
How to grow potted strawberries? Which month is better? What if it doesn't blossom?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Strawberry is one of our favorite fruits, which is rich in vitamins and is of great help to the body. In fact, strawberries can be potted, so how to grow potted strawberries? Which month is better? What if it doesn't blossom? How to grow potted strawberries?

Strawberry is one of our favorite fruits, which is rich in vitamins and is of great help to the body. In fact, strawberries can be potted, so how to grow potted strawberries? Which month is better? What if it doesn't blossom?

First, how to grow potted strawberries?

1. Select basins, soil and varieties

It is appropriate to choose ceramic pots with a diameter of 20-30 cm in pots. The basin soil is selected with high humus content. It is better to use European four Seasons Red, Changhong No. 2, 83-38 and other excellent four Seasons Strawberry varieties. It can blossom and bear fruit many times throughout the year.

2. Cultivation techniques.

Potted plants can be planted all the year round. But from the garden seedlings on the pot, it is best to carry out in autumn. Choose strong seedlings, take more soil when you start the seedlings, remove the old residual leaves, and cut the roots of the seedlings to about 10 cm. Let the roots stretch and plant in the potted soil. The depth of planting is based on the principle of not showing roots and not paying attention to it. The soil should be solid, fixed seedling position, so that the soil surface and basin mouth to maintain a distance of 3-4 cm. Water thoroughly after planting, leave it in the shade for 3-5 days, then move to a place with plenty of light.

3. Fertilizer and water management

Strawberries of the four seasons blossom and bear fruit many times a year, and the nutrition consumption is high, so it is necessary to strengthen the nutrient supplement. Can be used animal hoofs, fish bones, poultry viscera, bean cake, etc., add water to mature fermentation, retting into liquid fertilizer or topdressing compound fertilizer. Usually top dressing once a week. Outdoor potted plants, watered once every morning and evening. When watering, you should warm the water in advance and reuse it, and do not use well water or tap water directly.

4. Seedling management

Plant management of potted strawberries should be strengthened. First, timely thinning buds, picking leaves, removing stolons. The high-level flowers that are about to be ineffective should be properly thinned in the bud dispersion period. Old leaves, residual leaves, diseased leaves and excess stolons were removed to reduce nutrient consumption and improve fruit quality. The second is fruit shaping. That is, the fruit racks of different shapes are made with iron wire or bamboo sticks and put into flowerpots to make the ears ventilated and transparent, the fruit coloring evenly, prevent the soil from polluting the fruit and reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests. At the same time, stolons can also be used for artistic modeling to improve the ornamental value. Third, corresponding comprehensive control measures should be adopted for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

5. Change the basin

After potted strawberries bear fruit for 2 years, the pot or soil should be changed after the fruit. When changing the pot, first take the plant out of the basin, cut off the senescent root, dead root and lower aging rhizome, and then plant it into the new potted soil.

6. Temperature and humidity

Generally, the temperature of potted strawberries is 20-25 ℃, and the room temperature is above 15 ℃ in winter. The flowerpot should be placed in a ventilated and sunny place, and the pot soil should always be kept moist.

When will potted strawberries be planted?

In fact, strawberry seeds do not have a very obvious dormancy period, and they can germinate if they are planted at the right time. However, due to the differences in climate and environmental conditions in different regions, the specific planting time is still different.

Generally speaking, the main factor affecting strawberry planting is temperature. Generally speaking, with the change of temperature region, from south to north, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and the time of sowing will be earlier and earlier. The suitable sowing time for strawberries is concentrated between August and October. According to the growth mechanism of strawberries, strawberries can be picked slowly from January of the following year.

However, if it is a family potted strawberry culture, the time of sowing is actually relatively random. Because family potted strawberries are cultivated only to meet their own needs, and the breeding environment is relatively easy to control, so as long as they can create an environment suitable for strawberry growth, they can sow seeds at will.

Basically, knowing some key points of strawberry sowing, sowing according to the above time as far as possible will be more suitable for strawberry growth.

What if potted strawberries do not blossom?

If strawberries do not blossom in the course of maintenance, it is mostly because of our own maintenance problems.

1. Variety problem

If strawberries do not blossom, we should first know the varieties of strawberries, because different varieties of plants are different when they bloom, and they may not blossom because they do not have enough time to grow.

2. Plenty of sunshine

Strawberry is a shade-tolerant plant, but if we want it to grow and blossom better, we should get enough light. Generally, we can accept full or short sunshine in the process of maintenance. Only in this way can we effectively help it promote flower bud differentiation.

3. the temperature is suitable for its growth.

If you want to make strawberries blossom, it is not possible to manage the temperature of strawberries without proper temperature. generally, in the process of maintenance, we will keep the temperature below 20 degrees, because this will make its flower buds differentiate more quickly. compared to the high temperature, it will be disadvantageous to its flowering.

4. Watering properly

Whether we water too much or too little, it will affect its flowering, because too much watering will lead to stagnant water and rotten roots, and too little watering will lead to water shortage. so in the process of maintenance, we have to make sure that its basin soil is in a wet state.

5. Fertilize it reasonably.

Plants need a lot of nutrients to blossom and bear fruit, but because there are certain restrictions on the nutrition of potted plants, we need to supplement nutrients through fertilization at this time. We can increase the use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before strawberries blossom, which can more effectively promote its flower bud differentiation.

6. Picking leaves to promote flowering

We need to remove some of his leaves in the process of maintaining it, which can induce it to blossom more effectively, especially to remove the old leaves before it blossoms, which is very helpful to its flowering.

Time: 2019-03-14 Click: