
"greenhouse flowers" how to raise the magnolia to be exuberant? What if the leaves are spotted and yellowed?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Since ancient times, we have compared the four plants of Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum to elegant gentlemen, and the majority of literati love to write poems and lyrics to praise the quality of the four gentlemen. Among them, there are thousands of varieties of orchids, so today we come to understand how to cultivate one of the orchids in order to be exuberant? What if the leaves turn yellow with long spots?

Since ancient times, we have compared the four plants of "plum orchid bamboo chrysanthemum" to elegant gentlemen, and the majority of literati love to write poems and lyrics to praise the quality of the "four gentlemen". Among them, there are thousands of varieties of orchids, so today we come to understand how to cultivate one of the orchids in order to be exuberant? What if the leaves are spotted and yellowed?

First, how to raise a gentleman's orchid to be exuberant?

Magnolia is a kind of "longevity" plant, and it is also designated as a city flower by Changchun City in China. It also has other names, such as Lycoris grandiflora, Damulan, Lycoris swordleaf and so on. It is one of the common cultivated varieties of "flower friends". Let's learn how to raise the magnolia in the end to be exuberant.

1. The gentleman orchid wants the exuberant soil to be fertile: the gentleman orchid is a kind of plant that likes the rich and loose soil, and the orchid loves rotten material, so when planting the gentleman orchid, it is best to go to the flower-and-bird market to buy special fertilizer soil. or use rotten leaf soil, pine needles, river sand, plant ash and base fertilizer to form its growth soil.

two。 If you want to water the orchid vigorously, you should have the right amount: the orchid likes to grow in a moist environment, so it must not be killed by loam. Gentleman orchid watering is also very particular:

(1) the choice of watering: it can be Rain Water, river, pond water, snow water (pay attention to the water temperature should not be too low, preferably close to room temperature), these are conducive to the growth of Magnolia. Of course, tap water is fine, but leave it for a few days before using it.

(2) the choice of watering method: in order to maintain soil moisture while not over waterlogging, spray water on the surface soil when the soil is moist, and sprinkle it evenly with a sprinkler if it needs to be thoroughly watered.

(3) the choice of watering times and intervals: in spring and autumn, you can water every two or three days at 90 o'clock in the morning; in summer, you should water once a day, preferably in the morning and evening; in winter, gentleman orchids can be watered once a week when they are dormant.

3. It is reasonable for Cymbidium to want exuberant light: Cymbidium is a semi-shaded plant, so it should be shaded in summer, but keep a certain amount of light in winter, so that it can grow exuberantly and produce beautiful flowers.

4. If you want to fertilize vigorously, you should be diligent: if you fertilize enough, the orchid will grow well, and the flowers will be big and bright. Fertilizer must have the existence of three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, you can choose fried sesame seeds, melon seeds and other shelled plant seeds, or you can also principle plant ash, charcoal, rice bran, and rotten poultry droppings; do not get leaf surface and orchid heart when fertilizing, fertilizing in winter and spring is more than in summer, fertilization is done in sunny days, the seedlings of Cymbidium are fertilized once a week, and orchids are fertilized once a week or so.

5. There is also one of the most important: Cymbidium is a famous greenhouse plant, so the temperature can not be too high or too low (the suitable temperature is 15 to 25 degrees, not less than 10 degrees), otherwise it will affect the growth and flowering.

Second, what if the leaves of Cymbidium are spotted and yellowed?

1. If the gentleman orchid grows spots in the process of culture, you can:

(1) cut off the long-spotted leaves directly, which is only suitable for the first few long spots.

(2) change the soil for the long-spotted gentleman orchid, wash the original soil on the root when changing the soil, and put on the new soil after drying. In addition, unhealthy leaves should also be cut off.

(3) the long spots on the leaves of Cymbidium can also be sprayed once every semimonthly until the long-spotted leaves return to normal.

two。 If the leaves of Cymbidium are yellowed in the process of culture, they can:

(1) the leaves turn yellow caused by excessive watering: if the root system of Cymbidium is not rotten, it can be placed in a ventilated place, and during this period, stop watering it; if the root system is rotten, cut off the decayed root of Cymbidium, soak it with potassium permanganate to dry and repot it on the soil.

(2) yellowing of leaves caused by excessive fertilization: first stop fertilizing the orchid, and then rinse the soil with water to wash away the excess fertilizer; if it is rotten roots, you can only change the soil to rot roots and replant them.

(3) leaves yellowing caused by lack of light: if there is not enough light, just give it enough light, but don't expose it directly to the sun, accept the light slowly.

Third, what is the exquisite arrangement of the gentleman orchid?

1. Orchids can not be placed directly on the balcony: too hot in summer and too cold in winter can cause the death of orchids.

two。 Gentleman orchid can not be put on the coffee table at home: fengshui that putting gentleman orchid on the coffee table may affect fengshui, family harmony and wealth.

3. Don't put the gentleman's orchid on the back of the porch: fengshui may bring bad luck or dissipate the wealth of the family.

Although some of the arrangements of the orchid are fengshui, it is true that they cannot be placed on the balcony. After all, the orchid is a "flower in the greenhouse".

Time: 2019-03-14 Click: