
How to raise the beautiful and elegant lotus? Does it have to be hydroponic? (with planting method)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As the saying goes, if your heart is like a lotus, you are not afraid of flashy and noisy; if you are calm at the bottom of your heart, you are not afraid of the long way to go. Lotus symbolizes nobility, comes out of the mud without stain, and is deeply loved by flower growers. How to raise lotus flowers? Does it have to be hydroponic? What is the specific planting method? Let's get to know it together. How to raise lotus flowers

As the saying goes, "if your heart is like a lotus, you are not afraid of flashy and noisy; if you are calm at the bottom of your heart, you are not afraid of the long way to go." Lotus symbolizes nobility, comes out of the mud without stain, and is deeply loved by flower growers. How to raise lotus flowers? Does it have to be hydroponic? What is the specific planting method? Let's get to know it together.

First, how to raise the lotus? Does it have to be hydroponic?

Lotus we generally recommend soil culture, because mud is soil, and the root system of water lotus is lotus root, if there is no mud fixed, it will float to the surface, even if it is fixed with a tool, this tool also lacks the nutrients contained in the mud. And water culture is not only difficult to grow, but also prone to stunting and unable to blossom. But it does not mean that it must not be hydroponic, and it can also be cultivated in accordance with the conditions.

2. Lotus planting method

(1) potted plants

1. Flowerpot

Flowerpots are decided according to personal preferences and the overall style of the family. They can be transparent pots or clay. Try to choose a flowerpot with an outward opening, and the wider the opening, the bigger the flower. The deeper the flowerpot, the longer the flowering period.

two。 Soil

Potted water lilies can also be cultivated in water or soil. When choosing soil, it is best to choose flower soil with high viscosity.

3. Fertilizer application

Before planting water lilies, a little long-acting fertilizer can be placed at the bottom of the basin. During the growing or flowering period, about 1.5-2.5 months, long-acting fertilizer or root fertilizer should be added about 3-5cm away from the corm. Pay attention to no more fertilization after the end of September, because it has been gradually autumn, water lilies will also enter the dormant period, fattening, but will cause rotten roots.

4. Suitable temperature

The suitable temperature for water lilies is about 25-30 ℃. The flowers contract at night or when the temperature is colder, and bloom automatically when the temperature is suitable.

5. Autumn and winter maintenance

Water lilies are dormant as the temperature drops in autumn and winter. At this time, only water is filled up and there is no need to manage it.

7. Pest control

Common diseases include anthrax and leaf rot, as well as insect pests. Daily fertilization should be appropriate, and at the same time, diseased plants should be pulled out in time to remove residual leaves. You can also use symptomatic chemicals to spray, but when spraying chemicals, you should pay attention to moving potted water lilies outdoors.

(2) Pond cultivation

1. Choose the pond with fertile soil, the bottom of the pond at least has 30cm deep soil, the propagation can be planted directly into the soil, the water level should be shallow at the beginning, controlled at 2~3cm, it is easy to heat up, and gradually increase the water level with the growth.

two。 According to different regions, the water level in the pool can be deepened before winter, so that the rhizome can survive the winter under the ice. The advantage is that the population effect is good, the growth is large, and the disadvantage is that it is difficult to dig in the next year, and it is not easy to control diseases and insect pests.

3. Early spring to the pond water, the bottom of the application of basic fertilizer (cake fertilizer, barnyard manure, broken bones and calcium superphosphate, etc.), and then fill the soil, and then the water lily roots into the soil, flooding 20-30 cm deep, exuberant summer water level can be deeper, can be maintained at 40-50 cm, the current should not be too fast. If the pond water is too deep, the planting table or trough can be built with brick in the water, or 1 m × 1 m can be separated by plastic board in the long planting trough, and multiple varieties can be planted, so as to avoid the mixing of varieties. It can also be planted in the pot first, and then put into the pool. During the growth period, topdressing can be applied for 1 or 2 times. In July and August, 50 g cake fertilizer powder and 10 g urea were mixed into small packets of paper and hand-stuffed into the soil a little further away from the root of the plant, 2-4 packets per plant.

Turn the pond once about 3 years after planting to avoid overcrowding and recession. Keep the water depth about 1 m before freezing in winter to avoid freezing at the bottom of the pool and damaging the rhizome.

Time: 2019-03-14 Click: