
The market price of dried safflower of traditional Chinese medicine is about 50 yuan per jin! How much money can you make by planting one mu? Super practical and high yield planting

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Safflower, also known as grass safflower, Sichuan safflower. It has the function of promoting blood circulation and dispelling blood stasis, which belongs to a large variety commonly used in the market of traditional Chinese medicine, and is one of the important medicines in gynecology. Safflower products safflower oil, safflower seed oil has a wide range of uses, almost every family must have. So how much is the market price of dried safflower per jin? How much money can you make by planting one mu?

Safflower, also known as grass safflower, Sichuan safflower. It has the function of activating blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis, belongs to a large number of commonly used varieties in the Chinese herbal medicine market, and is one of the important gynecological medicines. Safflower products safflower oil, safflower seed oil use is very wide, almost every essential. So how much is the market price of dried safflower? How much can you earn by planting an acre? Now for everyone to collate safflower super practical high-yield planting tips as follows:

How much is the price of red flowers?

However, the planting area of safflower in our country is very small. With the increase of safflower demand year by year in recent years, the price of safflower fluctuates at a high level all the time. At present, the average price of dried safflower market in China is about 100 yuan/kg, that is to say, it can reach 50 yuan per catty.

II. The whole village "abandoned" cotton and planted safflower together

In Shuangqu Village, ** Huocheng County, a villager named Ai Zimaiti told Zhaocai that safflower not only has a good market prospect, but also is easy to plant. The survival rate of planting is almost 100%, emergence is fast, there are no diseases and insect pests, management is simple, picking is convenient and growth time is short.

Ai Zimaiti excitedly said that his family has 15 mu of land to plant safflower, according to 30 kilograms of dried flowers per mu, 90-100 yuan per kilogram of dried flowers to calculate, the output value can reach about 30,000 yuan, planting safflower income is much higher than planting other crops, he will expand planting area next year.

Because of the good market prospect of safflower, more than 70 villagers in Shuangqu Village have planted safflower, covering an area of more than 800 mu, and the first planting, a bumper harvest.

So what kind of conditions do you need to grow medicinal safflower? How can I plant safflower to get a bumper harvest? Today's small series for everyone to share the cultivation technology of safflower.

III. Tips for Medicinal Safflower Cultivation

1. Land selection and preparation

Both northern and southern soils can be planted.

After selecting the land, apply 3000~4000kg of enclosure fertilizer per mu, apply appropriate amount of decomposed cake fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, cultivate carefully and rake, and make beds after leveling. The north is made into a 1m wide flat bed, and the south is made into a small high bed 20~25cm high to facilitate drainage.

2. Seed sowing

South and Huanghuai valley in October autumn sowing, to "autumn equinox" before and after the appropriate, not too late. Autumn sowing deep-rooted, strong disaster resistance, high yield. ** Spring sowing, usually in the middle and late March.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water at about 50℃ for 10 minutes, then cooled in cold water, and then taken out to dry and sow. either drill or hole sowing.

According to the row spacing of about 45cm, open a ditch about 5 cm deep, spread the seeds evenly in the ditch, cover the soil 3~ 4 cm, and compact.

The hole spacing is the same as the drill sowing, according to the plant spacing of 20~25cm, open the hole of 5 cm deep, 4~5 seeds are placed in each hole, and the soil is covered and compacted.

Can also adopt the big and small ridge drilling method, big ridge width 90cm, small ridge width 40cm, fixed seedling spacing 20cm, this density is easy to cultivate, topdressing, more conducive to flower picking.

Divide into large and small ridges, so that small ridges can be watered, and large ridges can be managed and picked flowers. The amount of seed used per mu is 2.5~3kg.

3. Field management

Thinning and seedling determination

Autumn sown safflower, before the year seedlings have 3 true leaves, hole sown each nest to leave 3~4 plants, drill sown every 10~12cm to leave a seedling. At this time, such as lack of seedlings should be transplanted with soil to supplement seedlings. In the following spring, the seedlings were fixed when the height of seedlings was 10~12cm. 2 plants were reserved in each nest for hole sowing, and seedlings were determined according to the plant spacing of 20~25cm for drilling sowing, and the weak ones were removed and the strong ones were reserved.

intertilled weeding

Intertillage can loosen the soil and weeding can reduce nutrient consumption, which is a management measure to improve safflower yield.

In the south, three times of intertillage are generally carried out, the first two times are combined with intercropping and seedling setting, and the third time is before plant sealing. The first two times should be shallow hoe, the third time should be deep hoe, and combined with soil cultivation, safflower plant roots should be raised about 10cm, to prevent lodging. In addition to the north, in case of drought after watering, should be timely loose soil to prevent hardening, affecting plant growth.


Safflower in addition to the application of sufficient base fertilizer, but also according to soil fertility and growth and development, reasonable topdressing.

After seedling determination, urea 20~25kg/mu was applied to promote seedling growth. 1500~2000kg of decomposed fertilizer can be applied at the stem branching stage or before sealing, scattered beside the roots, covered with soil fertilizer, watered when the land is dry, which can not only supplement fertility, but also prevent lodging. Before budding, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed on leaves and applied to roots to promote flowering.


Safflower is drought tolerant. After sowing and emergence, it is generally not watered before the year, but watered in combination with fertilization in the spring of the next year. The soil should be kept moist during flowering to make the flowers bloom fully. After branching, in case of rainy days, attention should be paid to discharging accumulated water in the ground.


Fertile land, planting density is sparse plot, in the seedling height of 18~20cm, the top will be removed, so that more branches, more buds, improve yield. If the land is barren and the safflower is planted too densely, it should not be topped.


Generally, single plant selection in the field is adopted. At the same time of flower picking, thornless safflower with strong growth, strong disease resistance, many branches, large flower bulb, long corolla, consistent height and short length, early flowering, bright color and single plant shall be marked well. After waiting for seed to mature, pick the seed of inflorescence center, collect singly singly only deposit, leave make seed.

harvesting and processing

Harvest time, south in May ~ June, north in June ~ July. According to the planting season and climate around the safflower varies, generally autumn sowing in the "mango seed" and "summer solstice" harvest, spring sowing to be a little later.

When the flowers are all open, when the top of the corolla changes from yellow to red, the color is bright red or dark red, and the flowers can be picked (most of the corolla of the thornless safflower is red and yellow). Pick at the right time, not too early or too late. Pick sunny days to prevent rain. Thorned safflower when there is dew in the morning to pick, no thorn safflower to be picked after the dew dry. Pay attention to picking the corolla at harvest time to improve yield.

Picked flowers spread on the mat, put ventilation and light to dry, do not expose to the sun; after exposure, the color is light, the smell volatilizes, affecting the quality. Do not turn when drying in the shade, so as not to blacken and reduce quality.

Although safflower itself has good cold resistance, drought resistance, disease resistance and other characteristics, but too bad planting conditions will still have a certain negative impact on its yield. Therefore, scientific planting technology can greatly increase the yield of safflower.

Time: 2019-03-14 Click: