
Planting techniques of Chinese cabbage

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of Chinese cabbage

Although cabbage is very common in daily life, it is actually a vegetable with high nutritional value. Eating more cabbage has the effect of promoting digestion, improving excretion capacity and preventing overuse of liver and kidney. Now the planting area of cabbage is also very extensive, and it is a kind of vegetable with very good economic benefits. So how to grow cabbage? The following editor brings you the planting technology of cabbage, let's have a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

The growth ability of Chinese cabbage is very strong and can grow normally in many types of soil. However, if large-scale cultivation has great requirements for yield, then we need to choose a soil with deep soil layer, high softness and rich organic matter. And should have good permeability, no diseases and insect pests, can ensure the growth of cabbage. Then it is necessary to do a good job of soil preparation, turn it about 30 cm deep, fine rake, and then expose to the sun for 2-3 days to disinfect and eliminate germs and pests in the soil. Then apply sufficient mature farm manure to provide sufficient nutrition for the growth of Chinese cabbage.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

The seed germination ability of Chinese cabbage is strong, but in order to further improve the seed germination rate and avoid the harm of diseases and insect pests. We should do a good job of sprouting and disinfection before sowing to ensure the benefit of breeding. After sowing, it is necessary to strengthen management, do a good job in water and fertilizer work, and promote seed emergence. After the seedlings were unearthed, interseedling work was carried out when the seedlings grew to about 3 true leaves, and then seedlings again when 6 true leaves were grown, and weeding should be done well and nutrients should be concentrated on cabbage plants. Then, according to the different varieties, the planting density was controlled and the seedlings were fixed, and one Chinese cabbage was retained in each planting hole.

3. Water and fertilizer management

Cabbage should be fertilized once in time after planting, and farm manure should be applied about twice a week. According to the change of weather and soil moisture, fertilizer should be mixed with water properly. In cabbage rosette and other important periods of growth, we should pay attention to the concentration of fertilizer, topdressing about once a week. Then increase the proportion of potash fertilizer after entering the pericardium period, and no longer apply fertilizer after closure. Chinese cabbage has different water requirements at different growth stages. Drip irrigation with small water should be used at seedling stage to keep the soil moist. And the rosette period to keep the soil dry and wet, water must not be too much, the production of stagnant water must be discharged in time.

4. Ploughing and weeding

Proper intertillage can improve the softness of the soil, so it is necessary to loosen the soil in the early stage of planting in order to facilitate the absorption of fertilizer. Combined with weeding, especially on a sunny day after the rainy season, ploughing should be done in time to avoid soil consolidation caused by the change of the environment and affect the growth of roots. During the rosette period, it should be combined with fertilization. It is convenient for water and fertilizer management to prevent diseases and insect pests, and then when watering, it is necessary to maintain a certain permeability in the ditch, reduce the humidity in the field, and avoid diseases such as soft rot.

The above is a brief introduction of cabbage planting technology, cabbage planting is relatively simple, but we can not ignore field management, as long as the most basic things are done well in order to ensure the healthy growth of cabbage. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.