
How many years can the yew grow into a big tree? How do you plant it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Among the animals are Chinese alligators, an ancient creature of the dinosaur period, and in plants, yew, a relict tree species left over from the ice age. And the yew is a plant with poor regeneration ability, so how many years can it grow into a big tree? How do you plant it? How many years can the yew grow into a big tree?

Among the animals are Chinese alligators, an ancient creature of the dinosaur period, and in plants, yew, a relict tree species left over from the ice age. And the yew is a plant with poor regeneration ability, so how many years can it grow into a big tree? How do you plant it?

First, how many years can the yew grow into a big tree?

1. Taxus is recognized as a kind of natural rare anticancer plant on the verge of extinction in the world. it has high requirements for the growth environment. It usually takes one or two hundred years to grow from a small seedling to a big tree.

two。 At present, there are about 11 species of Taxus in the world, distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. Because of its growth characteristics, there is no large-scale raw material forest base in the world.

Second, how to plant yew?

1. Taxus can be planted or planted with seedlings, and the seedlings just planted will grow relatively slowly, generally growing at more than ten centimeters a year. But the transplanted yew will grow faster, about 20 to 30 centimeters a year.

two。 When planting yew, it is best to choose a place with gentle, open and fertile soil, with a planting density of about 0.8 to 1.2 meters, with 7,000 to 9,000 trees per hectare.

3. Every year in early winter and early spring, about 0.1 kg of compound fertilizer can be applied per hole, and a certain amount of foliar fertilizer can be sprayed. Topdressing of yew can be carried out from May to July, mainly nitrogen fertilizer for two or three times. In addition, it should be noted that the yew is a plant that likes shade and dampness, so it is necessary to prevent the plant from being hurt by strong light, as well as drought. Keep the soil moist.

4. Before and after the summer dormancy after the seedlings survived, the trunk was cut off at a distance of 30 centimeters from the ground, which will be beneficial to the germination and growth of lateral branches.

Third, what is the price of yew?

1. Taxol contained in Taxus is an effective anticancer substance, but the extraction of taxol requires a large number of yew branches and leaves, generally more than 10,000 kilograms of Taxus branches and leaves can extract one kilogram of taxol. And the global yew stock is very scarce, simply not enough to meet the current market demand, resulting in the high price of yew and paclitaxel. Among them, paclitaxel can sell for millions of dollars per kilogram, but the key is that it is still marketable and priceless.

The price of 2.20cm yew in the timber market is about 70,000 yuan / ton, while that of 14-18cm yew is about 45000 yuan / ton.

Fourth, what is the specific function of the yew?

1. Taxus has anti-cancer effects: taxol contained in Taxus can effectively treat cancer.

two。 Taxus can treat heart disease and inhibit diabetes: Taxus can be said to be full of treasure, and its roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine.

3. Taxus has the effect of promoting blood circulation and promoting menstruation: Taxus can warm the kidney and pass menstruation, and it can also treat symptoms such as irregular menstruation and dysmenorrhea in women.

4. Taxus has the effect of diuresis and detumescence and the treatment of kidney disease.

5. Taxus can be planted as a landscape tree, can also be used as furniture, equipment, carving and so on, and its seeds can also extract oil, it can be said to make the best use of things without wasting a dime.

Time: 2019-03-15 Click: