
What diseases can Artemisia annua, the king of wild vegetables, treat? Do you understand all these effects and effects? And Artemisia annua L.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Artemisia annua, also known as Artemisia annua, Artemisia annua L., Artemisia annua L.

Artemisia annua, also known as Artemisia annua, Artemisia annua L., Artemisia annua L. What are the effects and effects? What's the difference from Artemisia annua?

What diseases can Artemisia annua treat? What are the effects and effects?

1. What are the effects of Artemisia annua?

Efficacy 1, heat-clearing and antipyretic: Artemisia annua contains Artemisia B, volatile oil, etc., which has a certain antipyretic effect on fever, can be directly soaked in water to drink, or eaten with licorice tablets, forsythia and other medicinal materials.

Efficacy 2, heat clearing and steaming: Artemisia annua can effectively cure night sweats, generally can be eaten with Anemarrhena anemarrhena or fish shell, can effectively eliminate the disease.

Efficacy 3, heat-clearing and dehumidification: Artemisia annua also has a certain therapeutic effect on chronic inflammation such as cholecystitis, which can be eaten together with peony, Scutellaria baicalensis and other medicinal materials.

Efficacy 4, stop bleeding and cool blood: Artemisia annua also has a certain therapeutic effect on nosebleed and blood diseases, which can be eaten together with Angelica and peony, which can have a certain hemostatic effect.

2. What are the functions of Artemisia annua?

First, cooling effect: Artemisia annua contains a lot of volatile oil, which can play a certain antipyretic effect, especially with honeysuckle and other medicament effect is better, can also play a good role in inhibiting inflammation.

Second, regulate immunity: Artemisia annua has a good two-way immune effect, which can not only resist its own immune diseases, but also improve the immune function.

Third, anti-cancer effect: Artemisia annua also has a good anti-cancer effect, regular consumption can have a certain inhibitory effect on human gastric cancer, lung cancer and so on.

Fourth, antimalarial effect: artemisinin can obviously inhibit the asexual growth of Plasmodium falciparum and has a direct killing effect on Plasmodium falciparum.

Action 5, antibacterial activity: Artemisia annua contains artemisinic acid, artemisinin B, etc., which can resist the activity of bacteria and fungi. Water decoction can inhibit Bacillus anthracis, Shigella dysenteriae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis produced by epidermis.

Second, the difference between Artemisia annua and Artemisia annua.

Difference 1: differences in families and genera:

Artemisia annua L. is an annual herb of the genus Artemisia of the family Compositae, which has pinnate leaves and fragrant plants.

Any of various annual herbs of the genus Artemisia of the family Compositae, having papery, multi-branched leaves and a smelly smell.

Difference two: the difference in flowers:

The head of Artemisia annua is large, generally hemispherical, and its length and width are about 3~4mm.

The head of Artemisia annua is small, generally subglobose, and its length and width are about 1.5mm.

Difference 3: the difference in leaves:

Artemisia annua leaves are mostly brown-green or dark green, the leaf surface is a pectinate pinnate, the more upward the leaf surface is thinner.

During the growth period, the leaves of Artemisia annua will appear different colors with the growth rate, generally green in the seedling stage, withered yellow in the mature stage, and the leaf surface is three-pinnate, the more upward, the smaller.

Difference 4: the difference of medicinal value

Artemisia annua contains volatile oil, Artemisia annua B and other ingredients, can play a cooling and antipyretic effect, especially in hot days, used to drink water can play a cooling antipyretic effect, but also can effectively help the human body sweat, avoid heatstroke.

Artemisia annua contains a lot of artemisinin, which can be extracted and used in medicine, has a certain therapeutic effect on cardiovascular diseases, and also has a certain resistance to parasites, fungi, bacteria and so on, so the medicinal range should be wider.

What are the effects and effects of artemisinin?

Artemisinin is a drug ingredient extracted from Artemisia annua and other plants, which can play a certain antimalarial effect on malaria. At the same time, it also has certain inhibitory effect on cervical cancer cells, breast cancer cells and so on. It has a certain bacteriostatic effect on Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Shigella dysenteriae and other fungi, so it has high medicinal value.

Time: 2019-03-15 Click: