmine planting base in China. It needs 80,000 flower pickers every year, bringing 160 million yuan of income to the local area. In fact, this is only a link in the jasmine industry chain. The jasmine tea brewed by the local people for 300 years is the crystallization of wisdom.

Bao Yunxiu, Technical Consultant of Sichuan Fried Flower Danlu Tea Co., Ltd.: Three generations of our family are producing jasmine tea. We pay special attention to making this jasmine tea. Jasmine flowers are all organic jasmine flowers from Qianwei. Therefore, our jasmine tea drinks special fragrance and sweetness.

The output value of planting other crops per mu is only 3000 to 5000 yuan, and the output value of planting jasmine flower can reach more than 20,000 yuan. Moreover, planting jasmine flower is an industry for local farmers to transfer labor force locally. Planting jasmine flower realizes agricultural efficiency increase, farmers 'income increase and rural greening.

Chen Guangyong, Deputy County Mayor of Qianwei County People's Government: At present, the comprehensive output value of jasmine tea industry in the whole county has reached 2.88 billion yuan. In the next step, we will continue to rely on the unique jasmine resources to further enlarge and strengthen the jasmine tea industry, newly develop 5 jasmine tea intensive processing enterprises, and the number of processing enterprises will reach 50. We will continue to expand the sales market in the north and realize the comprehensive output value of jasmine tea of more than 4 billion yuan.

4. How to make jasmine tea from jasmine flowers

The flower bud is the key to making jasmine tea. Jasmine flowers have been favored by people since ancient times because of their white and flawless. The fragrance of jasmine flowers also makes jasmine tea the first choice for many consumers.

1. The scenting principle and procedure of scented tea

Scenting principle: Scented tea scenting process is mainly the process of fresh flower exhalation and tea embryo absorption. Jasmine flowers spit fragrance is biochemical changes, mature jasmine flowers in the enzyme, temperature, moisture, oxygen and other actions, decomposition of fragrant substances, with physiological changes, flowers open, and constantly spit out fragrance. Tea embryo absorption is under the physical adsorption effect, along with the absorption of fragrance also absorbs a large amount of water, due to the infiltration of water, produced chemical adsorption, in the wet heat effect, a complex chemical change occurred, tea soup gradually changed from green to yellow bright, taste light astringent to thick alcohol, forming a unique flower tea fragrance, color, taste.

2. Tea embryo treatment

Scented tea embryo, is refined with green tea (omitted) in accordance with the standard sample of scented tea embryo from the mix.

Drying: scenting tea embryo generally to be dried. Objective: The high-grade tea embryo is to emit sulky and stale flavor; the middle-grade tea embryo is to reduce the coarse and old flavor, etc., revealing the normal green tea flavor, which is conducive to improving the fresh purity of scented tea. The dryer temperature should not be too high, high-grade tea embryo in 100-110℃, low-grade tea embryo can be in 110-120℃. The traditional process requires that the moisture content of the tea embryo after baking is 4- 4.5%, and it cannot be baked with high fire, which is easy to produce fire scorched taste and affect the quality of scented tea.

Cooling: tea embryo re-fire after the general stack temperature is higher, in 60-80℃, must be spread cool, cool, until the tea stack temperature is 1-3℃ high room temperature can pay scenting, too high scenting, affecting jasmine vitality and spit incense, reduce the quality of tea, tea embryo temperature is lower, the better, so scenting and blending, so that the stack temperature rises slower, relatively prolong the 32-37℃ stack temperature time, conducive to flower spit incense and tea embryo absorption, improve the quality of tea.

3. Manual operation method of scenting scented tea

1/3-1/5 of the total amount of tea embryo is evenly spread on a clean scenting field with a thickness of 10-15cm, and then 1/3-1/5 of fresh flowers are equally divided according to the proportion of tea and flowers, and spread on the tea embryo surface, so that a layer of tea and a layer of flowers are separated into 3-5 layers, and then an iron rake is used to peel and mix from top to bottom. Tea embryo and fresh flowers were mixed and scenting was carried out according to box scenting, tun scenting and block scenting methods.


Time: 2019-03-15 Click: